Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1162: Police come to the door

"Grandma, I..." Ye Yuanxiu wanted to defend himself, but Tang Yufen was in no mood to listen.

Tang Yufen was very disappointed with Ye Yuanxiu. She thought she would be the best among her grandchildren, but she did something wrong one after another. If she hadn't stopped her losses in time, Firmenich would have to declare bankruptcy now!

"No need to say any more, you go back to the hotel to pack up and go back to HK, I will inform Yuan Qi, that's all!"

Tang Yufen interrupted impatiently. She doesn't want to listen to nonsense at all now. She will go back if she can't do anything. She was about to hang up when someone knocked on her car window.

Her car was parked opposite the detention center. She wanted to make a phone call and leave. The sound of knocking on the window was light, but it continued and persevered.

Tang Yufen thought it was strange. She deliberately asked the driver to park the car on the side of the road, and it should not block the way of others. She thought that it was blocking the passage of other cars, so she asked the driver to roll down the window, and she could see a corner of green, Tang Yufen felt a little surprised. A squeak, a surge of unease.

"Is that Ms. Tang Yufen? You are involved in a kidnapping and trafficking case of a girl, please cooperate with the investigation!"

The person who came was the police officer Huang who was in charge of the disappearance of Yu Moli. After Ye Xunmei's reminder, the police officer Huang did not find Lei Ge who was trapped in a small harbor by the typhoon until today, along with his cargo ship.

The typhoon was a little smaller today, and Lei Ge was about to set off the boat, but he was caught by the coast guard as soon as he came out. He found more than 20 beautiful girls in the cargo ship, among them Yu Moli.

But Yu Moli's situation was a bit difficult to describe.

Tang Yufen's heart jumped violently, knowing that it must be something about Yu Moli that happened. Damn, why did the police find it!

"What kidnapping? Are you looking for the wrong person?" Tang Yufen pretended to be confused.

Officer Huang looked serious, "Are you Ms. Tang Yufen, Chairman of HK Firmenich Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.?"


Tang Yufen had to nod her head. Although her expression was calm, she panicked.

If she was in HK, she would definitely not panic, but now she is in Pingjiang, where she is unfamiliar, and she can't even find a good lawyer she knows, and there is also Sheng Xinlan, an old temptress who is eyeing her, if something happens to her, I believe Sheng Xinlan He will be the first to jump out and step on her!

"That's right, ask Ms. Tang to come with us!"

Although Police Officer Huang was polite, his tone was unbearable. Tang Yufen knew that he couldn't go any so she got out of the car, moved in her heart, and said, "Can I call the lawyer?"

"Of course." Officer Huang nodded.

When Tang Yufen picked up the phone, she realized that the call between her and Ye Yuanxiu had not been hung up. Ye Yuanxiu had listened to the previous conversation with the police officer, and his joy was far greater than his worry.

Grandma has an accident now and needs to employ someone. He has been here for a while, and he is more familiar with the situation than the eldest brother. Of course, he is more suitable for running errands for grandma!

"Grandma, don't worry, I'll go to Yu Wenfeng and ask him to help hire a lawyer." Ye Yuanxiu didn't mention the matter of going back, and took the initiative to ask Ying to run errands.

Tang Yufen frowned, it must be inappropriate to replace the eldest grandson now, it seems that Ye Yuanxiu can only continue to stay!

"Do it as soon as possible, don't screw it up this time!"

Tang Yufen gave a few orders, then hung up the phone and followed Officer Huang to the police station obediently, but she refused to say a word, just kept silent. Officer Huang had no way to get her, so she had to stand still.

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