Chapter 3392 Be careful

The next morning, Li Jingshan called Yu Anning and asked her to have lunch at a restaurant near her work unit, along with Yu Anning's ex-mother-in-law and the old couple.

"see you then."

Yu Anning took care of the matter at hand and called Qi Wenyuan. Qi Wenyuan has not been too busy recently, because he is a doctor in a famous private hospital in country M. Because he missed Yu Anning, he agreed to the invitation of the domestic hospital to come back. But it is also a guest, and only major surgery will come to him, and he is usually not busy.

The medical system in country M is different from that in China. The doctors in the country are very busy, and they don’t even have time to go to the toilet. However, the more famous doctors in country M are, the more free they are, and the salary is also high. It is a very decent occupation in country M, which is enough Live a very good life.

Moreover, Qi Wenyuan still has a lot of inheritance left by his grandfather. Even if he does not work, he can live well, so his work is a real nurturing sentiment, the kind of fishing for three days and two days for nets.

Qi Wenyuan came to pick up Yu Anning very early. He also booked the box in advance. After the old couple Li Jingshan went to the hotel, the waiter led them to the box.

"We didn't book a box, we made a mistake."

"Lao Shengsheng's surname is Li, right?"


"That's right, a Mr. Qi ordered, he and Ms. Yu will be there soon, you two can wait a moment, you can order first." The waiter was very enthusiastic.

Li Jingshan quickly guessed that this Mr. Qi must be the current boyfriend of his ex-daughter-in-law. He had already heard that Yu Anning was getting together with a doctor. The details were not clear, but the doctor was also a decent profession. The surname Qi would not be bad, otherwise Yu Anning wouldn't look down on him.

But when we meet today, why bring your current boyfriend over?

"Hmph, I think Yu Anning is mad at us on purpose. He also said that it is about Qiqi. What can Qiqi do? She is smart and sensible. The granddaughter I brought up by myself is very good." Li mother was angry. road.

Like Li Wensong, she was so mad at Yu Anning's actions during the divorce that her son almost went bankrupt. Hmph, which man is not in a situation now, even when Li Jingshan was young, he was a bit tricky outside, she just pretended I don't know, but as I get older, the old man doesn't take it anymore.

Yu Anning's woman is arrogant and arrogant. She has always looked down on her son, and she has been separated. Humph, her son is young and strong, and Yu Anning himself does not fulfill his obligations. Could it be that he still made her son a monk?

Li Mu became more and more angry, got up and left, "I'm gone, I'll come to see I'm here, listen to what she said, didn't you agree before you come, watch An Ning Is it possible to get back together with Wen Song? After all, there are children, so what does a divorce look like?" Li Jingshan said slowly.

He is in favor of reconciliation. He already has a grandson anyway. Li Wensong recently got a big fat son, but the woman who gave birth to the son can't stand on the stage. Li Jingshan looks down on the small family and doesn't agree with that little lover entering the door. All he wants is the grandson.

The daughter-in-law is still Yu Anning, who has a line.

Moreover, Li Jingshan is also reluctant to bear those properties. Yu Anning will invest and his assets are hundreds of millions. As long as they are compounded, the money will come back.

Mother Li said bitterly, "She's already found a home now, how can she get back together."

"That's not necessarily the case. The husband and wife are still the original partner. That doctor may not be stronger than Wen Song. You should be more polite for a while, and don't be bitter." Li Jingshan instructed.

Mother Li snorted, although she was not happy, she still restrained her emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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