Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 381 Whose Cub Are You Flirting With?

"Qiqi, there is a bumper harvest of melons in Xincun this year, let's celebrate with a movie tonight!"

Outside the fenced courtyard, the boy with flat hair was full of excitement, and shouted at Qiqi with a male voice, "Tang Bohu ordered Qiuxiang! Do you want to watch it? Your favorite Zhou Xingxing is playing it! Huazi and Xiya are all going, There are quite a few uncles and aunts in the village who also said to join in the fun.”

The little girl stood up in front of the pigsty, her black eyes sparkling with surprise, "Really let Tang Bohu light the autumn fragrance? Go, go! I want to see! Brother Tie Jun, call me before you leave!"

"Let's go later. Everyone is gathering at the alley outside. Hurry up if you want to go. We'll wait for you outside!" If you can't speak, don't speak.

But that must be an exception in front of Qi Qi.

My sister would never laugh at him.

"I brought both water and snacks. If you want to buy food temporarily while watching a movie, I also brought money. You can just come out! Hurry up!"

Qiqi responded decisively, and immediately ran back to the main room to seek consent from the elders.

At this time, the family has already had dinner.

The old man chatted with Zhang Xifeng and his elders while watching TV in the main room, and they had heard all the conversations outside the courtyard.

Zhang Xifeng smiled and nodded the little girl's forehead, "You, you already said you're going, so why are you asking for our opinion? You're clearly just telling us."

The little girl giggled, her eyes drifting from side to side.

It made the old man chuckle secretly.

Qiqi in their family has been like this since she was a child, and she dare not look people in the eye when she has a guilty conscience.

"Xincun is only three or four miles away from us, not far away. The people there are familiar with us in the past two years, and they all take care of Qiqi. Go if you want." The old man said.

In the past two years, under the special leadership of Fu Yanchi and Song Yueliang, the surrounding villages have become more and more prosperous every year.

In addition to the better and better economic conditions, there are also the benefits brought by the Qiqi Library. Any family with children in each village has been taught by the old man and other famous teachers.

Everyone knows who is in the light.

It can be said that Qiqi can walk sideways within a radius of ten miles around Taoxi Village.

Anyone who doesn't have eyesight dares to bully Qiqi within this boundary will be chased and beaten from one mile to ten miles away.

Besides, there are so many people in the village going to play together, the people in the small courtyard are very relieved.

Everyone agreed, Qiqi stepped on the small women's bicycle her mother bought her last year, carried a small bench, and happily went to the alley to gather.

She went out on the front foot, and Fu Yanchi and Song Yueliang quietly followed her on the back foot.

The couple euphemistically called it to join in the fun.

Yan Xi was not far behind either, and also called it "joining in the fun".

In the end, even Uncle Gui got involved.

All in all, no matter how safe a place is, it does not mean absolute safety.

If anything unexpected happened to Qi Qi, Big Brother Yan would come over to kill him with a knife in the capital.

No one will forgive.

The new village is not far from Taoxi Village, just half way to the town.

In the past two years, the people in the two villages have known each other for a long time and can't be more familiar with each other. When I went to the grain drying field where the movie was shown in the new village, the place was full of voices saying hello.

Naturally, the one who received the most greetings was Qiqi.

Before the movie started, the little girl's face was almost frozen with laughter.


Xiao Li originally planned to go to dinner later.

I didn't expect to see a movie like this.

He was extremely upset when that bastard Li Tiejun appeared.

There are usually huge crowds of people watching movies in the village, so what's the point of bringing his little boy to join in the fun?

In case of a bump, who is responsible?

When he is still there, can he protect people well?

Looking at the happy expression of the little girl in the mirror when she went to the movies, Xiao Li folded his arms and his face was dark, he was so angry that he didn't want to eat.

Who's that in the army green shirt? What are you trying to do with his son?

Li Goudan has eyes on his butt? Did you know that you stepped on the heels of his little boy?

The one with the pot head cut off is Hua Zi? One stool per person, do you need to be so close together? Shoulder to shoulder!

Oh shit.

Xiao Li's eyes sparkled, he stared straight at the mirror image, when a mosquito flew out of it, he thought it was a dangerous animal.

I can't wait to get in and slap the mosquito to death.

Raising cubs is definitely the only time in this life, he swears.

Being a fucking father is so hard!

"Master, it's almost nine o'clock, do you want to have dinner first?"

The servant in the villa stepped forward cautiously and asked in a low voice.

If the young master is allowed not to eat, no one will feel better when the old man comes back.

This is the heart and soul of the old man.

Xiao Li didn't lift his eyes, "I'm busy, I'll eat the food by myself later."


He looked carefully with his two eyes, but he didn't see where the young master was busy.

Don't you just sit there in a daze?

In a daze and refuse to eat?

The servant felt that he couldn't bear this responsibility, quietly stepped back, and quietly called to report.

Xiao Li's mobile phone rang immediately.

Just as he was about to pick up the phone, someone touched Qi Qi in the mirror.

"Qiqi, this is a cantaloupe grown in my house. It has been washed clean. My mother asked me to bring it here for you to taste." Why, the eyes seem to be squinting, and I dare not look directly at the little girl.

Not far from the young boy, there were still quite a few people of the same age huddled together, looking over here, pushing and shoving, talking in a low voice while covering their mouths and sniggering.

Xiao Li paused when he answered the phone, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

He was too familiar with this shy expression and the scene.

This is how the female classmates at school handed him love letters, not to mention exactly the same, there is absolutely no difference!

The phone was still ringing, not stopping to disturb the ears, Xiao Li grabbed the phone and pressed it viciously.

"Whose cub are you teasing? I warn you to stay away, where to look at the grass mud horse!"

Do these dogs understand the law?

His cub is only nine years old!

This is coveting minors, right?


This kind of bastard should be sentenced to life!

"Hey, this cantaloupe smells good, and it must taste good." Before Qiqi could speak, she grabbed the cantaloupe with one paw.

Goudan grinned, gnawed a big mouthful of cantaloupe, chewed it, and patted the shoulder of the melon delivery boy, "It's delicious and sweet! Thank you! It's just that one is not enough, we have so many people here, brother, at home Is there any more? How many more will you come over?"

The young man's handsome face flushed slightly, "This, this is for Qi Qi."

"We are all Qiqi's older brothers and sisters. She never shared anything with us. Doesn't it seem that we are divided?" Goudan took out a handful of candy from his carry-on bag and stuffed it to the boy, " Hey, I don’t eat you for nothing, return the gift, and share a share with your friends. Go back, go back, don’t run around, blocking people from watching movies.”

The young man was already thin-skinned, so he didn't have the courage to continue to say anything, so he ran away.

From the beginning to the end, there was no chance to say a single word.

Outside the mirror, Xiao Li gave Goudan a thumbs up.

It was the first time I saw Goudan so pleasing to the eye.

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