Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2710: The threshold is very high

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Two days ago, Ye Qingqing called Ding Ba and asked him to find someone clean and tasteful, but don't underestimate the men under Ding Ba, not all of them only know the things in the room.

If you want to satisfy female customers, you have to know everything from all over the world, so your educational background should not be too low, your taste must be unique, and it is best to know more than one foreign language. The threshold is quite high. of.

Just like those courtesans in ancient times, all of them were proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and were good at singing and dancing. They knew more skills than today's female stars, and their worth was naturally extraordinary. A bunch of men were willing to spend money just for the sake of Bomei people.

The same is true for cowherds, and when women become crazy, they are more generous than men. The first-class cowherds under Ding Ba earn no less than female top players, and there are not a few who earn millions of dollars a year.

This William is one of the top cards. He is not too educated, but he is articulate, attentive, and fluent in English. He is not particularly handsome, but he has a unique melancholy temperament, which makes him very popular among female clients. , but now that he is a little older and earns about the same amount of money, William rarely takes orders, unless it is some old customers.

Ye Qingqing and Ding Ba talked about Lin Baiwei's situation, Ding Ba thought of William, so he personally called William to take the order. As soon as William heard that she was a female postdoctoral fellow, and she was not too old, she became curious and agreed. .

Lin Baiwei is shopping with Zhou Yueyun. Zhou Yueyun has been shopping like crazy these days. Two days ago, she thought that the underwear of several hundred yuan was too expensive, but after trying the expensive underwear, the woman decided to throw away her bargain. , put it on immediately.

After that, he kept buying jewelry, clothes, bags, cosmetics, and spending money without hesitation, more than Lin Baiwei bought.

Seeing Ye Qingqing's text message, Lin Bai's face instantly turned red, and he hesitated, should he go to that night bar at night?

"Bai Wei, give me some advice, I'm dazzled." Zhou Yueyun waved at her, they were buying jewelry, and Zhou Yueyun was choosing necklaces.

Lin Bai walked over slightly, and Zhou Yueyun chose a beeswax pendant. There were many styles, and she liked all of them.

"Pick these two."

Lin Baiwei suggested to buy a bigger pendant, because Zhou Yueyun's body is plump, too small to hold back, the bigger one looks richer, and the price of beeswax is not too expensive, even if the bigger one is only a few thousand more expensive, Zhou Yueyun is completely affordable.

"Okay, listen to you, which one do you like, Bai Wei, I'll give it to you."

"Just this small, I like small."

Lin Baiwei casually chose a small safety buckle, so that Zhou Yueyun would not have to hang on those two sets of clothes.

"It doesn't matter if this flower is rich or noble, you will definitely look good when you wear it." Zhou Yueyun chose one more piece. Lin Baiwei had something in his heart and didn't say anything. The two pieces together would not be more than 10,000 yuan. There is no need to fight for this amount of money. come and go.

Zhou Yueyun also picked out a brand of beeswax and bracelets for Du Guoqiang. She saw that many male clients wore these, but her husband was bald. Maybe those clients were laughing at her husband behind his back!

"Enough. After a while, your vision may change again. It's not good to buy so much raw ash at home. I'll buy it again after a while."

Lin Baiwei persuaded Zhou Yueyun, who still wanted to continue shopping. This woman spent money yesterday, and she doesn't know what happened today. Spending money is like opening the valve, and she doesn't feel bad at all.

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