Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3128: I want to marry again

Zhu Zi's face softened a little, but he could still pick out the thorns, "It's different, you still love that woman Ye Qingqing, this little fool doesn't love me."


There is obviously a qualitative difference, the little fool is very tricky, Zhu Zi is more and more unpleasant to Ye Tong, and for some reason, he is very upset, very, very upset.


Ye Tong's face was a little red, and he wanted to say that he also loved Zhu Zi, but he couldn't say it, it felt so numb.


If it wasn't for so many guests watching, Tiantian really wanted to give her brother a kick, but she was obviously making trouble unreasonably and deliberately making things difficult for Ye Tong.


Ye Qingqing looked hot and wanted to kick this dead man in the face, but she had to pay attention to her image, and it was not good for her to run directly to the stage.


The guests were all watching the excitement, and the onlookers were clear. They could understand Zhu Zi's mood. From what the bride said before, and the fact that the parents had only one elder brother, it could be inferred that the bride's siblings should have grown up without their parents since they were young. , Zhu Zi is both an elder brother and a father, and now the mood is the same as that of a father marrying a daughter, no matter how his son-in-law is not pleasing to the eye.


"You're talking about cross talk on the stage, come down quickly, or I'll go up and grab you!" Wuchen shouted from the stage, and rolled up his sleeves, ready to go up and grab people at all times.


Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, pushed Zhu Zi and told him to hurry down, Zhu Zi glanced at Ye Tong angrily, seeing Tian Tian's eyes still a little aggrieved, her sister now only has that little fool in her heart, and she doesn't stick to him anymore.


Girls are outgoing, the old saying is true.


Wuchen saw that he hadn't come down yet, so he got up and rushed up. Zhu Zi came down just now. Without poison, he would definitely be unable to beat this dead girl as powerful as an ox, so as not to make a fool of himself in public.


After coming down, Zhu Zi sat in the same place, feeling a little melancholy and empty. The younger sister will be the Ye family, the daughter-in-law of someone else, not just his sister.


I want to spend the New Year with that little fool, and I won't accompany him anymore.


Zhu Zi felt even more lost in her heart, full of unpleasantness, and the silent idea of ​​marriage resurfaced at this time, not because she wanted to have an extremely smart offspring, but because she was lonely.


Zhu Zi, who had never known what loneliness was like, suddenly felt extremely lonely at this moment. Although there were hundreds of people sitting around, the atmosphere was very lively, but the liveliness did not belong to him. He didn't know any of those people. In the end, he is still The poisonous insects on the mountain are no longer fragrant. In the past, as long as the poisonous insects were company, Zhu Zi felt that life was enjoyable, but now he does not want to go to the mountains to find poisonous insects at all, Those poisonous insects couldn't accompany him to talk to him, and it was useless to find him. He wanted to find someone who could talk, preferably a female one, but he couldn't accept the male one.


Of course, it has to be more beautiful. It's too ugly, and he's afraid he won't be able to eat.


Don't be too stupid, it will affect the IQ of the next generation.


His character can't be too weak, he can't be like dough. He hates this kind of person the most, and he's afraid that he won't be able to resist being poisoned to death.


But it can't be too strong. It's definitely not good to fight and kill all day long. He also hates such women.


Zhu Zimu thought wildly with a face, and summed it up. It is necessary to have a soft body and easy to push off, red sleeves and fragrance, and a high degree of education. It is best to have some talent, play the piano and compose poetry. Playing the piano to relieve boredom requires a little bit of kung fu. He is not at home very much, and when he is his daughter-in-law, he must be able to protect himself and be able to deal with a few thieves.


But it can't be too powerful, otherwise he will be the one to deal with.

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