Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3071: Weird Can't Get Pregnant

"But you haven't given birth to a child yet. Have you been married for three years? You and Yu Shaoning are both healthy, and they should have had a child long ago." Ye Qingqing said.

Lu Ziqun's heart stabbed, and he laughed even more bitterly.

If she and Yu Shaoning had a child, it might not be like this now.

Dong Siyue asked, "Do you have a lot of life as a husband and wife?"

Lu Ziqun was a little embarrassed, and said vaguely: "Not too much, we sleep in separate rooms, I sleep early, he sleeps late, he is afraid of affecting me."

Ye Qingqing frowned, how could the loving couple sleep in separate rooms, Lu Mo still hugs her when he sleeps, she doesn't know about other couples, but it shouldn't be like Lu Ziqun.

"As long as you have a married life, you can get pregnant. It's abnormal that you haven't moved for three years. Is Yu Shaoning's body okay?"

"No problem, we've all checked, we're both normal, and I've carefully calculated the ovulation period." Lu Ziqun couldn't understand.

Because husband and wife don't live much, she always does it during the ovulation period to ensure she can conceive, but she hasn't gotten pregnant yet. Her in-laws haven't said anything in the first two years, but this year, she complains from time to time and tells her not to eat it. Contraceptive pills, Lu Ziqun is really wronged, how could she take the pills, she is eager to have a baby sooner!

"That's weird, maybe you took some contraceptives and you didn't know it!" Ye Qingqing analyzed.

In the past, she had a patient who failed to conceive after three or four years of marriage. Moreover, her husband was married for a second time, and her ex-wife also divorced because she could not have children. She had been married for three years and still could not give birth, so she went to the hospital for help.

Ye Qingqing checked her body. The woman had no problems and was in good health, so she suggested that she bring her husband for a checkup. Originally, her husband was very masculine, and he divorced his ex-wife because his ex-wife said he had a problem. Insult, he is very strong, how could there be a problem.

But two consecutive wives were unable to get pregnant, and the man's confidence was shaken. In addition, Ye Qingqing was a famous doctor, her words still had weight, so the man came to the hospital for examination, and the result was not surprising at all, the man could not conceive, Because he was taking birth control pills for a long time.

The man was stunned at the time, wondering what was going on, how could he possibly take birth control pills, how much he wanted to have a child.

Ye Qingqing analyzed his diet and work. There is no problem with his work. The man is a contractor, not an office worker. He doesn't need to be in front of the computer for a long time.

But this man likes to eat eel, and he will eat it every three or five times. On average, he can eat more than ten or twenty meals a month. questionable.

But the problem also lies in the eel. Now many eels in the market are fat and big, like snakes, and they are all artificially bred. In order to make the eels grow faster, many farms will give the eels contraceptives to prevent birth control. The hormone components in the medicine can make the eel grow rapidly and save the cost of breeding.

It's okay to eat an occasional meal, but this man eats too much. After years of accumulation, his body naturally has a contraceptive function, so how could it be possible to get pregnant.

At that time, the man was so annoyed that he beat his chest and feet, wishing to beat himself to death. Fortunately, under Ye Qingqing's conditioning, the couple gave birth to a child a year later, which was considered a complete success. It's a pity that the innocent ex-wife was inexplicably taken the blame.

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