Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1011: A shadowy poison

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Yu Wenhua was startled, and became more and more jealous of Zhu Zi, this confidant must be eliminated quickly. 35xs

But even though he was afraid, he still couldn't bear Ning Xue, even if this woman died, the body must stay at Yuwen's house.

Life is his Yu Wenhua's person, death is also his ghost, always be with him!

"Leave A Xue, or you don't want to take a step!" Yu Wenhua looked resolute and clapped his hands. Suddenly a dozen or so thugs appeared on the rooftop, looking at Ye Qingqing and Zhu Zi eagerly.

Yu Wenfeng smiled smugly, "You guys are really stupid, you dare to break into my territory alone, since you're here, stay here forever, don't go back!"

Although Yu Wenhua's face was pale, he was in better spirits. Standing side by side with Yu Wenfeng, the father and son were about the same height and appearance, and one was thinner than the other.

"Don't think that you are A Xue's son, I will show mercy to you, I can destroy you except your father!" Yu Wenhua glared at Zhu Zi angrily, hating him to the core.

If it wasn't for this **** suddenly running to Pingjiang, how would A Xue know that Zhu Fan was dead, and would not turn his back on him, and still be his wife in peace and live with him as a godly companion.

A Xue was killed by this bastard!

"Want to stop me and see how much you can do!"

Zhu Zi's expression was arrogant, but he didn't take the thugs into his eyes at all. He held Ning Xue and walked forward step by step, Ye Qingqing followed step by step.

As long as he escapes from Yuwenfeng's house, he will be safe. No matter how rampant Yuwenfeng is, he will not dare to mess around outside the house.

"Stop them!" Yu Wenfeng shouted.

A dozen or so thugs gathered around, all of them strong and not easy to deal with, but Zhu Zi was not afraid and continued to move forward step by step.

Ye Qingqing wanted to sprinkle birth lime, but—


The screams sounded, it was a thug closest to Zhu Zi, covering his face and rolling on the ground, and... a few strands of black blood were actually left from the fingers, which looked shocking.

Yu Wenfeng's complexion changed greatly. He had already made his subordinates wear gloves, how could he still be poisoned?

Zhu Zi sneered, thinking that everything will be fine if you wear gloves?

Huh, so naive!

Unless the whole body is airtight, as long as there is a little exposed place, his poison will follow him.

Another scream rang out, and another thug fell, and the flesh on the face of the thug who fell before was slowly rotting, rotting bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then...

Then the thugs peeled it off layer by layer by himself.

Because it was so painful, the thugs couldn't help scratching their faces, but they grabbed layers of black carrion, more powerful than the most concentrated nitric acid.

"My face... ah..."

Seeing the disgusting rotten flesh on his hands, one piece after another, his face became more and more painful. The thug finally realized that something was wrong, and rushed to the glass window in panic, but was startled by the monster in the glass window.

The originally handsome face has now turned into an inhuman monster, the flesh is still rotten, and even bones are exposed in some places, and it even spreads to the eyes.

The thug found in horror that his eyes gradually became invisible and became more and more blurred.

He couldn't help but grab it again, but he saw his own eyeball in the palm of his hand, staring at himself like a dead fish's eye.


The thug's mental defense has completely collapsed. He would rather fight the enemy with real swords than suffer such pain. He grabbed his eyeballs and screamed like a madman. But it's almost rotten.

Worse than skeletons.

The thugs were all terrified and backed away involuntarily, all horrified.

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