Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2725: Tighten the purse

Lin Baiwei and Zhou Yueyun didn't go into details, they only admitted that they were really in a relationship, and that the man met by chance. Zhou Yueyun was very happy for her, and like Ye Qingqing, let her hold her money tightly.

"Just listen to a man's sweet words. Money is the most loyal, but don't be stupid and put your hard-earned money into a man's bag."

"I know, I'm not that stupid." Lin Baiwei assured him again and again.

"Normally I'm not stupid, but when a woman falls in love, her mind will follow the water, and it's easiest to do stupid things." Zhou Yueyun warned.

Lin Bai smiled dumbly, and promised again that Zhou Yueyun asked her to bring William over to take a look.

"We'll help you with the staff, but I always feel that you don't see men well." Zhou Yueyun made no secret of her disgust for Lin Baiwei's vision.

Although Lin Baiwei is a postdoctoral fellow, she is not as good as a junior high school graduate in picking a man. Isn't Zhao Wenshan and Du Guoqiang very different?

"I'll arrange it when I have a chance in the future." Lin Baiwei doesn't really think about it now. She wants to wait until the relationship is more stable before letting William appear in front of her friends.

Seriously, she doesn't even know what the future will hold now, and she takes one step at a time.

In the next few days, Lin Baiwei, like a flower and a butterfly, shuttled between the two places. People are young and energetic, and they are a little more charming. The nourishment of love is really the best skin care. Pin, Lin Baiwei is now a flower that has been watered brightly and brilliantly, and I don't know how long it will bloom.

The second week came soon. Xiaozhu and the others were about to start school. Lin Baiwei reluctantly separated from William. The three families returned to the community. After registering their children, they began a peaceful life of picking up and dropping off their children.

However, there is also a new atmosphere. Lin Baiwei has become a beautiful scenery in the community. She is no longer the old-fashioned and dull nun's clothes. Even when she goes to work, she wears fresh and fashionable professional clothes. Coupled with the nourishment of love, she is in good condition. It looks like he is in his thirties at most, and his work efficiency has also improved a lot. Male subordinates who used to be difficult to discipline now feel more obedient.

Lin Baiwei finally understood the meaning of Ye Qingqing's words. When facing beautiful women, men are indeed much better at talking.

Zhou Yueyun also made a new change. She and her son worked hard to lose weight, walking 10,000 steps a day, eating boiled vegetables in the evening, eating more in the morning, eating a small amount of staple food at noon, plus Ye Qingqing's pills, persisted for half a month. I lost five kilograms, but the base is too large, and it seems that there is no change. In order to put on beautiful spring clothes as soon as possible, Zhou Yueyun simply skipped the lunch at noon.

Then, after holding on like this for less than three days, when Zhou Yueyun went to pick up his son from school, he fainted gloriously on the side of the road. Fortunately, Sister Zhao of Lin Baiwei's family was behind and carried Zhou Yueyun home with Xiaohu, who came to look for him crying. Ye Qingqing.

"Auntie Ye, my mother is dying, woohoo"

Xiaohu burst into tears, Ye Qingqing was taken aback. Yesterday, he saw Zhou Yueyun still alive and kicking, but his face was indeed not very good, but it was not to the point of death.

She followed Xiaohu to Du's house, Zhou Yueyun leaned on the sofa weakly, her face was pale, sweating profusely, her consciousness was still awake, and she had obvious symptoms of hypoglycemia, Ye Qingqing frowned, took her pulse, and her expression became more serious .

Zhou Yueyun woke up leisurely, seeing Ye Qingqing's face, her heart froze, and the little strength she had just recovered was gone again, "I am not seriously ill, there are still a few days, you can tell me exactly, I am very bear it."

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