Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 981: super profitee

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"A lot of money... Wuchen won't move Yu Wenfeng's property, right?" Ye Qingqing roughly counted, and was even more shocked. 35xs

There are 18 pieces of gold bricks in total, and each piece weighs two jins, which is 36 jins of gold. According to the current gold price of 81 grams, which is the cheapest, one jin is 40,000 yuan, and 36 jins is how much. ?

Ye Qingqing's mind was a little confused. After calculating for a long time, he could not calculate an accurate number. The more he calculated, the more confused he became. Lu Mo laughed and said, "According to 80 grams, the gold is 1.44 million, but the actual transaction will definitely be higher. For this number, at least more than 1.5 million."

Lu Mo has studied, and now the international gold price has been rising, and the gold price in the black market has even reached 130 yuan per gram, and the price will definitely increase in the future.

Ye Qingqing swallowed hard, my mother... 1.5 million... She didn't have so much money in her two lives combined!

Although the property in her name is definitely higher than 1.5 million, it has not turned into cash. She has not even had 10,000 yuan in her hand. Thinking about it makes me sad.

"I count the money, ten thousand, twenty thousand... five hundred thousand... brother... we have made a fortune... made a big fortune..."

Ye Qingqing's eyes glowed green, and her mouth opened into an O-shape. Is 500,000 in 1995 the concept of a **** horse?

What's more, there are 1.5 million gold, it seems that Ma Yun is not rich enough for her now!

Ye Qingqing's whole body was about to float away, but she quickly thought of the real problem, the money was not hers, but the unlucky child Wuchen. 35xs

A spoonful of cold water was poured down, and Ye Qingqing finally tasted the taste of heaven falling to hell.

That's how she is now!

Although she doesn't like unlucky children, she can't be greedy for other people's money without her conscience.

"The money belongs to Yuwenfeng, and these are stolen by Wuchen." Lu Mo reminded.

"Yu Wenfeng does bad things, everyone can take his ill-gotten money, and we can use this money to help some poor people and eliminate violence and peace!" Ye Qingqing spoke with conviction.

Lu Mo frowned, it sounded reasonable, but he still felt that something was wrong!

"Brother, look at the documents and account books."

Ye Qingqing deliberately diverted Lu Mo's attention. She knew more about this big wood, but she was raised by the old man when she was a child, and developed a three-dimensional view that is straighter than that of a birch tree.

But for a scum like Yu Wenfeng, why should we talk about principles and morality?

Principles and morals are set for people, Yuwen style is no longer the category of human beings, so naturally there is no need to talk about it.

But Ye Qingqing didn't want to correct Lu Mo either. She felt that Lu Mo was very good now.

Lu Mo should be as bright as the sun, let her suffer the darkness and dirt!

Feeling Lu Mo's silence, Ye Qingqing's heart tightened, and she hurriedly asked, "Is there a problem with the account book?"

"The books are fine, the documents are interesting."

Lu Mo put the account books aside and was not interested. It was just the accounts in the early days of the company's establishment.

"Perfect Scar Removal Cream seems to be a product that Huanqiu is going to put into the market in the second half of the year. The above says that the effect is unbelievable, but in fact, it is a very common medicinal material. The cost is less than five yuan, but the market price is 8888 yuan a piece. bottle."

Lu Mo was really surprised. Even if he didn't know medicine, he could recognize the ingredients of the scar removal cream. Sixty percent of the ingredients were glycerin, with a little bit of pearl powder added, and some other cheap herbs for skin and skin whitening. .

The total cost will never exceed five yuan, but it sells for 8888 yuan, and the supply is limited, and the order has even been placed in the year afterward!

Are those who buy ointment fools?

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