Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 391 Do you want to go to the source world to save? yes!

time bureau.

BOSS held his head with both hands, so worried that his head was going bald.

"That bastard, is he crazy? Grabbing the high-voltage electricity with his bare hands, thinking that he is an immortal golden body? How dare he get it!"

The little clerk stood in front of the boss's desk, trying to shrink himself to the smallest size, wanting to die.

If Xiao Li hadn't been crazy, in his previous life he could have turned the space-time situation upside down by himself, and even the boss almost stepped down?

"Boss, Xiao Li's binding relationship with the host of Shifang World has not been released before, and he still holds the identity of the system, he should have guessed this, and bet that the mastermind will not really let him die, so, I took a bold gamble..."

"Is that a gamble? He's clearly threatening me!" the boss roared.

It wasn't this that drove him mad the most, it was that he was actually threatened.

How embarrassing to be No.1 in the space-time bureau!

He was really afraid that if that bastard died, the Time and Space Bureau would come to disturb him forever!

"Boss..." The clerk frowns, and weakly chirps to remind him, "Xiao Li's soul and body are damaged, so he can no longer continue the tasks of the system. According to the rules of the space-time bureau, he has automatically left the system's identity... But the following plots have not yet been completed. Done, what should I do?"

"You asked me what to do? It was you who made it up, so you come to think about what to do! If you can't handle it this time, I'll deal with you directly!!"

"If they are not in the same time and space, the matter will not be over, Boss!" The clerk cried again, with tears streaming down his face, "Unless the two time and space merge—"

"You're thinking farts! Time-space fusion is impossible! Otherwise, the two time-spaces will be messed up! At most, they can only be partially fused!"

"Received, thank you BOSS! Then part of the fusion!"

"Compared with full fusion, partial fusion has fewer side effects but is more difficult, and it will take at least twenty years."


The BOSS squinted and sneered, "You want to set me up? You're a little tender, go to work!"

The little staff kept rolling and crawling.

He definitely couldn't afford to wait twenty years.

Twenty years later, Xiao Li is already a dog, and the fusion of time and space is still useless.

In order to complete the task and make amends, there is only one last way to go.

Sitting in the outer corner of the BOSS office, the clerk squatted down and typed a line on the portable control panel.

Sneaky, doggy.

In the office, the boss looked at this scene with a blank expression and a headache.

After a while, with a sigh, he intercepted the message sent by the clerk, and continued sending it after making some minor changes.

After doing this, the BOSS resigned to his fate and began to use his own energy to perform the operation of partial fusion of time and space.

It would drain him a lot of energy, but he couldn't do it.

Song Yueliang and Fu Yanchi, the perverted couple, are already starting to study the space-time magnetic field.

In less than two years, the magnetic wave that can make all the time and space in his hands mess up will come out in the hands of the couple.

At that time, even if he runs out of energy, it will be difficult to restore the chaos.

Might as well put some water now.

Peace of mind after changing days.


Huicheng High School.

In June, it will be night.

A fifteen-year-old girl was about to enter the school gate on her bicycle, but for some reason, she slammed on the brakes.

With a creak, the bicycle barely stopped half a meter outside the school gate.

[Xiao Li, a native of Beijing in time and space, is a descendant of the wealthy Xiao family. Before the age of 18, everything was smooth sailing. After the age of 18, someone conspired to take over the Xiao family. She was trapped by love and became a spare child. At the age of 32, she had nothing and fell down on the street and died as a guest. 】

[Do you want to go to the source world to save? 】

[Solemn reminder, if you go here, you will never return. 】

Students around me came and went, and many of them cast doubtful glances at the girl who stood there for a long time.

The girl seemed to have disappeared.

The cherry lips parted slightly, and she said "yes" without hesitation.

[Three days later, at Zishi, the space-time tunnel was opened in the fenced courtyard of Taoxi Village and stopped for half an hour. 】

The characters in the mid-air that others cannot see disappeared after a while.

Qi Qi turned the front of the car and left in the opposite direction of the school without looking back.

There are calls from familiar classmates behind him, but they are also turned on deaf ears.

That night, Song Yueliang personally called the school to ask for leave for Qiqi.

The next day, the school received student Song Siming's withdrawal letter.

At the same time, the villagers of Taoxi Village learned that Fu Yanchi suddenly fell ill and had a relapse, and was about to leave for a foreign country for treatment.

Song Yueliang accompanied Qiqihui, and there was no return date.

For a while, the whole Taoxi village was filled with sadness. On that day, the old village head, Chen Jianhe and others who were acquainted with Qiqi's family stayed in the fenced courtyard for a long time.

Qi Qi solemnly bid farewell to these elders one by one.

She knew it was selfish to make this decision by herself.

But she couldn't leave her balls alone.

That was the one who gave her a new life, the one who guarded her happiness one after another.

In the past, Eggy had been protecting her and helping her.

This time, it was her turn to guard Eggy.

"Go," the old village chief stroked the top of the little girl's hair, his old face was transparent and relieved, "Remember, no matter where you are, Taoxi Village is your home, and we are waiting for you to come back anytime."

Chen Jianhe was clumsy and couldn't say anything emotional at this time. The man in his fifties squatted under the eaves and secretly wiped his tears.

And many, many others.

Uncles and uncles from all families, even Goudan and Huazi, all rushed over to bid farewell.

Qiqihuanmu, remember these familiar and kind faces one by one in my heart, with tears in my smile.

On the other side, Song Yueliang and Fu Yanchi also handed over all the affairs at hand.

This time, Heizi was firmly detained on the thief boat, and he didn't even want to run away.

From this day on, he became the first long-term employee of the couple. While working part-time, he also had the task of assisting Yanxi.

Fu Yanchi settled an account for him.

It takes at least hundreds of thousands of dollars to raise a child and educate him.

He has two cubs, double.

In the future, I still want to retire and live a good life, plus supporting my parents, etc., the sum is astronomical.

Heizi couldn't refuse, and eventually bowed down for the dung.

Fu Yanchi, that bastard, gave him 30% of the shares in the new energy company.

Song Yueliang directly gave Dingfeng to him.

Heizi happily signed the deed of sale.

After solving the mundane matter, in a blink of an eye, it's time to open the space-time tunnel.

Child time, that is, midnight.

At this time, the entire Taoxi Village was quiet, and the villagers were already sound asleep.

The tunnel opened in the fenced yard.

Like a vortex of water waves, the edges are shining brightly.

Qi Qi and her parents are ready, as long as they step into the tunnel, they will arrive in another time and space.

It also means that you are completely separated from this time and space.

Zhang Xifeng was wearing a brand new suit, with a small rucksack on her shoulders, as if traveling, followed behind Qi Qi, with a calm and peaceful face.

Mr. Fu didn't give in, he brought a box of books, and a walking stick that he had used for many years, and stood in front of the aperture with one hand on his hip, looking at it for a while, as if he was looking at the means of transportation when he was going on a trip.

Even Uncle Gui stuck to it, afraid that if he took a step too late later, he would be left behind.

Tuliu Yanxi was sad and angry one meter away.

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