Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3373: 1 lie needs countless lies

Chapter 3362 A lie needs countless lies

Fang Tongtong looked at He Xiaohong sarcastically. The clothes on her body were all brand names, ranging from a few thousand to a few hundred yuan. She was wearing a bigger name than her. Hmph, it was clear at a glance where the money was spent.

"No...No, I...I bought the study materials, and I also bought them for my younger siblings at home, and sent them to my parents. I...I didn't spend much myself..."

He Xiaohong defended herself, but the reason was weak and pale, and even Teacher Mao did not believe it.

"You don't need to buy too many study materials for the first grade, at most a few hundred dollars. What did you buy?" Teacher Mao asked sharply.

He Xiaohong lowered her head deeply and whispered, "Computers, mobile phones, tablets... these..."

"These are not necessary learning materials. Learning is mainly about book knowledge. Although computers are sometimes used, the school has a computer room. You can go to the computer room to study. Did the teacher force you to buy it?" Mr. Mao Don't get angry.

Although it is the era of universal computers, some students from poor families do not have laptops, and even their mobile phones are not smart. The school takes into account these special circumstances, so the school will specially set up a computer room, and it is free. As long as students are willing to study, You can go to the computer room to learn, although it is a little more troublesome, but it can save money.

"What brand of computer did you buy? Need more than 160,000?" Fang Tongtong sneered.

When she was in college, her monthly living expenses were 3,000 yuan. She had food and drink, and she could travel with her classmates. She lived very well, and she still had some surplus every month. He Xiaohong spent more than 160,000 yuan since the beginning of the school year. , Less than a year, even a year, a month is more than 10,000 expenses.

Does this consider yourself a rich second generation?

He Xiaohong lowered her head and said nothing. Teacher Mao pushed her angrily and shouted, "Deaf? If I ask you something, hurry up and say it!"


He Xiaohong said vaguely, but she could tell that it was a certain fruit brand. The price was expensive. The average working family would definitely not buy this brand, not even Fang Tongtong.

"You claim that your parents are in business and that your family's economic conditions are good. In order to satisfy your vanity, you do everything possible to defraud money, even using your biological father as a cover. You never thought that this kind of deception will be exposed sooner or later?" Shi Xiaobao question.

He Xiaohong cried and shook her Of course she thought about it, but she couldn't look back.

After she told a lie, she needed countless lies to make up for it. She said too many lies, and she took it as the truth.

When she was in high school, her grades were quite good. In the top 50 of the grade, the teacher said that she was very hopeful to be admitted to the first grade. She was also confident, but after a year of high school, He Xiaohong was fascinated by the prosperity of the county town. Eye.

He Xiaohong, who has lived in impoverished mountains since she was a child, has never seen high-rise buildings or supermarkets. Although it is only a small county town that is not prosperous, it still fascinates her. In the past, her desire to learn to change her destiny has gradually changed. .

She is beautiful and has a good figure, but she is too rustic, but even if she is dressed in a rustic way, she still can't hide her natural beauty. There are many boys in the school who pursue her, write love letters, send flowers, snacks, watch movies... …

The sweet and sour relationship made He Xiaohong completely lose her mind to study. Every day she only thinks about dressing up and falling in love, how much fun she has, and how bad her grades are, getting worse every time.

(End of this chapter)

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