Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 214 Expecting a child to become a dragon, the hearts of parents in the world

Looking at the restless and disappointed grandson and niece sitting in the corner of the veranda, Wang Jianzhong squatted down on the veranda.

After a pile of cigarette butts piled up at his feet, Wang Jianzhong gritted his teeth and threw away the crumpled cigarette case, "Let's go to Taoxi Village!"

Now that the family planning is strictly enforced, almost every household has only one child, and the child's future is the most important thing.

He also hopes that his grandson can change his destiny with knowledge in the future and become famous.

As long as old man Fu is willing to teach his children, let alone three days of shit like last time, he can do it for a year!

Otherwise, life is simply impossible!

Riding on a bicycle, he took his grandson and niece to Taoxi Village. Wang Jianzhong's car was also covered with large and small bags.

Along the way, he was still in a nervous mood, worried that he would be made things difficult when he was in front of people. After all, there were too many people in Taoxi Village who didn't like him.

As a result, when we arrived at the Qiqi Library, we saw that the grain drying field was full of bicycles, motorcycles, and even tractors.

There was a long queue in front of the library, and they all came to study with bags like him.

Now even if he took the initiative to jump out to make things difficult for others, he might have to wait two or three hours later.

Wang Jianzhong, "..."

Qiqi and her friends were also frightened by this kind of battle.

There are really too many people.

Because noise and noise are not allowed in the library, all the people who come to study gather in the grain drying ground. When there are too many people, the buzzing is noisier than the market.

"Qiqi, your great-grandfather is so powerful, all these are... what kind of words?" Goudan thought hard for a while before he came up with the most appropriate idiom he had just learned, "Come here for the name! "

Qi Qi didn't understand, and she didn't feel happy either.

"But my great-grandfather is old, if he teaches so many students every day, he won't even have time to sleep." Qiqi pursed her lips.

My great-grandfather is over seventy years old, and it would be nice to give some guidance to those who study in the library on weekdays, but it’s really not enough with so many people.

My great-grandfather was reading at home, and would fall asleep from exhaustion after reading a few pages, and would keep dozing off halfway through watching TV.

Qi Qi knew that as the old man got older, his energy would become worse and worse.

The little friends were still watching the excitement, Qi Qi quietly retreated to the library, and ran behind the counter of the consignment store.

The white-haired old man was writing something on the small blackboard that he set up. The small blackboard was added last night. Grandpa said that it would be more convenient for him to guide and teach.

When the old man stopped writing, Qi Qi leaned over and tugged on the sleeve of the old man with her small hand, "Grandpa, there are many people waiting in line outside for you to go out, Qi Qi counted, there are thirty-seven brothers and sisters, then There are many people, can grandpa teach you?"

Grandpa Fu was stunned for a moment, seeing the worry in the little boy's eyes, the old man smiled openly, "As long as the children want to learn, Grandpa still has energy, Grandpa will teach."

"Do you still want to teach if you are tired?"

The old man patted the baby's head, "Teach. Although the great grandfather is old, he still hopes to be valuable."


"Qiqi is still young, so I don't understand it now. Everyone should have their own value in life, and the value of my great-grandfather is teaching and educating people." The old man took Xiaowa'er by the hand, and led her to the library door, He motioned her to look out, "Did Qiqi see those adults who brought their children to study?"

Qiqi nodded, "Qiqi saw it, they are very nervous."

She could understand that the expressions on the faces of the adults in the grain drying field were similar, very nervous and uneasy.

On a very cold day, they stood there motionless, and only occasionally rubbed their hands and stamped their feet when it was too cold, but on such a cold day, their heads were sweating.

Grandpa Fu smiled, touched the baby's head again, and told her, "Yes, they are very nervous because they want their children to become dragons. Grandpa can't reject students who want to study, let alone reject the hearts of parents all over the world."

Qiqi raised her head, looking at the kind and open-minded smiling face of her great-grandfather.

She didn't really understand it, but at this moment, she felt that her great-grandfather deserved the respect of others.

Maybe this is the "value" that grandpa said.

"Grandpa, Qiqi seems to understand." Qiqi said softly, and a smile slowly spread on her little face.

"You're worried that your great-grandfather doesn't have enough energy, but it's actually easy to solve." Qi Qi's head was suddenly pulled twice by something, and the boy's voice was heard lazily in her ears.

Qiqi's eyes lit up, "Eggy, do you have a solution?"

"Those who come to study are in all grades from elementary school to junior high school and high school. When they come, they must study in the library, so they are divided into several study groups. The grade is all it takes. The questions of the senior grades, and finally integrated to ask the grandpa, can save him most of the time and energy, and when the senior students teach the lower grades, they can also review the old and learn the new at the same time, killing two birds with one stone."

The more Qiqi listened, the brighter her eyes became, and she couldn't wait to relay Dandan's words to the old man.

After hearing this, the old man clapped his palms and smiled, "We Qi Qi is so smart, he can still come up with such a good idea! You are indeed from my Fu family! It just so happens that my great-grandfather thinks so too."

"..." Little Qi Qi blushed, she didn't dare to say that Eggy thought of her idea, she was so guilty.

In the end, he simply covered his eyes with his small hands, crying with a small face, "Grandpa is so smart!"

Grandpa had already thought of a solution, but she was secretly worried.

Qiqi is such an idiot...

In the ear, the old man's hearty laughter was heard again.

On the top of the baby's head, Eggy rarely sat upright, with peaceful eyes.

I don't know if it's the magical place of Taoxi Village or the magic of Xiao Zai'er, but there are too many beautiful places around.

The hostility in people's hearts was quietly calmed down unconsciously.

He has helped Qiqi a lot, but he also learned a lot from Qiqi and around Qiqi.

Come and go, it seems that I can't calculate the gains and losses.

Eggy snorted, and lay down with Erlang's legs crossed, and the chicken's claws even scratched Wa'er's little claw in a wicked way.

The beautifully tied hair was caught by him into two chicken coops.

At the entrance of the library, after the appearance of the old man Huafa, the noise suddenly became quiet, as if a switch had been pressed.

The old man took out the small blackboard he had written just now and put it at the door of the library. He tapped on the small blackboard with his fingers, "Big guy, you bring your children here in such a cold day. I understand your desire to have a child become a dragon. But there is one thing I have to do first." Let me tell you guys, Qiqi Library is not a school, and I am just an old man who has retired from my post, and my energy is limited, so I can give a little guidance to the children, but you can't expect me to be as thoughtful and meticulous as teaching in school."

"I have a few requirements here, all of which are written on the blackboard. The big guys come over and take a look. If they think it is acceptable, they will send their children. If they think it is not acceptable, it doesn't matter. The children can still read books in the library. Qiqi Library The door is open, and everyone is welcome to read and study."

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