Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 310 Are you playing with him?

The sun hasn't set yet.

The children in the school have not finished school yet, and the villagers are also tending watermelons in the melon field in the back hill.

Walking out along the road was very quiet, only the sound of frogs croaking in the grass beside the road.

Heizi procrastinated and came to Chen's house.

The yard door was open.

There were muffled voices inside, and the screech of saws cutting through wood.

Heizi stood at the door for a while before walking in, subconsciously looking at the man's legs.

The man was sitting in the shadow of the kitchen door, with one trouser leg rolled up, the ankle could be seen swollen into steamed buns, and a large bruise spread from the ankle to the calf, which was a bit shocking to watch.

Because of the broken leg, the man was not able to move easily, so Lin Cuifang fought with him.

Beside the two of them, there was a half-formed wooden cabinet.

"What happened to the legs?" he asked.

"I didn't pay attention to the road when I went up the mountain to clear the orchard. I lost my mind and accidentally fell." Hearing the voice, the man raised his eyelids, and said in a low voice, "Come and help me saw the wood."

Heizi refused straight away, "I won't."

"I've already drawn the line, just follow the line and saw it down. You don't need to know it, you just need to work hard! Don't tell me you don't even have the strength, old man."

Heizi drooped his eyebrows, feeling that he was being manipulated.

With a blank face, he went over, picked up the saw, pressed the wooden board with one hand to fix it, and began to push and pull to saw the wood.

Seeing this, Lin Cuifang secretly pursed her lips and smiled, turned around and went into the kitchen, poured a glass of mung bean water, and put it on the empty stool beside her.

"Heizi, this is the mung bean water that my aunt boiled this morning. You can drink it later when you are thirsty. In this hot day, drinking some mung bean water can quench your thirst and relieve the heat. If it is not enough, there is still some on the stove. Go fill it yourself."

Heizi glanced at her and hummed.

The woman smiled and went back to the main room, leaving the space for the two big men.

Taohua never showed up. I don't know if she didn't go home or hid in the room to avoid suspicion.

For a while, there was only the sound of carpentry at the door of the kitchen.

Neither of the two men spoke.

It wasn't until Heizi finished sawing all the wood with drawn lines according to the specifications, and his shirt was soaked with sweat, that the man sitting on the stool said, "What are your plans in the future? Have you ever thought about making money on your own? "

Heizi was startled, he thought the man was going to ask him about the Huang family.

"I've already made money, and I've had enough for retirement. I don't plan to work anymore. Why do I work so hard? I don't even think about becoming a rich man."

"Your family has six acres of land that has been vacant, and the weeds in the field are almost as high as someone else's. Later, after the watermelons in the village are sold, I will go with you to reorganize the land. This year is too late. Next year, you will plant with the big guys You can earn two to three hundred yuan per acre of watermelon. It should be enough to save some money all year round."

Heizi, "No, I don't need to make money."

"If you think the money is too little, then you can take care of the orchard with me. After two or three years, when the fruit trees in the orchard bear fruit, I will share with you when the money is sold. In a few years, you will need three At the age of ten, I have to plan for my future. How can I live without earning money, and I won’t even be able to support my wife and children in the future.”

"What kind of wife and children are you raising? I don't plan to get married. I'm comfortable alone, and the whole family won't be hungry if I'm full."

"Okay, it's decided." The man seemed to have not heard what he said at all, and he talked to himself, and then continued to order him, "I will teach you to install these sawn logs, and you will contribute."

Heizi's face was numb, his face was expressionless, and Heitong's eyeballs were expressionless, staring at Chen Jianhe quietly.

"Uncle," he said, "didn't you hear what I said? I don't work, I don't earn money, I don't raise a wife and children. Don't worry about me."

"Don't you want to pay me back? I don't need you to pay back the money, you just treat it as a favor to me and do the work I asked you to do."

"How long?"

"It won't take long, just pay it off."

Heizi didn't speak.

What does the man think of him as a fool? Just pay it off, when will you pay it off?

If there is no end, he can't help with the work of the previous life?

What about playing with him?

Chen Jianhe said with a grimace, "Why, the clean money is not enough, and you don't even want to help with the work? You have lived your life on favors owed to others?"

"I didn't ask you to help me."

"Then I helped you, didn't you accept it? Haven't you already eaten my family's rice? Can you still spit it out now?"


Heizi frowned slowly, and looked suspiciously at the man in front of him, "Uncle, have you become a little slippery now?"

What about the rigid integrity of the past?

It's the same with the cub, and it's the same with the old man.

How did Taoxi Village become a little unknown to him.

"What's the trick? That's it, let's eat at home tonight!" Chen Jianhe snorted, his eyes flickered slightly, and he refused to admit that he was a little guilty.

Heizi thought for a while, and asked shamelessly, "Did I owe you a little more favor after eating this meal, so I have to do more work for you?"

"Cough." Chen Jianhe stood up, dragged his injured leg, and limped into the room.

Looking at it from the back, there is always a bit of a fox smell.

Before entering the main room, the man turned around, "You did what happened to Mrs. Huang? You really went to the police station to sue her? What kind of slander can you really sue?"

"No. But it's enough to frighten an illiterate old lady."

"How do you know there is still a crime of defamation in the law?"

"When I was bored, I read some books in the library. I just saw it and used it. I didn't expect it to be quite useful."

The man turned around and entered the room without saying anything.

The view was blocked by the room, so Kuroko didn't see the smile on the man's face.

While laughing, the man secretly cursed a bitch.

"Uncle, didn't you say that I will do my best? How do you install this thing?"

Outside, Heizi twitched slightly as he looked at the scattered wooden boards and stakes.

"Think about it yourself first. If you don't understand, I will teach you later. I will take a rest when I am sleepy! Oh, the library also has books that teach carpentry. You can read it when you have time. Maybe you don't need me to teach you after reading it. You can fit a wardrobe by yourself."

"..." The young man sat down hard on the stool, and it fell apart.

Sitting in the shade of the stove, drinking sweet mung bean water, Heizi leisurely looked at the clear sky above his head.

I have an inexplicable premonition that my life seems to be drifting off track unconsciously.

In fact, he doesn't care whether his results are good or not, it doesn't matter what happens to a person's life.

But he didn't seem to reject Chen Jianhe's arrangement as much as he imagined.

Taoxi Village is not big, usually what happens in the village can be known by the whole village in a short time.

The fact that Heizi was dragged by Chen Jianhe to plow the fields and take care of the fruit trees soon became known to the whole village.

The villagers happily hid aside, rubbing their hands secretly to watch the fun.

Someone even made a bet behind his back, guessing how many days Heizi would last this time, and whether Heizi would win or Jianhe would win in the end.

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