Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2664: Raised a white-eyed wolf

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The police took notes for everyone, and Zhao Baishan also honestly explained that his purpose of bringing Xiaojie back to his hometown was to use Xiaojie to coerce Lin Baiwei to give money. Zhao Wenshan, who hurried over after receiving a call from the police station, couldn’t believe it. The brothers are so bad, but after hearing Zhao Baishan's explanation, Zhao Wenshan's lungs exploded with anger, and the gentleman turned into a furious lion.

"You bastard, Xiaojie is the nephew of your direct relative, you still want to sell Xiaojie? And hit a three-year-old child? Zhao Baishan, Zhao Baishan, how can you be so vicious, you are still not human..."

Zhao Wenshan was angry and scared at the same time. Lu Mo was well-known in Pingjiang's business circles. He mixed black and white very well. No one dared to provoke Lu Mo, but his parents and brothers were very brave. First he went to Lu's house to scold the door, and now he even hit his precious son with a car.

Last time, Mr. Lu Mo didn't care about his mother a lot. This time, I'm afraid he can't escape. Zhao Wenshan can't imagine what the consequences will be. It's very likely that he can't even keep his job, but Lu Mo and his boss can fight together. Golf friendship!

There is also his son Xiaojie, who was almost sold by this beast. He is not too young, and he has only one son in his life. Zhao Baishan wants to kill him!

"White-eyed wolf... You black-eyed wolf, I have raised your family all these years, the house was built by me, the wife was paid for by me to help you marry, and the child was raised by me, you are still alive Of the three, I have only given birth to one, you haven't even planted green onions all these years, you only eat ready-made ones, you will avenge your kindness, beast... I'll beat you to death!"

Zhao Wenshan was so angry that he couldn't care about Sven, so he rushed up to fight with Zhao Baishan. Fortunately, Zhao Baishan was handcuffed, otherwise the three Zhao Wenshan would not be able to fight, so Zhao Wenshan was out of breath after a few fights. Tired enough.

"Back then, the whole family offered you to study alone, but none of us had to study, and we had to go up the mountain to collect herbs in exchange for money for you. Your doctor was offered by me, and it was you who promised to support my family, hum, a I don’t think it’s too small to give me that much money every month. If I changed my studies back then, it would be me who would make a lot of money now, and I still need to spend your money!”

Zhao Baishan looked angry. He was ten years younger than Zhao Wenshan and was the youngest in the family. In fact, when Zhao Wenshan was studying, Zhao Baishan didn't do much at all. He was still a playful age, and this guy was lazy since he was a child. How could he be honest? live.

However, Zhao Wenshan's eldest sister and the following two younger siblings did contribute to his schooling. The eldest sister even married him early, but the marriage was not very good, but the other party gave more dowry than others, so Xiaojie's grandparents did not hesitate. The eldest daughter was married off without a penny of dowry. As a result, the eldest daughter had no status in her husband's family, and her life was very difficult. It was not until Zhao Wenshan's prospects that the eldest daughter turned over to be the master.

Zhao Wenshan is actually very clear in his heart. Like a mirror, he knows how much his brothers and sisters have contributed, so he gives the eldest sister the most in return, but he does not give less to the following ones. Zhao Baishan is because his parents are distressed. The youngest son, so he often helps out secretly, and Zhao Wenshan also turns a blind eye, not wanting to make trouble with his parents for a few small money.

But he didn't expect that his tolerance was exchanged for a white-eyed wolf, which almost ruined his family. At this moment, Zhao Wenshan understood what Lin Baiwei said: "Sooner or later, you will be sucked dry by them. Die, but don't implicate me and Xiaojie!"

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