Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3165: It is also a chicken feather

Ye Qingqing was really surprised. I didn't expect Song Hongye's marriage to be a piece of shit. I really answered that sentence. Few middle-aged women's lives are easy, and they can't even achieve basic decency.

Song Hongye is relatively lucky, at least she looks decent on the surface, and she is also the envy of other women.

Many women are not only living in a mess, but also financially in a mess. When they reach middle age, they are reluctant to buy a decent dress for themselves, just like Lu Ziqun in the past, it is really sad.

"It's better to seize the financial power. Money is more reliable than men, but you still have to manage it. I don't think Du Peiran is an irresponsible man." Ye Qingqing said.

At the last class reunion, she saw that Du Peiran and Song Hongye were in a good relationship, and they didn't look like they were in discord.

Song Hongye smiled bitterly, "Old Du has nothing to say to me or my parents, especially my parents, who are more dedicated than my brother, as long as you have something to say, Lao Du will definitely do his best, be good to me, wedding anniversary, birthday, I don’t forget to give gifts on Valentine’s Day or anything, I take care of my face, and it’s good for my children. Sometimes I can’t take care of my children when I’m busy.

Ye Qingqing blinked, this is obviously a model of five good men, what else can Song Hongye have to complain about?

"These Du Peiran have done a good job, and have a sense of responsibility for the family and children, but he just can't control the flowers, and I'm just angry with him. He said that he didn't come with those fox spirits. I don’t believe it, and neither do my parents-in-law, so I asked Du Peiran to write my name on the legal representative of the company, for fear that this **** will fascinate the vixen outside and give away the property.”

Song Hongye gritted his teeth again, and had a love-hate relationship with Du Peiran. Apart from being romantic, Du Peiran was impeccable as a husband and father, but he had a problem that women hated the most. Every time he smelled perfume on this **** , Song Hongye wanted to use a scalpel to cut this bastard's carotid artery for bloodletting.

"I think you're showing off, maybe Lao Du really didn't show up, it's inevitable that his position will be on the scene, let alone him, just the sanctimonious leaders of our school, hum, it's different when you go outside. Fourth, seeing the beautiful woman's legs are soft, that face... I'm not too rare to say. "

Lu Ziqun pouted, she understood, the essence of a man is actually a carnivore.

It is the bodies of beautiful women who are greedy, ranging from 80-year-old old men to 18-year-old youthful boys, all they like are beautiful women, not to mention charming, cute, pure, bright and lively. Girls have different personalities, but they recruit There is only one premise that people like is beautiful.

With the same character attributes, ugly women and beautiful women are treated in diametrically opposite ways.

Ugly girls acting coquettishly will only make people tired, and a bunch of men who are beautiful and coquetry will come over to court them.

The ugly girl Gao Leng will be abandoned by this world, and the beautiful Gao Leng will still have a lot of men to warm your heart.

Ugly women pretending to be cute will make men vomit, but beautiful women will make men ticklish.


This world is full of malice towards ordinary-looking women. The author said a digression. If a girl looks ordinary, she should try her best to make her soul interesting, at least to entertain herself!

(The author does not discriminate by appearance, because I am a passerby and suffer from differential treatment. Beauty walks in the rivers and lakes, and there are really many advantages. Without a beautiful appearance, you can only enrich your soul)

Qian Manduo also nodded, "I think Du Peiran didn't lie to you, and you didn't hold fast to your wallet, where did he get the money to do things?"

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