Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2588: group ridicule

When the old lady saw her son, her eyes instantly turned red, and she cried with extreme grievance. Xiaojie's father sank and looked at his wife in dissatisfaction, but he was still rational, knowing that it would only be more embarrassing if the trouble continued.

"Mom, talk about it when you get home."

Xiaojie's father gave the old lady a wink and shook his head slightly, but he was actually helpless. He heard the last few words of Ye Qingqing just now, and guessed that it was his old lady showing off again.

In fact, he still enjoys the old lady's showing off, especially when he returned to his hometown, the whole village praised him, and even the mayor came to visit him. The feeling of praising him to the sky was even more sour than when he graduated with a doctorate degree.

After all, the gold content of his doctoral degree is not high, it is just an ordinary university, unlike Xiaojie's mother who is a postdoctoral fellow at Cambridge University, so the gold content is high, so the job search has a wider range of choices than his, and his income is several times higher than his. .

This reality made Xiaojie's father feel a little inferior, but he thought he concealed it well and kept his face calm, but life is the most real mirror of the demon. He had already reflected his heart clearly, and it also affected his mother.

"Zhao Wenshan, so it's you, is this your mother?" Someone recognized Xiaojie's father and stopped him, his tone was a little more mocking.

The man named Xiaojie's father was the fat man who said that Lift was not treated well before. He looked at Xiaojie's father with a half-smile but an intriguing smile.

Xiaojie's father looked a little unnatural. This fat man was his former colleague who also worked in Lyft, and he was his subordinate, so the relationship was not very harmonious.

However, a few years ago, the fat man resigned, and he was invited to start a company as a partner before he left, but Xiaojie's father, who was conservative by nature, refused. At that time, Xiaojie's mother actually supported him to start a business, but Xiaojie's father was afraid of losing money, and he Very satisfied with the status quo, with an annual salary of one million, he is considered a superior person, why bother to start from scratch?

Besides, starting a business means that he may fail. If he fails, everything becomes zero. He has reached middle age, and he has lost the aggressiveness of his youth. He just wants to live a comfortable life, so starting a business can be avoided.

But I didn't expect that the fat man was only three or four years old, and the company was prosperous, and he became a customer of Lift Company. He used to be his subordinate, but now he is a company customer. It's not a taste. Now that this fat man is still a resident of the community, he is even more uncomfortable.

Xiaojie's father smiled unnaturally, said hello, and wanted to take his mother home.

But the fat man said again: "Old Zhao, we are also old friends, there are some things I have to say, your mother's nonsense should be corrected, we can't control the dirty water of your daughter-in-law, but other people Lu I didn't recruit your mother, right? Your mother is boring as a high school student. Even if Mr. Lu has a high school education, she is still a role model for my generation. How can your mother, an old rural lady, belittle her!"

"That's right, Lu always keeps a low profile, otherwise with his net worth, he can get a few honorary doctorates by donating a little money, and I heard that Kyoto University invited President Lu to give lectures many times, but he was rejected by President Lu, saying He's not qualified."

"Mr. Doctor, Kyoto University shouldn't have invited him to give lectures, right?"

Others couldn't stand the old lady's arrogance, and she didn't speak very politely. Xiaojie's father's face was blushing, and the old face couldn't hold back, and he complained more to the old lady in his heart.

It's okay to be shy in your hometown. Anyway, the country people don't know anything. The people living in this community are all elites. What's wrong with the old lady?

Make trouble for him!

Xiaojie's mother snorted coldly and dragged Xiaojie home. She was still hesitating whether to get a divorce, and no one could help her.


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