Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3202: Tang Yuan Yuan Wai (2)


Tiedan’s hometown is located in a mountainous area and is relatively backward. Many people in the village are very ignorant in their thinking, not to mention the elderly. Even some young people prefer sons to daughters, rushing to give birth to children, just to have a son.

Many families in the village have given birth to four or five, and the first few are definitely daughters, and they will never give up until they give birth to sons. Can't pay the fine at all.

The whole village united to resist, just like in the previous war years, there were special guards at the entrance of the village, and when they saw the family planning office from afar, they ran back to the village to report, and the pregnant women were even seven or eight months old. Belly, still as light as a swallow, nimbly climbed to the back mountain to hide, and even stayed on the mountain for the night, not willing to come back until the family planning office left.

The guerrilla tactics of the seniors were brought into full play by these villagers, and they were born one after another.

Several villages next door are envious of the geographical conditions of Tiedan's hometown. It is backed by a mountain, and even a searchlight cannot be found if it is hidden in it. In the previous war years, this mountain saved many villagers, and now it has saved many villagers. Many small lives are really treasures.

Like Tie Dan's two brothers, although her in-laws don't prioritize sons over daughters, they each gave birth to three children. The first child was a daughter, and the second child was allowed by the policy. , How good is a son and a daughter, the glutinous rice **** originally thought they would not regenerate.

But within two years, the two sisters-in-law became pregnant again. They didn't go to hide and seek in the mountains, and paid the fines. After all, the Niu family is now a wealthy family in the village, so they shouldn't go to the mountains to starve for this fine. starving.

The third child was naturally a son, one or two years older than her daughter, Roubao. Tang Yuanyuan thought it was born naturally, but she later learned that it was actually born through human intervention.

In fact, these two children are not the third child, but the fourth child. The two sisters-in-law are the same. They can be considered to be in sync with each other. Basically, they became pregnant at about the same time. Then they went to a private clinic to take a b-ultrasound, and it turned out that it was a daughter. Having surgery and continuing to conceive is like an emotionless reproductive machine.

Tang Yuan Yuan was taken aback when she found out. She never thought that such an operation would be possible. What chilled her the most was that Tiedan's brothers, sisters, sisters, parents, and the others all felt that this kind of thing was normal, just like eating and sleeping. , what a fuss.

Moreover, the two sisters-in-law, who are considered victims, did not have this awareness themselves, and they were even complacent because they gave birth to a son.

Tang Yuan Yuan wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with the two sisters-in-law, hoping that they would stop living for the sake of life. It is not only the children who are hurt by the operation, but the woman herself is the biggest victim, but she still didn't say it in the end.

The parties did not have this awareness, and she said it would make people think that it was provoking discord, so it is better not to say it.

It is precisely because there are so many ignorant things in that small mountain village, including her in-laws, that Tang Yuanyuan doesn't like to go back to her hometown very much. Later, because of the disagreement about raising children, she seldom goes back. At most, she lives for a few days during the New Year. .

"The relationship is good, I'll call my mother now, she must be overjoyed." The girl was very happy and looked at the dumplings gratefully.

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