Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3376: Jianghu emergency

Chapter 3365 First aid

Shi Xiaobao and Fang Tongtong reached an agreement, and they both believed that He Xiaohong should be punished by law. Although the dean and Teacher Mao felt it was a pity, they were powerless.

And after they learned about He Xiaohong's daily life, they were really disappointed with this girl.

He cheated more than 160,000 people. He spent it all in a short time, and he didn't have a cent left. He said he was a second-generation rich man. He bought brand-name electronic equipment, brand-name clothes and bags, and rushed to pay when he went out with his classmates. , very generous.

Over time, the classmates thought that her family was really rich, and they would ask He Xiaohong to go out to play if she had something to do, so that someone would pay for it.

He Xiaohong enjoys the praise of her friends very much, and spends money without mercy. Anyway, it's not her own money, so of course it doesn't hurt to spend it.

Teacher Mao was angry and distressed. She wanted to appeal for the students, but she couldn't find any reason. If she was Fang Tongtong, she might not be willing to forgive such He Xiaohong, right?

Shi Xiaobao acted quickly, and he sued as soon as he returned to Pingjiang. He Xiaohong's school acted quickly, and immediately punished He Xiaohong with expulsion from the school, and posted a notice in the school.

This time, all the classmates knew that He Xiaohong was no longer a rich second generation. She cheated the money. The classmates were very embarrassed, but most of them spoke sarcastically, but He Xiaohong couldn't hear her anymore. She had moved out of the school.

Because the court has filed a case, He Xiaohong can't leave Hangzhou either. She doesn't have much money, so she can only rent a single room in a cheap urban village. But not much, at this moment, He Xiaohong really regretted it.

But it's too late.

The case is clear and the evidence is sufficient, and the result will soon be reached. He Xiaohong was convicted of fraud and sentenced to three years (don't be **** it, the author is not a legal professional, haha).

People in the court said that He Xiaohong wanted to meet Fang Tongtong, but Fang Tongtong refused. She didn't want to see He Xiaohong. The money was only used to feed the dog, and it also taught her a lesson.

For the other four sponsored students, Shi Xiaobao sent people to find out the situation. Fortunately, these four children are still quite good. They cherish the rare learning opportunity very much. Life and character seem to be pretty good so far.

Fang Tongtong will naturally continue to support her. She does not ask for returns from these people, but only hopes to help some people who are truly worthy of help.

As for the money that was defrauded—

"I'll give you the salary card, and you'll just give me a thousand yuan in the future."

Fang Tongtong took the initiative to hand in the salary card, with reluctance in her eyes, but she gave it anyway. She did something wrong and Shi Xiaobao couldn't be hurt. She had to pay back the money, which would be paid off in more than a year.

"One thousand yuan is enough for you?" Shi Xiaobao asked deliberately.

Fang Tongtong flattened his It's enough to save. "

"Stop eating grilled fish and grilled meat?"

Mouth drooling, Fang Tongtong stared at him with anger, and said, "Don't eat it!"

Knowing that she likes to eat, she also said that she was jealous of her, hmph, I hate it to death!

Shi Xiaobao flashed slyness in his eyes, and said slowly, "I have a way, you don't need to pay back the money, and the pocket money can be improved."

Fang Tongtong's eyes lit up, "What can I do?"

"It's very simple, my mother urges me to start a family every day, you can help me." Shi Xiaobao's eyes were full of smiles. After raising him for so long, it was time to close the net.

Fang Tongtong was stunned for a moment and stammered, "Save...what's the emergency?"

She should have understood right?

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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