Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3134: Zhu Zi's coveted heart

Zhu Zi was amused by the vivid change of Yadan's expression. This girl is very interesting. Although she looks normal, she is very happy.

In fact, Ya Dan is also a pretty little beauty, and she is also very beautiful in dressing up.

"Are you a bastard? I didn't recognize you after sitting for a long time." Wuchen finally recognized his former friend.

Ya Dan also looked at it for a long time before she recognized it, and said happily: "It's Wuchen, I wouldn't recognize you unless you shave your head, you look weird."

Everyone else on the table laughed, and invariably thought of Wuchen's bald head when he was a child, which is indeed quite different from his current appearance.

The two partners of the same age are huddled together, and you are in the dust-free seat. The peers always have endless things to say, and they have a lot of common language. I heard that dust-free is a physical education teacher, and you are envious and jealous.

"I shouldn't have listened to my parents in the first place. They say that English teachers are good, and they are popular everywhere. What I hate most is English. If I learn sports, how good is my sports performance, how easy is the physical education teacher, I usually take several classes a week, I don’t even have to take classes before the exam, and the salary is not much... You are still smart, I regret it to death.”

Wuchen was complacent, "Who told you to listen to your parents, don't you resign now, what are you worried about!"

"My mother asked me to take the civil service exam, can I not worry about it!"

"You're a fool, what's so good about civil servants, they have more hearts than briquettes. If you become a civil servant, I won't be nice to you. Hmph, I hate those people in government agencies who play official roles. Those who are pretentious are annoying to watch. "

Wuchen couldn't understand Yadan's thoughts, and she also despised Yadan who was preparing for the civil service exam. She was a few years older than her and had no autonomy at all.

Yadan's face is even more bitter, and she also despises herself, why can't she be as dashing as Wuchen?

But she was afraid that her mother would be really **** off, alas!

Tang Yuanyuan comforted: "This time you try it out, if you don't pass the test, you won't pass the test. I'll ask your brother to convince your parents."

Yadan's eyes brightened, she hugged the dumplings tightly, "sister-in-law, I love you to death."

Tie Dan has high prestige at home, because he is the richest, and his parents listen to him. Ya Dan's appetite is good again. If Tie Dan comes forward, her mother will definitely not force her any more.

"Sister-in-law, you ask my brother to persuade my mother again, don't always force me to get married, I'm 26, not 36, what's the hurry, my mother is always worried that I won't be able to marry, and arranges some strange men and me Blind date is boring."

Yadan couldn't help complaining, she had been suffocated to death at home for half a year, but the other party was her mother-in-law, so she could only endure it if she could beat him to death!

"Okay, your brother will advise."

Tang Yuanyuan also sympathized with my sister-in-law. Her mother-in-law was not so difficult a few years ago, and she didn't know why she was stimulated in these years, and her actions became more and more unreasonable.

But Zhu Zi's eyes lit up. He remembered who this interesting girl was. Tie Dan's fool's sister, whom he had seen when he was a child, is very strong and smarter than her brother. She has already been admitted to university, so her IQ must be no problem. .

The most important thing is that he remembers that this girl is very good at cooking. Although the food he cooks is not as good as the glutinous rice balls, it is also rare and delicious. Anyway, he eats it very well.

Zhu Zi pondered in her mind. Instead of going outside to find it, she might as well find one nearby and rest assured.

"Your mother asked you to marry, right?" Zhu Zi asked abruptly.


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