Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 826: adapt to the dark

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Ye Qingqing thought about it for a while, and her mood became more and more calm. She was not sure about the rest, but she could be certain—

Lu Mo must not be implicated!

Therefore, she must adapt to the darkness as soon as possible.

The blind men in the movie can live well by themselves, and she certainly can.

Ye Qingqing gained more confidence and was going to start by putting on clothes and taking off her pajamas, but she encountered difficulties in the first step. She couldn't tell the difference between the front and back of the sweater, so she had to make a rough estimate. No, outsiders can't see it.

But she soon learned how to tell the difference between the front and the back of the sweater.

If you wear it backwards, the neck will be particularly uncomfortable, as if something is pinching it. If you wear it properly, there will be no problem at all. After fumbling for a long time, Ye Qingqing finally puts on the sweater. The pants are much simpler. of. 35xs

After successfully putting on the trousers and sweater, the only thing left is the coat, Ye Qingqing is more confident. It went so smoothly the first time, and it will definitely become more and more neat in the future. Slowly feel the buttons and fasten them one by one.

The hair made Ye Qingqing worry, she couldn't see anything, how could she comb her hair?

You can't let your hair loose, can you?

But it didn't bother her. She didn't need to comb her short hair, so Lu Mo would take her to cut her hair later.

Although he was reluctant to keep his long hair for several years, in order to be able to take care of himself, he had to give up these three thousand troubles. Ye Qingqing gritted his teeth and looked very determined.

She casually combed her hair a few times, then tied it loosely with a rubber band, groping with both hands to prepare to go downstairs to wash, but bumped into it several times in the meantime, Xiaomei walked in front of her kindly, so that Ye Qingqing's feet could sense it. The body, walking forward slowly, didn't bump into it anymore.

One person and one dog walked slowly to the stairs. It happened that Lu Mo was about to go upstairs. When he saw Ye Qingqing who was going downstairs, he rushed up and said angrily, "Why didn't you call me?"

"I have to develop the ability to live independently. Look at the clothes I wear, isn't it good?"

Ye Qingqing is very proud, it is the first time to wear clothes in the dark to be able to dress so well, a girl as smart and capable as her is hard to find in the world!

"Very good, really capable!"

Lu Mo smiled bitterly, and his heart was even more astringent.

Ye Qingqing, who used to be dressed beautifully when she went out, now has messy hair, and the buttons of her coat are all wrong.

But Lu Mo only felt distressed.

"So you don't have to worry about me. A capable person like me will be fine no matter what. I'm just a rose in the desert, I can live with a drop of water..."

Ye Qingqing boasted, the smile on his face was still as bright as usual, only his eyes were dull and Lu Mo's nose was a little sour, how could he not understand what this girl meant, just for fear of hurting him!

What a silly, heart-wrenching girl!

"I know you can do it, but your collar is not straight."

Lu Mo said with a smile, gently unbuttoned it, re-buttoned it, and smoothed the coat. Although Ye Qingqing could not see it, she might sense Lu Mo's hand, and she immediately understood that she must not have buttoned it properly.

Couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But it quickly cheered up again, it was only the first time, and it would not be wrong to do it a few more times.

Lu Mo combed her hair, but unfortunately he didn't know how to braid, so he had to comb them together and tie them tightly.

"Cut your hair short for a while." Ye Qingqing said calmly.

Lu Mo's heart is astringent again. This girl usually has the most precious thing in her long hair, but now she is willing to cut it off.

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