Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2596: make trouble

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Lin Baiwei is worthy of being an executive of a foreign company. He is very efficient. The next day, when Lin Shufang went home from shopping, she told Ye Qingqing about the news of the Zhao family.

"There was a big commotion at their house yesterday. The old lady was going to drink toilet cleaner, so Xiaojie's father was holding him back."

Ye Qingqing was not surprised at all, "Don't worry, this old lady didn't have enough luck, how could she be willing to die, she just wanted to threaten her daughter-in-law, Mom, has Lin Bai compromised?"

"Who is Lin Baiwei?" Lin Shufang was stunned, she didn't get in touch with Xiaojie's mother for a while.

"It's Xiaojie's mother. I told you a few days ago that Xiaojie's mother shares your surname, Lin Baiwei." Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

Lin Shufang patted her forehead, "That's right, I remember, Xiao Lin was very tough this time, saying that the old lady would get divorced if she didn't go back to her hometown, and the old lady didn't go to buy food today. When I passed Zhao's house, I saw the old lady sighing in the yard. ."

"It has to be like this. Lin Baiwei has to show up this courage earlier, and Xiaojie won't get crooked." Ye Qingqing was relieved.

Lin Shufang shook her head. Although Lin Baiwei threatened her parents-in-law a bit too much, that old lady is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, but if she was sensible, how could Lin Baiwei do anything?

She is Lin Baiwei as a daughter-in-law, she is generous enough and reasonable enough. It is the old lady who has gone too far, and Xiaojie's father did not mediate for his wife and mother, which made the family atmosphere more and more rigid.

"However, Xiao Lin is so troublesome, how will she and Xiaojie's father live in the future? After all, she is someone's own mother, so she has to be more euphemistic." Lin Shufang said.

Ye Qingqing sneered, "Mom, that family doesn't treat Lin Baiwei as their own, let me tell you..."

She mentioned that Xiaojie's father's salary has been used to support his brothers and sisters over the years, Lin Shufang frowned, "Xiao Lin is too confused, her husband's wallet must be kept, how can you spend money on brothers and sisters? Her appetite has grown, and she has her own responsibility."

Ye Qingqing nodded, it was true, Lin Baiwei was too inactive, but the most hateful thing was Xiaojie's father's family, all of them were like vampires.

Like Lin Shufang, she has always been very open-minded. Since Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo got married, she didn't care about Lu Mo's money. In fact, Ye Qingqing didn't care at all, but Lin Shufang refused and only asked Ye Qingqing to pay her living expenses for a month.

Ye Qingqing gave Lin Shufang 20,000 yuan a month for household use, and then put 10,000 yuan of reserve money in the drawer, so that Lin Shufang was not enough to go to the drawer to get it. But so far, the drawer has never been used, and Lin Shufang also said that 20,000 yuan There are too many pieces, and she can't spend it at all, so let Ye Qingqing give some.

However, Ye Qingqing has always been 20,000 yuan, and she often buys gifts for Lin Shufang. Her mother-in-law is sensible, and she must be sensible as a daughter-in-law, so that the family will be harmonious.

In the afternoon, Ye Qingqing slept well and was about to pick up the little pig from the kindergarten. Just after the little pig was picked up, and before she had been sitting for five minutes, Grandma Xiaojie came running angrily, standing outside the yard, roaring, swearing, Very unclean.

"You bastard, what's in the way of my family? You gave my daughter-in-law a bad idea and drove my old woman back to my hometown to farm, oh... I can't live... I can't live... I'm so lucky Painful..."

The old lady was screaming in the yard, one after another, and she was on a par with the old lady Ye.

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