Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3061: It's too hard to buy a house

"Qingqing is right, it's too difficult to save money to buy a house. I saved enough this year, and then the price went up. I saved enough next year, but the price went up. I bought a house the year before and borrowed 100,000 yuan, and the house price has risen a little in the past two years. 100,000, if I save enough money to buy a house, I’m still renting a house!” Another female classmate has a heart, and she has a lesson from history.

Several other people also talked about their experience of buying a house. Basically, they bought a house with borrowed money, and few of them saved enough to buy a down payment.

"Ziqun, you have a stable job and provident fund. As long as you have enough down payment, it's fine to borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars. You and Professor Yu's wages are not low, and they will be paid back in a few years." Someone persuaded.

"I bought it myself. His family has a house, and there are three sets." Lu Ziqun said embarrassedly.

"What else would you buy with so many houses?"

"I just want to buy a house with my own name on it. I don't feel safe if I don't write my name." Lu Ziqun was even more embarrassed. She also discussed this with Yu Shaoning, but Yu Shaoning said she was a small peasant and scoffed, but Lu Ziqun scoffed. Still determined to buy a house.

Even if she does not live by herself, in the future, if her parents and relatives come to play here, she can live in her house and save money on the hotel.

"That's true. Men don't have a reliable house. You have to buy it as soon as possible. If you don't have the money, I still have tens of thousands of dollars. I'll lend it to you first, and you can pay me back slowly." Dafang, she and Lu Ziqun seem to have a good relationship.

"I've settled on a small apartment, more than 80 square meters, and the down payment is about 400,000 yuan. I'm still short of 150,000 yuan, and your tens of thousands of yuan are not enough." Lu Ziqun sighed. 200,000 yuan, and the parents at home couldn't help. Her brother married a powerful wife, and she dared not ask her parents to borrow money, lest her parents have a hard time.

The female classmate who borrowed the money was also embarrassed, "I only have 30,000 yuan, or you can find someone else to borrow some more, and it's enough for everyone to pool together."

The bag thing just went away like this. Sun Yurong glanced at Yu Shaoning who was chatting at another table from time to time. The eyes of the two interacted, and they were very ambiguous. Hearing Lu Ziqun crying, she couldn't help but said sourly: "Eighty dozen The square is too small, you have to buy a big one when you buy a house, even a few guests can’t sit in the area of ​​more than 80 square meters, at least one hundred square meters.”

Lu Ziqun felt unhappy and said lightly, "How much money can I do? I can't even afford more than 80 square meters. How can there be so much money to buy a big house."

"Sun Yurong, you are so rich, of course you don't have back pain when you stand and talk. How can it be so easy for ordinary people to buy a house? You can only afford a house with cheap, thrifty, and for decades!" The female student who borrowed money stabbed her I can't get used to Sun Yurong, how much money is amazing.

"You can save some money from your mouth. Money is earned, but not saved." Sun Yurong muttered, her voice was quite loud, everyone heard it, and other people's faces were not very good-looking.

Everyone is a working class, and they live a little better than ordinary people with their wages. They can’t compare with the boss. Therefore, Lu Ziqun said that buying a house is difficult. They were naturally uncomfortable.

Ye Qingqing couldn't take it anymore, and said, "Sun Yurong is right, you have to buy a bigger house to buy a house, Ziqun, you simply buy a three-bedroom apartment, how much is the down payment, and I will lend it to you, no interest, you have money Give it back to me."

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