Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2784: The belly is full of reading spirit

For Ye Mingcheng during that time, it was not only psychologically torment, but also physical torment.

He has been cared for by several servants since he was a child, and he has never washed a single chopstick, but when he arrived on the farm, he had to do heavy physical work. Every day, countless blood blisters would form on his shoulders and hands, and it would be like being burned by fire. It hurts like burning, but no one will feel sorry for you, and you will be scolded or even beaten after a little rest.

Until now, every time I think about that experience, Ye Mingcheng feels incredible. If he hadn't adhered to the belief of reuniting with his relatives and his wife, maybe he would have collapsed long ago?

Ye Mingcheng sighed, he was confused, he had lived for most of his life, and he had not yet figured it out. World events are unpredictable, who knows whether the world will change in the future, it is necessary to be prepared for danger!

Seeing that Ye Mingcheng was silent and his face was not good-looking, Ye Qingqing thought that her words were too heavy, and Ye Mingcheng couldn't step down, and she felt a little guilty.

Then he slowed down his tone and said, "Dad, you are right in your idea of ​​being rich and clean. Your daughter does have to be rich, but it's not that you have a wrong understanding of richness. This wealth doesn't refer to material wealth, but to material wealth. It's spiritual wealth, but you have made Wuchen a prodigal fool. How can she step into society in the future? Some people eat meat and don't spit their bones. Can you protect her for a lifetime?"

This is what she is most worried about. In the past, she only regarded Wuchen as strong in force. She never thought that she would be bullied. of.

No matter how powerful the force value is, it can't get a lot of hearts. Wuchen is a **** example.

Now I'm just cheating some money. If I encounter someone with a darker heart in the future, I'll give this girl some medicine. No matter how powerful she is, she can't do anything. Fortunately, this kind of thing has not happened yet, and it's still too late to correct her mistakes.

The others nodded repeatedly. Doctor Ye was confused, but his eldest daughter was clear-headed and made sense.

"Doctor Ye, your daughter is right. Wealth support is not your way of raising. You have to ask the girl to read more books. The book has its own big world, and you can broaden your horizons, increase your knowledge, and have more minds. You have to let your little girl read more books."

The speaker was an old gentleman with a strong bookish spirit, who was also in the clinic. He very much agreed with Ye Qingqing's words, the world is difficult, it is more difficult for girls to survive than men, and they need to read more books.

The middle-aged woman also said: "Although I don't have a daughter, I taught my son to save when I was a child. The family's money is earned through hard work, and not a penny should be spent indiscriminately. The child is quite sensible. Give him 1,000 yuan a month, he has a surplus every month, and he will also do part-time jobs himself. Although he earns not much, it is enough to have this heart."

Everyone was talking nonsense, all agreeing with Ye Qingqing, feeling that Ye Mingcheng's education failed and must be corrected.

Ye Mingcheng listened humbly, he had already realized the mistake, and naturally he had to correct it. He sincerely promised that he would never give money again, and he took the initiative to hand in the bank card and deposit certificate.

"It's all for you to keep, you just give me some living expenses every month."

Ye Qingqing accepted it rudely, "I'll give it back to you when Wuchen corrects the problem. I'll give you two thousand yuan a month. The clinic's money will be managed by Dr. Hu, and it will be settled in half a month. You can handle the money, but you can't give that girl a chance."

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