Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2731: Elite Education

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Another year has passed, Zhou Yueyun's youngest son is half a year old, and he is as strong as his elder brother Xiaohu.

Zhou Yueyun has lost a lot of weight than before, because he paid attention to his diet during pregnancy, and went to Tangyuanyuan for a month after giving birth. After confinement, he lost weight, and the nutrition of the child can be guaranteed. The little guy is fat, eat and sleep, sleep After eating, it is very easy to bring, and it does not let adults worry at all.

Xiaozhu is also four and a half years old, about the same height as the seven-year-old Xiaohu. Xiaohu will start the first grade in the second half of the year, and he will start after the summer vacation. Zhou Yueyun also enrolls his children in a bilingual private school, which is a better private school in Pingjiang. Of course, tuition fees for schools are not cheap. It costs 250,000 yuan a year, and there are study trips abroad every winter and summer vacation. In addition, there are also hobbies such as fencing, horseback riding, piano, violin, etc. These are the so-called elegant hobbies popular in the upper class. Commonly known as aristocratic culture.

Zhou Yueyun and his wife are determined to make their son become a high-ranking man. They don't care how much money they spend. They will never let their son lose at the starting line. Noble education must be started from an early age, and nothing can be left behind.

Xiaojie and Xiaohu are still in the same class. He is also in the first grade. Lin Baiwei and Zhou Yueyun signed up together and paid the tuition.

"Oh, it's really expensive to raise children now. Three years in kindergarten is 500,000 yuan, and six years in elementary school is 1,500,000 yuan. Not including food, drink and clothing, I heard that you will have to learn at least one degree in the future. Two hobbies, I asked Xiaohu, he said he wanted to learn to ride horses, that stuff can cost money.

There are also winter and summer vacations to study abroad. I chatted with Xiaohu’s head teacher. She said that she has to go abroad to study at least twice a year, once in winter and summer vacations, and there are other exchange students. Every semester, some students will be selected to study abroad. These seven Seven or eighty-eight is also a lot of money. I did the math. After one elementary school, it would be less than two million yuan. "

Zhou Yueyun sighed with emotion. She didn't feel bad for money. The company's business is getting better and better now. It is not difficult to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to raise her son.

"I used to go to junior high school, and it only cost ten yuan a semester. My parents didn't let me go to school, but now it's hundreds of thousands of dollars. Xiaohu is not the most expensive. I heard that there is a school that costs me a year 500,000, it seems to be jointly run with an Ivy League school, it is easier to get into the universities in the M country, and it is called elite education."

Zhou Yueyun was speechless. The daughter of one of Du Guoqiang's clients was studying at that school, but she wanted to go, but it was a pity that Xiaohu's qualifications were so poor that other schools looked down on him.

"That school is very difficult to get into. The model of the school follows that of Europe and the United States. It is indeed an elite education. The pressure on children is also great. The children of some friends I know go to school there. Da, Xiaohu, and Xiaojie couldn't bear that kind of learning mode."

Although Lin Baiwei is a scholar, she knows how hard it is to study, so she doesn't want her son to be as hard as she is, as long as she is a happy and ordinary person.

Moreover, Xiaojie's IQ is not low. Even if he doesn't go to an elite school, it doesn't mean that he can't become a talent. Lin Baiwei has confidence in his son.

No one can be sure about the future. Children from elite schools will not necessarily be elites in the future, and those who come out of ordinary schools may not be all scumbags. Lin Baiwei just wants to let his son enjoy childhood happiness, so that when he grows up, there will be no Regret.

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