Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3400: sensible children and ignorant children

Chapter 3389 Sensible children and ignorant children

Qi Jie never replied. Although Yu Anning was worried, it was not easy to urge him. He had to wait patiently. After a month, Qi Jie finally replied. There are many photos and information.

"I hired private investigators. They are more professional than me. This is Li Qiqi's daily life for a month, and it's all in the email. You can see for yourself. I don't comment on Li Qiqi."

Qi Jie's tone was very calm. He didn't go to the city where Li Qiqi studied, and it was too late to do experiments. How could he have the leisure to spend money on a private detective is the most time-saving and labor-saving.

"You didn't contact Li Qiqi?" Qi Wenyuan asked in surprise.

"no need."

"However, he is considered your sister. You should take the time to take a look." Qi Wenyuan was a little worried that Yu Anning would be angry, and glanced at her.

Yu Anning shook her head and said that she was not unhappy. Qi Jie was fine. She was a stranger to this child. It would be nice if the child didn't bother him. Why force him to approach Li Qi, who is even stranger seven.

"I don't have time, the experiment is very tense, are you all right?"

Qi Jie's tone has always been unhurried, and he can't hear his mood changes, but he has always been like this, even if he is unhappy, he just reads the book silently. Qi Wenyuan has never seen his son get angry, and of course he has never been overjoyed. , I feel that his son is an emotional robot.

"It's alright, go get busy."

Qi Wenyuan was a little frustrated. His son was too independent and not very good. He felt that his father was useless. After his son's junior high school, he didn't need to worry about adults. Universities in China are very expensive, and many families cannot afford them, so there are many college students in China who are still repaying their tuition loans after 20 years of work.

But Qi Jie did not have this concern. He received a full scholarship, which not only covered tuition fees, but also had more than enough living expenses. In addition, Qi Jie published papers from time to time. His economy was very generous, and he did not need Qi Wenyuan to spend a dime. Heart.

"Xiaojie is really sensible."

Yu Anning sincerely praised that if Li Qiqi was half as sensible as Qi Jie, she would have laughed in her dreams.

"Too sensible, I have no sense of accomplishment."

Qi Wenyuan and opened the email. There were many photos of Li Qiqi with friends, but what shocked Yu Anning was that the Li Qiqi in the photo was changed to a domestic one. Simple dress, wearing a revealing camisole and shorts, with nose rings and ear studs, heavy makeup, like a little sister.

The friends who are with Li Qiqi are also the same as the youth in bad society.

Those who are close to the ink are black, with such people, it is no wonder that Li Qiqi can learn well.

There are also many photos of Li Qiqi playing in a crowd at night, obviously in a nightclub, still drinking alcohol, and even some things that look like cigarettes, but these people's expressions are very intoxicated, obviously not cigarettes.

"It's the big ma. Many teenagers over there smoke this. An Ning, Qiqi is very dangerous now. If this continues, she will be sent back to the school." Qi Wenyuan said solemnly.

The middle school that Li Qiqi went to is quite good in the local area. These delinquent young people are obviously not students of the school, and they don't know where Li Qiqi met. She will be returned sooner or later if she is abandoned like this.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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