Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3396: live for yourself

Chapter 3385 Live for yourself

"For what reason?" Yu Anning interrupted her mother, she didn't have time to listen to the nonsense.

In the first half of her life, she lived for others, and in the second half of her life, she lived for herself.

So, she didn't bother to care about the troubles at home.

Yu's mother hesitated for a long time before she said, "It's just that your younger brother had a meal with a female friend. It's a very common thing, and that Sun Yurong will have a big trouble. In front of outsiders, we won't give your younger brother any face. Our Yu family. But for a decent family, she made a fuss like a shrew, and humiliated me and your dad..."

Yu Anning frowned, and as soon as she heard it, she knew it was her good brother who was doing something wrong again. No wonder Sun Yurong was making trouble.

Sun Yurong is not her ex-sister-in-law Lu Ziqun. This woman is an old man who rolls around in a crowd of men. How could she bear it?

And to say something unpleasant, eat people softly, take people softly, her younger brother Yu Shaoning is wearing famous brand clothes, famous watches, famous cars, and luxury houses, all provided by Sun Yurong. Has the self-consciousness of a soft-boiled man.

"Mom, Lu Ziqun was very obedient at the beginning, but you disliked others for being too obedient. Now that Sun Yurong is strong enough, you also dislike it. Are you trying to find the Seven Fairies for Shaoning?"

Yu Anning became impatient. If she really wanted to find the Seven Fairies, she had to see what Yu Shaoning was like. As far as her younger brother was, it would be nice to have Sun Yurong.

"An Ning, how can you help outsiders? Now your own younger brother is being bullied, do you still have a conscience?" Yu's mother rebuked unhappily.

Yu Anning was very tired, so he couldn't bear it and said, "Yu Shaoning now eats, drinks and lives with Sun Yurong's money, he wants to be a soft-boiled man, what else can I say, Mom, this kind of **** will happen in the future. Don't come to me, I don't have time for it."

The corners of Ye Qingqing's mouth twitched, "soft-faced man... This word is really suitable for Yu Shaoning's scumbag.

" did you become like this? You don't want your husband and daughter, don't you even want your parents and younger brother? Yu Anning, you are now fascinated by that Qi Wenyuan, don't you care?"

Yu Anning felt uncomfortable in her heart, and said coldly, "Did I care less before? No matter how busy or tired I am, I will find time to care about Yu Shaoning's troubles. Because of him, the Li family laughed at me a lot, but I still care about him. , who made him my good brother!"

Without giving Yu's mother a chance to speak, Yu Anning continued, "You let me take care of Yu Shaoning since you were young, saying that this is my responsibility as a sister, but you must know that your son was born to you, your responsibility, not mine. , I'm already tired, from now on, don't bother me with Yu Shaoning, what he likes has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with me when he dies!"

Yu's mother was stunned, she couldn't believe her ears, how could her always obedient daughter say such heart-piercing words?

"'ve changed, Li Wensong is right, you just let Qi Wenyuan bewitched, An Ning,'ve disappointed me so much!"

Hearing Li Wensong's Yu Anning rushed up angrily and said sharply, "You believe everything he says? Who is your daughter? Have you really cared about me? I have. Cancer, it's too late, can't I live for myself again?"

"What cancer..."

Yu Anning hung up the phone and didn't want to listen anymore.

In the hearts of her parents, she is not important, only Yu Shaoning is the sweetheart.

It doesn't matter if everyone betrays her relatives and leaves, or if her six relatives don't recognize her, she will live for herself in the future and don't care about anything.

"It's good to vent."

Ye Qingqing handed her a glass of water, now Yu Anning is more lively, much cuter than before.

Yu Anning smiled, and she felt much more at ease. She said seriously, "I'll just live for myself in the future... I want to truly enjoy life."

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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