Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2946: There is a Buddha in the heart, there is a Buddha everywhere

Remember for a second【】

The woman thought that Ye Qingqing was helping her to speak, and looked proud, "Right, it's normal for children to be noisy, and which child did not grow up with stumbling and stumbling, and the children who were raised too expensively did not grow up, my Eddie is very sensible, Definitely not fighting for no reason."

Zhou Yueyun's anger rushed up again, "Your son is still sensible? With a naive mother like you, there is only one possibility for a son to be sensible. Either you green your husband, or your husband hacked you!"

The corner of Ye Qingqing's mouth twitched, and Zhou Yueyun's fighting power became more and more fierce.

It took a long time for the woman to regain her senses, and her face changed greatly, "You speak more cleanly, and then you put a cuckold on your husband. My husband and I are close to each other, respect each other like guests, and have a good relationship."

Zhou Yueyun's words stabbed at the woman's weakness, who made her husband really restless outside, she could only turn one eye and close one eye, as long as her husband was not afraid of the vixen taking him home, this was her bottom line.

But this kind of thing should not be said by others, You Qi said it in front of her, hitting people without slapping people in the face, scolding people without exposing them, Zhou Yueyun's unintentional words made the woman's face unbearable, and her words naturally became more yin and yang.

"I see that you and your husband are both tall and strong, but the son born is as weak as a chick, and likes to cry like a woman. Couldn't you be the one who gave birth to your husband when you are green?"

"Fuck you motherfucker, my son is talented, he doesn't only know how to fight like a savage, your son is a savage, at first glance, it looks like something born by a mother but not raised by a mother, who knows which savage you are with Born by a man!"

Zhou Yueyun has a lot of firepower, so damn, since she moved into the community, she has pretended to be suffocated to death, and now she may be allowed to fly freely.

When it comes to scolding the streets, Zhou Yueyun has never been afraid of others!

" only go out after eating feces. Talking is more stinky than spraying feces. Your son is a wild breed. A wild breed with no skills, he can't even fight. When he grows up, he will be useless!"

"Your family lives in a cesspool and eats maggots. If you have a Buddha in your heart, everyone is a Buddha. What you hold in your heart is shit, and everyone is shit. You eat maggots every day, so when you open your mouth and close your mouth, it's shit!"

Zhou Yueyun dropped a sentence because she heard what Ye Qingqing said, but she processed it by herself, making it easier to understand.

At least the woman understood it very well, her thin body trembled against the wind, snorted in the air, her nose opened and closed, her mouth trembled for a long time, and she didn't hold back a word.

Zhou Yueyun still made a statement, and made the opposite point, "Your own family are all useless, so everyone is useless, you are a wild breed, everyone is a wild breed, you are a male thief, a female prostitute, and hooking up with a concubine, only then will the forehead flash green, I can't wait to paint the floor of the house with green paint!"

" bitch!" The woman couldn't speak half of Zhou Yueyun's.

Zhou Yueyun sneered, "I am a shrew 10,000 times stronger than your prostitute, and my son is 10,000 times stronger than your bastard!"

"Let you... shit, my son..."

The woman wanted to say that her son was very powerful, but she was so angry that the language center was out of control, Zhou Yueyun easily intercepted her words, "You are a dog to give shit, I definitely can't let it out, everyone can see how your son is, no need You emphasize that your son is a waste snack."

"I...c your mother..." The woman was forced to swear.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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