Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3388: Yu Anning's Extra Story

Chapter 3377 Yu Anning's Extra Story

"Your lesions have stabilized. You only need to take medicine. This is the medicine I prescribed for you. One tablet a day. Make sure you sleep, eat on time, and don't get too tired."

After Ye Qingqing checked Yu Anning, she was very satisfied.

After more than half a year of treatment, the lesions have become stable, and Yu Anning will be the same as a normal person after a year.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Yu Anning was very grateful that Ye Qingqing gave her a new life, her rebirth parents, otherwise she would be dead now.

After more than half a year of treatment, Yu Anning's complexion is much better than before, and she has grown a lot of flesh. Looking at her ten years younger and charming style, Ye Qingqing knows that there are many successful men who are chasing Yu Anning, but Yu Anning's An Ning didn't look at a single one.

"You're welcome, I took the money."

Ye Qingqing handed her a list, "These are taboo foods, you can't eat them this year, and you can eat some properly after you've fully recovered."


Yu Anning took over the list, and there were a lot of foods on it, all of which were sexual foods, such as goose and mutton, as well as some aquatic products. Yu Anning didn't eat them during treatment.

"Don't be as tired as before, otherwise the disease will relapse, and even the King of Heaven will not be able to save you." Ye Qingqing warned.

I'm afraid that once this workaholic gets better, he will start to work frantically again. Although the lesions are stable, it does not mean that there will be no recurrence. In case of recurrence, it will only be more serious.

Yu Anning smiled, "Don't worry, I'm more afraid of death now than anyone else, and most of the work has been handed over. Now five or six hours a day, I'm very leisurely, I'm just waiting to enjoy life after retirement."

Ye Qingqing glanced at her and asked with a smile, "Are you and Qi Wenyuan reconciled?"

Yu Anning blushed, and responded like a mosquito, "Mmmm."

Thanks to Ye Qingqing, she knew that Qi Wenyuan had divorced very early and had been single all the time. Qi Wenyuan's parents were in good health, but Qi's mother was still the same as before. Now, I even hope that Qi Wenyuan will marry Yu Anning sooner!

"Then when are you getting married?"

Yu Anning's smile faded and she shook her head, "I don't plan to marry him. Back then, I bet against his mother, I will never marry Qi Wenyuan in my life, and I will not break my oath."

Although decades have passed, Qi's mother's words are still fresh in her memory, and she doesn't want to enter Qi's house and slap her face.

"Can Qi Wenyuan agree?"

Yu Anning nodded shyly, "He agreed, and said that when I retire, he will take me to travel around the world."

She was also Qi Wenyuan agreed without hesitation, and also said that marriage is just a contract. If two people love each other, they will always be together without a contract, and those who do not love will be tied together. boring.


Ye Qingqing was really happy for Yu Anning, and regretted for her, because Qi's mother was in the middle of it. The lovers have been separated for more than 30 years.

Yu Anning was very satisfied. It was because of the loss that she and Qi Wenyuan cherished each other even more, and her new life was the biggest surprise.

Her cell phone rang, Yu Anning looked at it and frowned, it was her daughter Qiqi who called, she didn't want to answer her daughter's call.

"Mom, give me some money."

In the end, he accepted it. Qi Qiyi asked for money, and Yu Anning became more irritable. Recently, her daughter spent a lot of money. Every time she called, she asked for money.

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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