Chapter 3358 Jealous

Hangzhou is very close to Pingjiang, and it takes only two hours to drive. The location of the vocational and technical college is a bit out of the way, and the school is not big. At first glance, it looks like a school that is not very popular. The current college diploma is really worthless, even if you go to work in the workshop. Got a college degree.

Shi Xiaobao drove directly into the campus. The management of this school is not very strict. You can enter after registration. Shi Xiaobao parked the car.

"Go directly to He Xiaohong?" Fang Tongtong asked.

"No, ask someone to inquire first."

Shi Xiaobao has her own plans. Her teachers and classmates know what kind of person He Xiaohong is. There is no need for her classmates. Just find the teacher directly.

Stopping a passing female classmate, Shi Xiaobao asked politely, "Excuse me, where is the dean's office going?"

The female classmates are a little shy, Shi Xiaobao is handsome and noble, a proper domineering president Fan Er, exactly the same as the description in the novel, and the voice is also good, just the kind that can make the ears pregnant, numb and numb, and the feet are soft.

"I'll take you there, it's a little far."

The female classmate was very enthusiastic and her eyes were too warm. She took the initiative to lead the way. Shi Xiaobao certainly had no objection, but Fang Tongtong felt more and more uncomfortable, and it showed on her face.

"You run a company, right? Your temperament looks like the president in the novel!" The female classmate is very talkative, stylish, and courageous. The more she walks, the closer she gets to Shi Xiaobao.

Fang Tongtong's face sank, she stepped forward and inserted herself between the female classmate and Shi Xiaobao, took out her work permit, and said solemnly, "Fictions are all lies, we are the police."

The disappointment on the female classmate's face was obvious, but she was still enthusiastic. Although the police salary was a little lower, she was a civil servant with excellent benefits. In addition to Shi Xiaobao's handsome appearance, she was still happy.

It's just that the woman in the middle is so annoying, she looks like someone owes her a million, and it seriously affects the relationship between her and Shi Xiaobao.

Although the female classmates became more and more chatty, the teaching building had already arrived, and she wanted to accompany her. Fang Tongtong forced a smile and stopped her, "Thank you, we will find it ourselves."

"I'll take you there, there are many offices."

"Don't waste your time, bye!"

Fang Tongtong dragged Shi Xiaobao and left, Shi Xiaobao smiled at the female classmate, took away the soul of the female classmate, watched them both go upstairs and left with regret.

The female classmate's eyes are very poisonous. She can see that Shi Xiaobao and Fang Tongtong have a vague affection, so she should not touch the stone. There are so many men in the world, why should she hang herself on a tree?

Shi Xiaobao always had a smile on his lips, Fang Tongtong had a fire in his heart, walked in front of him and ignored him.

"You can hang an oil bottle in your mouth."

Shi Xiaobao said Fang Tongtong turned her head and stared, "I want you to take care of it!"

I didn't see her being angry, and even joked with her, which made her mad.

Shi Xiaobao smiled and said no more, but his heart blossomed with joy.

The dean's office is easy to find. Coincidentally, the dean is in the office, a middle-aged man with a serious face, although he doesn't know them, but seeing Shi Xiaobao's extraordinary aura, the dean does not dare to neglect.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Hello, I'm Shi Xiaobao from Tiansheng Technology."

Shi Xiaobao handed over the business card, and the dean was a little excited. Tiansheng Company is still quite famous in the industry. Could it be that he came to his company to recruit?

But the dean quickly dismissed this idea. The company must at least recruit undergraduate students. His school only trains college students, so there is little hope.

(End of this chapter)

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