Chapter 3427 Raise a dog

"If you're really bored, keep a pet, it won't bother you so much." Ye Qingqing suggested.

Yu Anning shook his head vigorously, "Resolutely don't raise it, lose hair, pee and pee, it smells so bad, it's annoying to death."

"Actually, cats and dogs are very cute and very intelligent. Although cleaning is a bit annoying, it's good to get used to it, and you don't think it's tiring to raise children, so what's the trouble." Ye Qingqing joked.

Raising children is more worrying than raising pets, and Yu Anning is not afraid of the trouble of raising children!

"It's really not troublesome?" Yu Anning was a little moved, but the ingrained thoughts for decades were not so easy to eliminate, she still had prejudice against pets.

"It's not troublesome, it's really interesting. Ziqun has a dog now, and he's like a treasure every day. He's reluctant to buy delicious food. All the good things he buys for her dog son."

Ye Qingqing wanted to laugh when she said it, Lu Ziqun was such a frugal person, even Yu Shaoning couldn't change her stingy Bala problem, but in the end she was planted on a dog.

Originally, I just brought it back to look after the home, but I thought it was a treasure to keep Lu Ziqun. I wanted to get some leftovers for the dog to eat, but I heard that dogs can’t eat salt, so I immediately bought high-quality dog ​​food. , and canned food and molar sticks. Although they complained that they were too expensive, they didn't feel bad when they bought them.

Yu Anning is moved again. Many of her colleagues have pets, and some even set up a pet group to exchange their parenting experience every day. She thinks these people are too boring and a waste of time, but now she is free from work. Feeling bored.

After returning home, she and Qi Wenyuan discussed the matter, and Qi Wenyuan agreed without hesitation, and suggested raising a Shiba Inu.

"I used to have a Shiba Inu, which is very cute. I went to heaven a few years ago and died. Let's raise another Shiba Inu, An Ning, you will definitely fall in love with it."

Qi Wenyuan actually wanted to have a dog for a long time, but he knew that Yu Anning didn't like it, so he didn't mention it. Now that Yu Anning took the initiative to mention it, it was exactly what he wanted, and he was eager to see the dog now.

The two of them went to the dog market on the weekend, and as soon as they entered the gate, Yu Anning was sickened by the stench, and the idea of ​​raising a dog was a little lighter. Can people live in such a stinky house?

Maybe there will be fleas. Yu Anning feels itchy now and feels uncomfortable everywhere, but seeing Qi Wenyuan's enthusiasm, she can only bear it, and doesn't want to spoil Qi Wenyuan's interest.

"This one is pretty good, An Ning, you see how cute they are, especially that one, it's too silly to smile, let's just take that one."

Qi Wenyuan fell in love with a small Shiba Inu, round and round, looking at them with his head tilted, wet nose, black eyes, it looks really Yu Anning couldn't help but smiled at the dog , but it didn't take long for the little milk dog to hunched over and pulled out the Baba.

Yu Anning's smile immediately froze, she covered her nose tightly, and urinated everywhere. There were no rules at all. How cute?

"This puppy doesn't know the rules, why don't we look at it again?"

"It's still young, and it won't be **** when I teach it in the future. Anning, it has a destiny with us and has been watching us all the time!"

Qi Wenyuan couldn't let go of this puppy, his heels stuck, and he didn't want to look at other dogs. Maybe that puppy was really spiritual, he came over, sniffed Qi Wenyuan's hand, whimpered a few times, and then It actually lay down, revealing its pink belly and its little chirps, with its four claws shrunken, letting Qi Wenyuan scratch its belly for it.

"Haha... It believes in me, An Ning, it's being friendly to us, it's so interesting."

The new book "Trying to Be a Villain's Top Treasure" has been signed. Babies can collect it first. Please check in the capital for the recommended ticket. This book will be saidbye soon.

(End of this chapter)

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