Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 270 Recruitment requires a villain

On the first day that the Qiqi Food Factory was completed, the news spread all over the surrounding villages.

Every day, countless villagers go outside the factory to watch and inquire.

After the recruitment news came out, the sensation was even more indescribable.

There are only two local factories including the entire Yang County territory.

One is a hanger factory, the number of workers does not exceed 500, it is a small and medium-sized factory.

There is also a fan factory, which is smaller and belongs to the family workshop. There are about 20 people including the boss and employees.

In the eyes of the people of Yang County, the factory is a rare thing.

In my impression, the real big factories are only found in the city, and to get in not only requires academic qualifications, but also connections.

Once you can work in a factory in the city, you will have an iron rice bowl. When you get old and retire, the work can be passed on to the younger generation in the family.

Therefore, after the news that someone in Taoxi Village wanted to open a factory got out, countless people secretly paid attention.

Because the person who wants to open the factory has an unusual background. I heard that his family is the richest.

For a factory opened by such a family, wages must be paid, not to mention stable.

If he could be recruited, he would definitely have a solid job at that end.

While Yanxi was still asking Fu Yanchi about the requirements and rules of recruitment, people who knew the inside story started pouring into the fenced courtyard.

The one who pulls the relationship, the one who takes the favor, has only one purpose, to get the recruitment quota.

Among them, Wang Jianzhong ran the most frequently.

If it wasn't for the fear of being kicked out, he simply wanted to live in the fenced courtyard until Yanxi nodded.

The factory opened by the son of the richest man is right on the edge of their village. With such good conditions, he must get in and win more places for the village to enter the factory.

What the face is is not important at this time.

As long as he can be given a place, he can be shameless.

Every day when Qiqi wakes up, she can see Wang Jianzhong's old smiling face, and she can't feel clean until she goes back to her room to sleep at night.

People came here every day, not to mention they were very diligent. People inside and out almost rushed to do all the odd jobs that could be done in the small courtyard, and they were all idle.

Except for those from other villages, the villagers are also very concerned about the factory.

At the beginning, Yanxi let it go, when the factory recruited workers, it would definitely give priority to people from Taoxi Village.

Although the big guy already has a bottom line in his heart, but things have not been confirmed for a day, and the list of people who can enter the factory has not been finalized, so the big guy still can't settle down.

Even the old village head couldn't bear it anymore, he was in a hurry and ran to the fenced courtyard three times a day.

There are now two surplus laborers in his family.

"Father, Uncle, when are you recruiting?" Seeing Wang Jianzhong's smiling face when she woke up again, Qiqi held her small face and sighed, "If you don't hurry up, Qiqi will gain a lot of weight again."

In less than half a month since the factory was built, Qi Qi has gained weight several times.

The weather is getting hotter, and the clothes on the body are reduced, and the fat accumulated on the belly cannot be covered.

Her belly is so round that it's about to fall down, and it's trembling when she walks T.T

People who come to the house to brush their faces will feed her with delicious food every time they come.

Even Brother Goudan and Brother Huazi came to her every day with delicious food, saying that if they bribed her, the chances of their family members entering the factory would be greater.

Qiqi is almost unable to hold on.

Yanxi put away the recruitment notice she had just written, and pinched the little flesh on the little baby's belly, "Where is this? Eat it! A chubby baby looks better!"

Qi Qi raised her eyebrows and turned around, facing her uncle with the back of her head.

She didn't believe it.

There is no one in their village who is fatter than her. Qiqi's chin is already three layers!

"Uncle will recruit workers tomorrow, and the factory will be officially put into operation within a week."

Hearing this, Qiqi's little face showed joy, and she turned around with sparkling eyes, "Then how many people can we recruit in Taoxi Village?"

She heard that there is a limit to the number of workers a factory can recruit, and if it exceeds, no one will be recruited.

Many uncles, aunts and brothers in the village want to work in the factory.

Yan Xi was amused by the baby's eager look, and rubbed her little head, "You are the one who worries the most, don't worry, there is no limit for people from Taoxi Village to enter the factory, anyone who wants to come can come!"

Not to mention anything else, he gave Qiqi a place to live in Taoxi Village, just for Granny Zhang, and he was willing to give this kind of favor.

As soon as he finished speaking, the little boy rushed out like flying, laughing loudly, "Okay! Qi Qi is going to tell everyone the good news!"

As soon as Qiqi ran away, Wang Jianzhong, who didn't know where the cat was, also appeared, smiling, and passed cigarettes when he came up, "Mr. Yan, you see that the factory is built in the middle of our two villages, can we have more in Xizhong Village?" How many places are available? We are close to the factory, and if there is anything to do, we can rush there immediately! After work, I can organize villagers to help watch the factory and be responsible for the security of the factory! Absolutely guarantee that there will be no nightclubs Dare to touch Qiqi Food Factory!"

Yan Xi took the cigarette and looked at the sky outside, it was around seven o'clock in the morning.

"Village Chief Wang, what time did you come here?"

"It's not too early or too early, just get up and come."

"I heard that you had a big enmity with Taoxi Village before?"

Wang Jianzhong's face froze, he gritted his teeth, and bowed his head, "As long as you give me the right words, I'll go and apologize to the whole village right now! I'll give back the money I earned from letting them go before! Is it going to work?"

Yanxi stared at him for a moment, burst out laughing, reached out and patted his shoulder, "I'm just joking with you. The past is over. I'm a businessman. Peace is the most important thing in business. In the future, everyone will make peace with you." Be kind and make a fortune together!"

Wang Jianxin's head loosened, and during the brief moment of staring just now, he actually felt a chill rushing up, as if he was being watched by a wolf.

The son of the richest man is different, his aura is different from that of ordinary people.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Jianzhong was overjoyed, "Mr. Yan, did you promise to give us a place in the village?!"

"Here! As you said, the factory is built there, and it's convenient to recruit workers nearby. It's convenient for the workers, and it's also convenient for the factory. As long as you work hard after entering the factory, you don't steal or play tricks, no matter who you are! But if someone makes a mistake, when I drive them away , but also regardless of identity."

"Okay, okay! As long as you have these words, leave the rest to me! Whoever dares to make a moth out of the factory and do something wrong to the factory by the people who go to my Xizhong Village alone, it is tantamount to slapping me in the face of Wang Jianzhong , I don’t need Mr. Yan to do it, I will be the first to spare him!”

After receiving the good news, Wang Jianzhong couldn't sit still, said goodbye in a hurry and went back to the village.

After he left, Yan Xi stretched her long arms and legs lightly, and smiled again, looking silly.

These were handed over to him late by Fu Yan.

Wang Jianzhong is a villain, but using a villain also has the benefits of being a villain. As long as you give him some sweetness, many things that he is inconvenient to deal with and things that are easy to offend people can be handed over to people like Wang Jianzhong.

In many cases, a villain is better than a gentleman when it comes to doing things.

Qiqi Food Factory needs such a person.

As for the past entanglements between Taoxi Village and Xizhong Village, that's another matter.

The dog man is quite treacherous, but he seems to have learned a lot.

See you tomorrow.

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