Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2518: angry to return

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Ye Qingqing didn't dare to move, she kept standing motionless, wondering if she would bounce again after waiting. It was too light and she wasn't sure if it was fetal movement. Chatting, their fetal movements are continuous, sometimes they can be noisy for ten minutes, just like Nezha in the stomach, making adults tossed enough.

Now she has no other high requirements for this **** in her stomach. She only hopes to be more active, at least like a normal baby, and don't move like a salted fish from morning to night.

Every time a group of mothers-to-be chatted in the hospital and listened to those women proudly and excitedly say how naughty their babies were, Ye Qingqing was very sad. Those women were disgusted by their mouths, but they were actually proud of their hearts. The children would move to show that Good health, healthy, lively and smart, which mother is not happy!

But her family...

Ye Qingqing felt heartbroken just thinking about it, and now it's even more heartbroken.

Because she was bent for a long time, the little bunny didn't move, and her waist was sore.

"Hey, you should move again, you are so light, I know if you are farting or saying hello, let me tell you, that one move just now doesn't count, are you not eating or don't want to move? I take so many supplements every day. , it's all made up for you, the doctor also said that you have at least eight pounds, how could you not have the strength... I think you are lazy..."

Ye Qingqing was so angry that she babbled on her stomach for a long time, and it was so light, how could she know if it was fetal movement, other people's fetal movements are all Nezha troubled sea, her family is better, it is smaller than the fart movement.

Ouch, **** her off!

I murmured with the **** in my stomach for a long time, and my saliva was dry, but there was no movement.

"Qingqing, what's wrong?"

Lin Shufang came over with a bowl of steaming chicken soup, and she could hear this girl chattering all by herself from a distance.

"I'm teaching the little bastard, didn't I scold him just now, this kid seems to understand, seems to move slightly, I let him move again, well, like deaf, he refuses to move. ...I'm so **** off...Mom, did Lu Mo have this virtue before? I can imagine the miserable life in the future!"

Ye Qingqing became more and more popular. In the early stage of pregnancy, she was full of infinitely beautiful longing for the future life of raising a baby. Now...hehe, she just wants to return it, where it comes from and where it goes, anyway, don't put it in her stomach.

Lin Shufang heard it funny and said angrily, "Don't live or die, it's unlucky, Amo was naughty when he was a child, how can a child not be naughty, the one who doesn't move is a wooden man..."

Halfway through speaking, Lin Shufang suddenly muted and looked at Ye Qingqing's stomach awkwardly. Isn't her family just motionless!

Ye Qingqing suddenly had a bitter face and wailed, "It's over, it's over, my family is not a wooden man, what can I do now, Mom... I want to return it, I don't want to give birth..."

Lin Shufang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and comforted her in a good voice, "Isn't it born yet, maybe it will give you a headache in the future, you still wish to be quiet, darling, drink the chicken soup, don't say these words in the future, eight months My grandson will be sad if you say that.”

Ye Qingqing snorted and said in a bad tone, "I'm worried that he won't care if he dies, and I won't care about him either. If you don't drink chicken soup, this little **** will starve to death!"

Drinking so much tonic soup can't move, and drink a fart!

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