
"Then your daughter should have a good relationship with her grandparents, right?" Ye Qingqing asked.

Yu Anning nodded, feeling even more helpless, "Yes, I kissed my grandparents since I was a child, and it's the same now. I have a good relationship with her father, but I don't like talking to me very much, and I don't talk about things differently."

This is also her biggest pain. She didn't get married too early. She got married after five years of working. After marriage, she happened to be promoted in her job. She stopped preparing for pregnancy and devoted herself to work. After four years, her career After a little stability, I was ready to conceive, and I had Qiqi.

Seventy-seven of her thirty-two births is considered an advanced maternal age. When she was pregnant, her condition was very bad. She had gestational hypertension and an unstable fetus. , But my daughter's health was not very good when she was a child. For three days, her tonsils were inflamed. She had a fever and then coughed. If she couldn't suppress it, it would cause pneumonia, which was very troublesome.

Although she spends very little time with her daughter, her in-laws are basically taking care of her, but Yu Anning is still worried that her daughter is the flesh of her mother, and she would rather have all the diseases on her body, as long as her daughter can grow up safely .

But her daughter was different from her, and Yu Anning felt uncomfortable. She felt that no one in this world would love her daughter more than her, and Li Wensong loved her lover and future son more. Although her in-laws were kind to her daughter, that was because now There is no grandson, if there is a grandson, the situation of the daughter can be imagined.

She is the only one who loves her daughter unselfishly, but it's a pity that her daughter can't understand her pains. The older she gets, the more tense the relationship between her daughter and her will become, Yu Anning sighed, her heart aching.

Perhaps this is the curse of the daughter of the Yu family. They all have a bad relationship with their mother. Yu Anning heard from her father before that the relationship between her mother and her grandmother was also a little stiff. On the surface, she was polite, but it was all pretense. For outsiders to see, he will change his face when the door is closed.

Ye Qingqing knew as soon as he heard it, Yu Anning and her daughter did not have a harmonious relationship, and they were even a little nervous.

"So, in your daughter's heart, grandparents are No1, Li Wensong is No2, and you are the last, right?"

Although Yu Anning didn't want to admit it, he had no choice but to nod. That's the truth, but Ye Qingqing was wrong. She was not No3, her parents and Yu Shaoning's status were more important than her.

"Since your daughter loves her grandparents and father more, you leave so much money to your daughter, don't you worry that she will return the money to your husband's family in the future?" Ye Qingqing directly attacked the problem of the soul, leaving Yu Anning's face bloodless , lips trembling.

This possibility is too great. The Mother's Day gift her daughter gave her was always just an ordinary driver's card, but the gifts for her grandparents and her father were carefully selected. The hearts and thoughts are very precious, and every time I envy the peace and tranquility of death.

Every question of Ye Qingqing made Yu Anning flustered and lost his calmness and reason.

"Your priority now is not to work, but to live well. I can indeed cure you, but only if you take care of your body. If you work so hard, even the gods can't save you." Ye Qingqing said directly. , after a pause, and then taunted rudely.

"Otherwise, when you die, the money you earn will be cheaper for other people. If you buy a house, the mistress and her children will live there. Your daughter won't get even the slightest benefit. Can you rest in peace?"

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