Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 107 Proposal to reject

Xizhong Village is adjacent to Taoxi Village.

If there is any trouble here, it will be spread to the other side soon.

"Is the rice harvest in Taoxi Village good?" Sitting in his main room, Wang Jianzhong frowned and looked unclear.

"It's a bumper harvest. I heard that some people don't have enough sacks at home, so they have to find someone to borrow them to store the grain." The flowered shirt snorted, whether it was envy or jealousy.

Since Taoxi Village became famous because of the little unicorn melon, the surrounding villages have been paying attention to the development of Taoxi Village from time to time.

Unexpectedly, after watermelons and sweet potatoes, the production of rice in their village also increased.

The yield per mu has not been disclosed, but when going to the village office to deliver grain, many people saw the millet handed over by Taoxi Village.

The grains are golden and the grains are well-proportioned and plump. Once placed there, it will give people a "high-quality" feeling.

"Uncle, do you think Taoxi Village is evil? Who didn't know what their village was like before? How could there be such an earth-shaking change all of a sudden? The gap is too big!"

Wang Jianzhong didn't speak.

Not to mention the flowered shirts, he also felt that things were evil.

It's as if Taoxi Village has been moved from a bad place to a treasured place overnight, planting all kinds of things.

Maybe he has to find another opportunity to inquire again, to see what kind of doorway there is.

"However, the situation in their village is not much better. Didn't any of the old people who went out to work come back?" Hua Shixie gloated again as he spoke, "I heard that many people in their village were killed outside. I was lied to, I worked so hard for half a year and a year, but in the end I couldn’t get a penny, and I was fired. Hey, there are people who are tricked into spreading X!"

"The rest of Taoxi Village are old and weak women and children. With their old arms and legs, how much can they grow in the best land? Hahaha!"

The floral shirt felt a little wrong with a smile, and when he looked up, he met his uncle's gloomy eyes, "Uncle?"

Wang Jianzhong said coldly, "You think Taoxi Village is the only one who gets cheated by working outside?"



In Taoxi Village, there was another upsurge of discussion surrounding the rice grown this year.

After dinner, groups of women and women who watched TV and chatted came to Zhang's courtyard.

It's just that there are fewer people watching TV today, and more people chatting in the yard.

"Hey, have you eaten this year's new rice?"

"I ate it, it's so delicious, my little grandson even scraped off the crispy rice, I'm not willing to throw away a single one!"

"My old man used to have good food and wine, and he always made up for two bites. Hey, I cooked a pot of new rice yesterday, and he added two bowls of rice. He even forgot to drink the wine!"

"Don't tell me, it's just me. I can eat two bowls of rice like that! Hahaha!"

"I originally planned to sell the extra millet to save two dollars, but now I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it, and I don't even have enough to eat!"

Even Zhang Xifeng couldn't help joining the topic, and took a small stool and squeezed in among the women, "My Qiqi also ate an extra bowl of rice tonight, the rice cooked from that rice is not only delicious, but also beautiful !"

That's right, it's beautiful, the grains are distinct, soft and transparent, just looking at it makes people have an appetite.

Not to mention the taste, the country people can't describe it with good words, it just leaves a fragrance on the teeth and cheeks, and I want to eat it after eating, and I can't fill my stomach.

Behind the kitchen, Qi Qi stood up from the tub holding her swollen belly.

"Mom, I'm full tonight, my stomach is not so round." Two small hands squeezed on the small stomach, Qi Qi tried to inhale, trying to suck back the protruding stomach, but failed.

Song Yueliang suppressed a smile, "You don't need to suck your stomach, just sleep and your stomach will be deflated tomorrow."

Qiqi's mouth was flattened, and she would only deflate tomorrow morning.

But now her little belly is still there.

Even the little clothes I put on were pushed up by my stomach...

"It's all because the rice grown in our village is so delicious." Qi Qi sighed quietly, finding a culprit for herself.

"It's really delicious." Soft but not mushy, sticky but not greasy, with distinct layers of taste, which made Song Yueliang curious about the land of Taoxi Village.

According to the information she knew, Taoxi Village before this year looked different.

Poor, poor people, poor land.

How could such delicious crops suddenly grow?

It's just that this idea was thrown away by Song Yueliang just after it came up, so there's no need to get to the bottom of it.

Qiqi got her mother's approval, she immediately smiled, and even the little bit of resentment towards her little belly flew away.

"Everything grown in our village is delicious. The rice is delicious, the vegetables are delicious, and the watermelon is delicious too! People outside will like it if they try it!" The little bee said, "Mom, I'm going to play with my friends, and I'll come to accompany you after you take a bath!"

Song Yueliang smiled, "Okay."

Her little Qiqi really likes Taoxi Village.

Thinking of the girl's childish words, rice is delicious, vegetables are delicious, watermelon is delicious...

Song Yueliang raised her eyebrows lightly, maybe in the future, these things can be spread.

The fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, an ancient truth.


Huicheng, Fu's house.

Antique bedroom.

Fu Yanchi lay weakly on the head of the bed, "Uncle Gui, where's the set of gourd baby booklets I bought in Hagi Town?"

"Mr. Fu, you can't get up now, you should close your eyes and rest."

"I can still move my hands. Bring me the set of comic books. I'll kill time."

After receiving the comic book brought by Uncle Gui, Fu Yanchi casually flipped through it a few times, thinking of that little doll who likes to stare at him.

"Has Moon gone to Taoxi Village again?" He asked.

"Yes, she now commutes between the company and Taoxi Village every day."

"Where's the Fang family's information?"

"Investigating further."

Fu Yanchi did not ask again.

The Fang family can be regarded as an old-fashioned wealthy family in Huicheng, with complex and deep connections.

Fang Ru has the confidence to challenge Song Chunsheng only because of her natal family's backing.

At the same time, the Song and Fang families also have complex interests in the transfer.

Yue Yue wanted to pick the Fang family alone, which was too risky.

Fu Yanchi's eyes flickered, and he looked at the diary and pen on the bedside table.

I haven't sent the diary to the moon for several days, and she is afraid that she has recorded his revenge in the small notebook again.

Fu Yanchi had a headache and helped her forehead. She knew that when she came back, she should have gone to see the moon first.

Don't be timid.

"Uncle Gui, get the car ready tomorrow, I'm going to Taoxi Village."

Uncle Gui frowned, disapproving, "Mr. Fu, I don't suggest you travel under such circumstances."

If something happens on the road, with Mr.'s body like a leaky sieve, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a place to make up for it in time.

Fu Yanchi raised her lips and smiled slightly, her brows and eyes curved, "I suggest you reject it, Uncle Gui."

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