Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2681: Finally understand the suffering and tiredness of women

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In the evening, Lu Mo and the others will not come back for the time being, because the three children haven't had enough time. They have played all kinds of amusement facilities during the day, and they are all very exciting, such as the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel. Since it is specially to accompany the children to play, it is natural to let the children have a good time.

The two fathers called and reported that, unlike the child's high spirits, Xiaohu's father was so tired that he couldn't even hold his phone, and complained to his daughter-in-law, "This is the first time I know that our little tiger is so daring, and I'm watching the Ferris wheel from below. My eyes are dizzy, Xiaohu sits on it and gestures to take a picture, but fortunately President Lu came with him. With him, I didn't even dare to go up...

I'm exhausted my mother, my waist is broken after running all day, why aren't these children tired? I have to watch the show at night, saying that there are Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, what's so good about these..."

Xiaohu's father complained while holding his mobile phone. In the past, he always felt that it was easy to take care of children. Isn't it just to coax them. His mother gave birth to six children, each only a year or two away. They were all brought up by his mother. The six brothers and sisters are all in great health, and they are living a prosperous life now.

In the past, Xiaohu's mother complained to him that he was tired, and he also felt that his daughter-in-law was hypocritical. He sewed and mended, in the impression that his mother never rested from morning to night, and there was always work in her hands.

When he woke up, his mother had already prepared breakfast, fed the chickens and ducks, swept the yard, and was finally free. He went to the door to chat, and he had to hold a sewing basket in his hand, while chatting while chatting. The soles of the shoes, the shoes of the whole family, are all taken out by his mother needle by thread.

The brothers and sisters were sleeping, and his mother was still sewing clothes under the dim oil lamp, squinting and sewing very carefully. Her mother was always the first to get up and the last to sleep in the family, and she had never seen her rest.

The same is true of his father. He is always busy. In order to make their brothers and sisters study and eat enough, they either go to the fields or go to the mountains to collect herbs, or go to help other people's homes. His father is a mason with good skills. People would call him father when they built a house, but the masons worked hard, and his father gave the good food to their brothers and sisters. The nutrition couldn't keep up, and he looked much older than his peers.

It's hard to wait for their siblings to grow up to be promising, and they want their parents to be happy, but their bodies are also broken. Although there is nothing serious, they always don't get better. The doctor said that they were too tired when they were young, which hurt their vitality. , you have to take it slowly.

After he had money, he found a lot of old Chinese medicine for his parents. He spent a lot of money and took a lot of medicines, but his parents were not doing well. In the past, his mother could cook meals for a family. Hand-made noodles are too much to make, his parents always say that they are useless, and let them stop spending money indiscriminately, one day is another day.

But as a child, how can you ignore your parents? The six brothers and sisters have always worked together in filial piety to their parents. All of them are willing to pay for their efforts. Parents buy delicious food, so he rarely manages his daughter-in-law to spend money for her parents' family.

Xiaohu's father suddenly thought about his childhood, and his eyes were a little sore. He was exhausted after only one day with his son. His mother was so tired with six before, no wonder his body was exhausted.

At that time, there was also a daughter-in-law who had to take care of children and start a business with him. She went up and down in the wind and rain, and she never complained of bitterness. He sometimes said that her daughter-in-law was hypocritical, alas, it should not be.

Xiaohu's mother listened to her husband's complaints and was overjoyed. Xiaohu's father suddenly said, "Yueyun, you've worked hard all these years."

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