Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 221 Little Cub's Sugar-Coated Cannonball

Huazi was so frightened that he forgot to turn down the volume, and many people around heard his yelling.

There were five, six, seven or eight more surprised people immediately.

"Why did he come back? Didn't he say he was sentenced to five years in prison? It's only been three or four years!"

"From now on, there will be unrest again in the village, alas!"

"Qiqi, you little ones, stay away from this person when you see him. He is a bastard. If you say something that makes you unhappy, you will hit him. It doesn't matter if you are an adult or a child."

Qiqi squatted in the corner as a small one, and everyone saw her weak and innocent appearance, and gave them more detailed instructions.

After finally waiting for the discussion to be over, Qiqi shifted her body and squatted side by side with Huazi, "Brother Huazi, I just met the bald uncle, and it seems that he is not as good as everyone said. Bad...he even helped the second uncle catch chickens!"

"That's an illusion! Qiqi, you can't be so innocent, listen to your brother! Let me tell you, Heizi used to be famous in the ten miles and eight villages around us, fighting and bullying people everywhere! I've heard it all since I can remember. It's because of him fighting, and he even used knives with people!" Huazi almost couldn't sit still, fearing that the baby would be abducted by someone because he was too innocent, and he gave him a few words, "I heard from people in the village that he is the one outside What a black boss! Every time he goes back to the village, a bunch of younger brothers follow him back, huh, huh, so scared that the villagers dare not light the lamps for dinner at night!"

"We used to not light the lights for dinner, the electricity bill is so expensive."

Huazi, "..." Why can't silly Qiqi understand?

Qiqi tilted her head and thought for a while, then asked curiously, "Brother Huazi, have you ever seen him beat someone?"

"How old am I? I didn't remember until I was three years old, and he was arrested and sent to the police station not long after I remembered!" Hua Zi paused, feeling that his words were not convincing, and added, "But there are many My lord has seen it with my own eyes, and the second uncle of the Chen family has seen him beat people and ask others to pay for it."

"and after?"

"Later Uncle Chen went to tell the police station, and the police station arrested him."

Qiqi nodded immediately, "Chen Erbo did the right thing!"

Seeing this, Huazi was relieved.

It's true that the second uncle of the Chen family moved out, Qiqi is the second uncle of the Chen family's puppy leg.

Oh, it's still his grandfather's puppy legs, and it's still the owner's in the fenced yard... Huazi slowly turned his eyes, looking at the blinking-eyed doll with a firm face.

After thinking about it carefully, he found out, why are there so many people who are so messed up?

Behind the small fenced courtyard, less than two meters away, there is a dilapidated small courtyard.

The degree of dilapidation is similar to that of the small fenced courtyard, but the small fenced courtyard is popular, and the courtyard at the back can still be seen from the outside, but when you open the courtyard door and look inside, you will see desolation everywhere.

In the yard that has not been lived in for several years, there is dry grass and hoar frost on the ground, as well as abandoned farm tools and scattered firewood, piled up in the corner of the yard, covered with a layer of soil, already covered with moss.

The bald young man returned to the courtyard, closed the courtyard door casually, and sat down on the potholed eaves, not caring that the half-wet eaves stained his clothes and pants.

He took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took out the last cigarette, put it in his mouth, and breathed out a smoke ring.

The youth's ferocious eyes narrowed slightly in the smoke, "Damn it."

He returned to the village in the middle of the night last night, wrapped in his clothes and frozen on the wooden bed for half the night. In the morning, he was so cold and hungry that he had to get up, thinking about making something for himself to fill his stomach first.

Where did that little boy come from?

A big cock just gone.

The young man breathed out another smoke ring, squinting his eyes, "Did she do it on purpose?"

If Xiao Zai'er pointed at him and called him a chicken thief, he would grab the big cock and leave without saying a word.

Why did she say that he helped catch chickens?

Looking at him is like looking at a good man.

His sunspot was completely covered by a sugar-coated cannonball by such a big kid.


With a blank expression on his face, the young man chewed and swallowed the half cigarette that was still burning.

No, I still have to live.

The young man stood up, dangling his hands in his pockets and went out again.

Since Xiao Zaier spoiled him and made him hungry, he went directly to her house to get food.

The young man was trying to find out the details of Xiao Zai'er, and the news that the sunspot had returned to the village outside had already spread throughout the village.

Outside the dilapidated small courtyard, people passed by from time to time, poked their heads to look in, and then quickly walked around.

At this time, several waves of people reported to the fence courtyard.

"He's really back! His second uncle's big cock almost disappeared! Thanks to Qiqi's cleverness, he rescued the big cock!"

"He's an idiot, he doesn't plant land, he doesn't do work, I'm afraid he will be the same as before when he comes out this time, go out and find someone to pay for it!"

"Hey, don't trouble the village. We finally had a good time. What if something happens?"

Zhang Xifeng was sitting in the main room, the brazier was burning vigorously, and the room was warm.

Around the brazier, there are several old women in the village sitting around. Those who choose vegetables, those who knit sweaters, and those who knit sweaters, chatter and talk about handwork.

"His yard hasn't been lived in for so many years, and I'm afraid he doesn't even have bedding to sleep on when he comes back, let alone rice and vegetables." Zhang Xifeng sighed, with complicated eyes, recalling the past, "His parents left early, and the older one The old ones are gone too... Come back this time and see if he changes, everyone will treat him better, since they are all from the same village."

"Hey, we are also worried. If he can really improve after returning to the labor camp, the big guys won't look at him like that. We grew up together with his parents, didn't we?"

It was almost lunch time, and the women and women rushed home to make lunch after chatting.

As soon as the yard was clean for a while, the half-closed fence gate was pushed open from the outside.

The bald young man swaggered in with his hands in his pockets, and met Zhang Xifeng who came out of the main room and was about to cook.

"...Heizi?" Although he hadn't seen him for several years, Zhang Xifeng recognized the young man's appearance slightly differently than before.

"Ah." The bald head walked slowly up to the little old woman. The distance was extremely close, condescending, with downcast eyes, oppressive and dangerous.

The young man raised his lips and smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Grandma Zhang, get me something to eat, I'm hungry."

Zhang Xifeng was stunned for a moment, then sighed slightly, "There are still warm sweet potatoes in the pot in the stove, you should eat two first to pad your stomach."

The young man was tall and thin, standing there like a bamboo pole, Zhang Xifeng looked up and could only see his chin.

But facing the young man's dangerous gaze, the old woman did not show any abnormality on her face.

The young man followed her into the stove, and when he was about to take sweet potatoes from the pot, the old woman patted his arm, "Go and wash your hands first, your hands still smell of chicken feces, how can you eat them. "

The young man's eyes turned fierce.

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