Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3304: Being a father is a kind of filial piety


Shi Junjie's face immediately turned red, and his hands and feet were so excited that he had nowhere to rest. He didn't expect to see the president's wife. She looked so young, more beautiful than a movie star.

"President... hello ma'am, I'm Shi Junjie."

Shi Junjie organized vocabulary for a long time, and his tongue was big. In the past, his eloquence was good, but now he stutters.


Ye Qingqing couldn't help laughing. It was the first time someone called her that. Others were either Doctor Ye or Madam Lu. The name of Madam President was really new.

"This kid is quite handsome, but he's a little bit timid. He can be bold and thick-skinned in running sales."

Shi Junjie blushed even more, and was a little annoyed. The first impression of the president's wife must have been bad. He also felt that it was too bad. He couldn't even speak well. How could he sell products to customers?

Seeing the child's annoyance, Ye Qingqing smiled again and said softly, "Take your time to exercise, the senior manager who brought you is the sales department's performance champion, you can follow her to study hard."

"I will study hard and treat Manager Gao as filial as a father." Shi Junjie promised excitedly.

This is what his father explained before he came here, that he must treat his master as filial piety as Lao Tzu, and exchange his sincerity for his sincerity, so that he can learn his true skills.

Ye Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then laughed, tears came out, Mao Fangfei couldn't help laughing, and couldn't stop laughing.

Shi Junjie's expression was stunned, and his hands and feet were nowhere to be placed. What did he say wrong?

Is the president's wife angry?

But if you smile so happily, you shouldn't be angry, right?

Shi Junjie, who was at war with heaven and man in his heart, was uneasy, and stood pitifully, and his clothes were twisted into pickles and dried.

Ye Qingqing laughed until her stomach hurt. Seeing the child's awkward and uneasy look, she couldn't help laughing again. Mao Fangfei said angrily, "Manager Gao is only six years older than you, and it's still a girl's family. what dad?"

Shi Junjie's mouth was wide open and his eyes were bulging. Is he a girl?

Only six years older than him?

Ouch mom... he's so embarrassing!

Ye Qingqing wiped away the tears from laughing, and smiled at Mao Fangfei: "This child is very interesting, let's have a meal at night, I will call Xiao Gao out and let them meet the master and the apprentice."

Mao Fangfei stabbed Shi Junjie, who was standing stunned, and winked at him. Shi Junjie's mind was still quite flexible, and she immediately thanked, "Thank you, Mrs. President, I will follow the senior manager to study hard."

Shi Junjie was very excited. The president's wife arranged the meal in person. Manager Gao should be able to deal better with the president's wife's face, right?

He has heard from some seniors who are working in the workplace that many of the current masters do not like to teach, because they are afraid that the disciples in the church will starve to death, so it is difficult to learn their skills unless they are lucky enough to meet a good master, but this kind of luck is better than winning the lottery. difficult.

His luck is very good. He was introduced by his aunt. He applied for a job in a world-renowned large company with his last-class college diploma. On the first day of the report, he had dinner with the president's wife, and also arranged for a performance champion to be his master. A beautiful woman, same-sex repelling, opposite-sex attracting, Shi Junjie thinks that Manager Gao should not be too difficult for him, it is better than learning from a male master.

Aunt Biao has laid such a good foundation for him, if he can't do it again, he will just buy tofu and kill him!

Ye Qingqing was amused again, and smiled at Mao Fangfei: "Your nephew is so funny, it's the first time I've heard someone call me Mrs. President."

Mao Fangfei smiled and said, "You are not the president's wife, Lu Mo is now an internationally renowned overbearing president."

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