
"Ah...my Lea...my daughter..."

Liya's father sat on the ground, raised his head and howled. He has three sons, and he finally gave birth to a little daughter. It's his eyeball. He works hard every day, just to save more money and make his daughter rich The dowry will not be looked down upon by the husband's family.

Now that it's all ruined, what's the point of his life?

The couple hugged each other and cried, and the sadness infected the passers-by, all of them looked sad and sighed.

The police also came and asked Liya's parents. They didn't know anything, they just shed tears. A policeman with rich experience in handling cases knew that Liya's death was poisoned and asked, "Your daughter has eaten it. what?"

"It's the same as usual. I had breakfast at Grandpa Huang's shop in the morning, and I played in my fruit shop for a while. I was thirsty and ate half a coconut, and then I went to the roadside to play. This street is full of acquaintances. Liya often plays alone and has never had an accident, but today..."

The woman regretted it too late. She had known that her daughter would have an accident. She didn't care about her business no matter how busy she was. Without her daughter, what's the point of earning more money.

"It's all my fault, I should have followed Liya... It's all my fault, God, take my life back to Liya..."

The woman thumped her chest, she hated herself to death, but time would not come back, and her daughter would not be able to call her mother again.

"The things in my store are definitely fine. I have opened a breakfast shop on this street for 20 years. All the customers who come to eat are old customers. There has never been a problem." An uncle in his fifties or sixties said loudly, he was Grandpa Huang.

Liya's mother also helped and said: "It's definitely not the problem of Huang A Gong's shop. Liya eats almost every day, and there has never been an accident. Which animal killed my Liya, sir, please catch it. That beast!"

"We will do our best, and you have to cheer up." The older policeman comforted the couple, he didn't dare to make a deal.

Based on his experience, the murderer is definitely a random crime. Poor Liya unfortunately met the murderer and became the first victim. This kind of case is the most difficult to solve, because there are no rules to follow, and there are too many uncertain factors. .

In the past, similar cases were mostly unsolved cases. In the archives of the police station, there were many unsolved cases 20 or 30 years ago. If there were no accidents, they would become fatal cases, and the murderer was unlikely to be brought to justice.

"Here's a candy bar."

The younger policeman saw the piece of candy lying quietly on the ground, his eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand to pick it up, and the little pig stepped forward to stop it, "Don't touch it, it's poisonous!"

It was only then that the older police noticed that Zhu Zi and Xiao Zhu were obviously foreigners. They were supposed to be on vacation. This city is a tourist destination. Every year, tourists from all over the world come here for vacation. Most of the people are of Chinese descent. If you ask anyone on the street, your ancestors may have migrated from China.

Counting back five hundred years, everyone is actually from the same ancestor, the descendants of Yan and Huang, naturally more intimacy, and there are many local elderly people who have not forgotten their local accents, speak fluent Chinese dialect, and maintain their living customs. The tradition of my hometown makes it even more cordial to see the compatriots who come from my hometown, so there are many Chinese people who come here to play. They can enjoy the exotic scenery, and there is not much obstacle to language communication, which is very convenient.

The woman suddenly pointed at Zhu Zi and Xiao Zhu and shouted, "They have been with my daughter all the time. When my daughter had an accident, they were by the side, and this person was bleeding to feed my daughter."

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