Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 233 Not as good as a primary school chicken

Goudan and Huazi arrived at the library on time at two o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as I entered the door, I was frightened by the scene at the consignment store.

That calf named Heizi actually came to the library!

Wait, he's eating a lollipop?

The smiling eyes opposite Heizi, is it Qiqi?

The girl is getting bolder!

Goudan rushed over with fear, "Qiqi, what are you doing?"

Look at my brother's eyes!

Come out and run!

Huazi also arrived with some radish heads, and waved to Qiqi with Heizi on his back, come out, come out!

Qiqi didn't understand the eyes and gestures of the two brothers, and happily took out the cake she had specially saved, "Dangdangdang! Birthday cake, mine! Come and eat!"

Friends, "..."

Fragrant cakes are a must.

After a while, the children who rushed over to rescue Qiqi rushed to the counter to eat the cake, and pushed aside the person who would tie up the little baby and wipe cow dung on the little baby's face.

Qi Qi was giggling and giggling, she was so happy, so many people accompanied her on her birthday!

"Uncle Heizi, this is for you!"

Heizi squinted at the little boy who was handing him the cake, without saying a word, turned around and left with the lollipop in his mouth.

He doesn't eat cake, boo.

At the entrance of the library, Heizi bumped into the middle-aged father and daughter who walked in.

When Chen Jianhe saw the man opposite, his face sank, "What do you want to do here?"

Heizi tilted his head, "To buy cigarettes, do you want to report to the police station, uncle?"

"If you want to stay in the village, be honest. If I see you committing crimes again, I will send you in!"

"We'll see." Heizi moved forward, and when he passed by the middle-aged man, his eyes flicked lazily over the face of the young girl behind him.

When Heizi was far away, Chen Jianhe snorted and his expression turned.

"You have a high school degree, and you should come and listen to the lectures taught by the teachers. Although you can't expect to go to university, it will always be beneficial to read more books and learn more." He said to his daughter.

"En." Taohua nodded in response, a little absent-minded.

After a while, she quietly turned her head and glanced back, and there was no one there.

After the three teachers appeared on the first day of the library, they immediately became famous in the surrounding villages, and more people flocked to the library in the afternoon.

There was no room for a few long desks, and the people who came later had no place to sit, so they just sat on the floor to attend lectures, or stood directly against the wall, taking notes with a small notebook.

The old village chief came to visit him a few times, and the smile on his face became bigger and bigger, like a chrysanthemum.

Today's Taoxi Village is like a flower bud hanging on a branch, slowly blooming.

The coming year must be a good one.

Qi Qi crowded into the library to fill the head, and was worried that her grandpa would be cold, but she didn't expect her to worry at all.

Wa'er was relieved to listen to the class more seriously, although most of them couldn't understand.

It's just strange, why didn't Dad come this afternoon?


Fu Yanchi was jumping on the crematorium where he was chasing his wife.

After the cauldron exploded at noon, his family's moon didn't even look at him again, and he didn't even look at him when celebrating his daughter's birthday.

It was completely regarded as air.

While all the family members went to the library, and finally got the right time and place, Fu Yanchi was ashamed.

"Moon, I swear, from now on, I will never hide anything from you again."

The man was tall and tall, with one hand supporting the wall behind the door of the main room, and the other hand against the door frame of the room, he slammed the woman into the corner in front of the main room and the door.

The space is cramped, the light is dim, and the air has become thin.

Song Yueliang was still holding the investigation report on the Mashan land in her hand, and she wanted to study more in her free time, but she didn't expect to be trapped here by a man.

She raised her eyes coolly, and tried her best to ignore the man's invading aura, "All the things you were hiding were exposed, and you haven't had time to do the things you didn't hide, Mr. Fu, don't talk big too early."

"..." Fu Yanchi coughed lightly.

The moon knew him too well.

He didn't say a word, Song Yueliang suddenly felt sullen in his heart, raised his red lips, and poked his fingertips into his heart, "If the teacher didn't burst out, I really don't know that Mr. Fu has another side, fighting? One fight three How majestic. How did you manage to cover your heart and pant while eating a bun in front of me? Didn’t you say you couldn’t get emotional? Didn’t you say you couldn’t do strenuous exercise?”

Fu Yanchi explained solemnly, "Beating a few people is not considered strenuous exercise. It ends too quickly, and the heart has no time to speed up."

Song Yueliang, "..."

"Eating steamed stuffed buns in front of you is different." The man held her fingertips and pressed them firmly against his heart. "As long as you stand in front of me, my heart beats incredibly fast. If you don't believe me, touch it."

After a while, Song Yueliang calmly withdrew her hand, "I almost didn't feel it, I just felt quite cold."

"The fabric of this cotton coat is not good. I'll change to a woolen coat and you can touch it again? It must not be cold."

Song Yueliang slapped the investigation report on the man's forehead with his hand, "Get up, do you want to be ashamed?"

"I'll get the face later," the man stopped the woman who was about to force her way out, hugged her, and hoarse his voice, "Moon, there's no one at home right now, and the atmosphere is good... kiss me before you leave?"

Song Yueliang, "..."

The four eyes met, and the air behind the door suddenly became thinner and thicker. In the quiet space, something sounded like a drum beating.

The two looked at each other, blushing gradually.

Song Yueliang bit her lip nervously.

The man who made the proposal was also so nervous that his eyeballs were red.

Although they even have children, strictly speaking, the two have zero love experience, not as good as elementary school chickens.

The shameless man said shamelessly, he really had to put it into practice, his whole body trembled with jealousy.

Song Yueliang, "..."

Listening to the gradually rapid breathing, Song Yueliang split him open with a palm, "You're going to faint!"

Fu Yanchi, "..." Damn it!

When the snowflakes flashed in front of her eyes, Fu Yanchi's self-cultivation of more than 20 years was completely broken, and she felt like she was going to be rude.

"Pfft hahahaha!" Across the wall, outside the dog hole in the corner, there was a burst of belly laughter, "Dong Dong, there is no hahaha on the record!"

"Puff, puff! Recorded, recorded!" The voice of the woman forced to suppress laughter came immediately, "My mother, is Fu Yanchi so useless?"

Both men and women rushed out from behind the door, gnashing their teeth, "Yanxi, Dong Wangshu!"

Yan Xi and Dong Wangshu reacted quickly, and immediately fled out the door with the video camera in hand.

Having already run out of the door, Dong Wangshu still did not forget to raise his voice to tease, "Yueyue, Fu Yanchi is so good, he has no ability to change his mind, and he will guard his body like a jade for you for the rest of his life! Take him in!"

Yan Xi, "Fu Yanchi, I'll help explain to the old man at home, it's not that you're not enthusiastic enough, and you can't control such things as being unwilling and powerless, we all understand!"

Song Yueliang and Fu Yanchi, "..."

So why dig a dog hole under the corner of the main room?

There is no dog at home, how about digging and playing?

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