Tang Yuanyuan's eyes were blank, like sleepwalking, and everyone dared not to disturb her. After a long time, Tang Yuanyuan had a reaction, and realized that she was not dreaming, she wondered to herself, "Why did I come to Qingqing's house? Tie Egg, you brought me here? What about patties and buns?"

She was obviously preparing to make yam cakes, she chose the freshest yam, and thought that it was ready to be delivered to An Jingjing, but she hadn't made the yam cake yet. How did Tie Dan bring her here?


The meat patties and meat buns have come, and the meat patties have fully recovered. As usual, Xiao Rou Bao's face is still a little bit bad. The chin that used to be chubby is now a little sharper, and the dumplings were quickly discovered.

"Tie Dan, you let Meat Bun eat snacks again, this girl refuses to eat properly when she eats snacks, how many times have I told you that snacks must be limited, your father and daughter are only deaf ears, look, it's only in such a short time. I’ve lost weight, and from now on, I won’t be allowed to eat snacks, and I will quit for three days!”

Tang Yuan Yuan rambled on and on, and couldn't remember what happened before. Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief. Let her know that she almost killed her own children and Lin Shufang, she will hate herself.

"Okay, if you don't eat for three days, I'll listen to you."

Tie Dan nodded vigorously, lowered his head and wiped his eyes. It would be good if his daughter-in-law came back. If her daughter-in-law couldn't wake up, what would he mean by living, but he couldn't die. He had to take care of the meat patties and meat buns, as well as Daddy Tang. , he also has to retire and die, and he will definitely live better than death.

Tang Yuanyuan laughed when he saw him, and said angrily, "I will cry when I say a few words to you.

"The sand is blinding my eyes, I'm going to the toilet."

Tie Dan strode to the bathroom, he couldn't bear it any longer, let's go to the bathroom and cry happily, otherwise his daughter-in-law will become suspicious.

"Xiaotong and Tiantian are back, huh...why is my mind empty? Where is my yam? Obviously I want to make yam cakes, Qingqing, am I getting dementia early?"

The more she thought about the dumplings, the more wrong she became. She remembered very clearly that after the yam was steamed, she wanted to grind it into mud, but she didn't remember what happened after that, and when she woke up, she went to Ye Qingqing's house.

Ye Qingqing didn't know how to answer for a while, pondered for a while, thinking about the reason, but Tang Yuanyuan thought that her situation was not very good, and thinking about Tie Dan's performance just now, her heart sank and she sank to the bottom.

She must have a bad disease, otherwise Tie Dan would not cry for no reason, and the atmosphere would not be so weird.

"Qingqing, tell me directly, I can stand it, what is the disease? Can it be cured?"

Ye Qingqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't think about it, you don't have any illness at all, just a little tired. You can make Tie Dan calm down. Even if you want to have a third child, you don't need to work hard every day."

"Bah, don't talk nonsense in front of the child, how can we not tell you every day..."

Tang Yuan Yuan's face was thin, red as blood, and she stared angrily, but she no longer doubted, thinking that she was really tired, she really felt very tired these days, she would feel sleepy while standing, and iron eggs at night It was really hard work, Ye Qingqing accidentally bumped into it, and successfully dispelled the doubts of the dumplings.

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