Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2924: The old man is missing

Ye Qingqing patted her head angrily and was so busy that she forgot about such an important matter.

"It's your aunt who's bad. You should have taken you to see your mother long ago, but her mother is injured and will not be able to go home until a few days later." Ye Qingqing said softly, this child is really sensible and distressing.

Yin Yin twisted her fingers uneasily, with tears in her eyes, "Mom...will she die?"

"No, my aunt and you promise that my mother will be able to go home after a while, just like before." Ye Qingqing raised her hand to assure, seeing that the little girl was still a little unconvinced, she took her hand.

"Let's pull the hook. If aunt deceives you, let me grow into an elephant's trunk."

Only then did Yin Yin believe it. She wiped away her tears embarrassedly, and felt at ease.

Ye Qingqing and Lin Shufang cleaned up the room together. Lu Mo took Yinyin to the hospital. The hospital was not far from Wushan Road. She came back soon after. Yinyin's eyes were red and she had obviously cried.

"Don't be afraid, Mom will be fine. Mom will come out and talk to you in two days." Ye Qingqing comforted the little girl.

Yinyin nodded. In fact, she was still scared, but she knew that she had to behave badly. Her uncle and aunt were very busy, so she had to be obedient.

Lin Shufang sighed, put her arms around Yin Yin and asked, "Mother-in-law is a little afraid to sleep alone. Is it okay for Yin Yin to sleep with her mother-in-law at night?"


Yin Yin nodded obediently, and Lin Shufang patted her on the head lightly. This child is too sensible. He hides everything in his heart and refuses to say it. He will be very tired in the future.

Alas, he is also a hard-working child, and I hope to be more cheerful when he grows up.

The room was tidied up, and the three children went to bed. Ye Qingqing wanted to take a bath and sleep. After a day of tossing around, she was very tired, but Lu Mo's cell phone rang, and Lu Jianfeng hurriedly shouted, "No one at home, the old man doesn't know where he went. "Amo, come here quickly."

Lu Mo immediately put on his coat, took the car keys and went out. Ye Qingqing wanted to follow, but Lu Mo didn't let her and let her take care of the children at home.

Lin Shufang was worried, "Will something happen to the old man? He has always been strong and respectful, but now that such a big thing has happened, will he suddenly lose his mind?"

"No, Grandpa climbed out of a pile of dead people. No matter how big things are, he can't stand it. I guess he went out to relax. Lu Mo and uncle will definitely find it. Mom, go to sleep, there was nothing in the car just now. Sleep well." Ye Qingqing comforted.

Lin Shufang took a tranquilizer in the car before, and she fell asleep at first, but not long after she and Lu Mo got off the car, Lin Shufang woke up somehow, and she didn't sleep for a few minutes.

Lin Shufang had a tired face. She was kidnapped one day, and she saw Lu Qinghua being killed. Her nerves collapsed. Even the tranquilizers couldn't make her sleep soundly. I woke up from a nightmare, and now I am sleepy again.

"Mom, I'll give you a few stitches."

Ye Qingqing asked Lin Shufang to lie on the bed and put in a few sedative needles. It didn't take long for Lin Shufang to fall asleep with Yin Yin lying next to her, but the little girl was still not asleep. Although she pretended to be asleep, her breathing was obviously faster. Ye Qingqing heard it immediately.

"Eat a candy and go to sleep."

Ye Qingqing took out the tranquilizer specially prepared for the child and fed it to Yinyin. This girl is too worried and it is not good for her health. She has to find a way to solve it in the future. The little girl only needs to be responsible for being happy. Thinking too much can easily lead to depression.

Not long after, Yin Yin also fell asleep, huddled in Lin Shufang's arms and slept very soundly. Ye Qingqing rubbed her sore waist and went to take a shower, but she lost sleepiness and waited for Lu Mo's call.

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