Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 410 Boss Collapse

"Heizi, brother! Brother, declare now that from now on, you will be closer than my wife!"

Yan Xi was about to pounce on Heizi, but was kicked away by Heizi.

"Fuck off, old bachelor who has been around for ten thousand years, who can be closer than your wife? Father, son, and daughter-in-law are hot on the bed, you fucking stay away from me!"

The excitement in Fu Yanchi's and Song Yueliang's hearts was no less than Yanxi's.

Who would have thought that because of the love for their daughter, they sent a hard-earned team to study magnetic waves, and finally brought them such a big surprise?

Their relatives and friends are all in the old time and space, even if they left everything behind and came here with their daughter, they still look forward to being reunited one day.

The couple held hands, looked at each other and smiled, "It seems that the influence of magnetic waves is not small."

Ever since they knew their daughter's secret and experienced so many miracles, the couple have believed in the power of the dark.

And it is certain that behind that power is controlled by some kind of "unknown".

Since there is an "unknown" master behind him, and he sent them and Taoxi Village one by one in a forced manner, it means...

The couple raised their lips together, and the same meaning flashed in their eyes.


space-time bureau.

BOSS sat on the time-space chair, staring at the mirror image presented in the source time-space, his eyes gradually became dull, and finally became powerless.

He was too familiar with the eyes of the couple.

That kind of meaning is called having bad intentions!

"It's over..." The feeling of despair that had been driven mad by the couple once grew in his heart, and the BOSS-sama almost wanted to reach out and squeeze the dog and man in the mirror to death.

Sure enough, there was a conversation in the mirror that made him want to go crazy.

"How about Dad and Aunt Meng? After I got in touch with you, I called them and the Yan's villa respectively, but they couldn't get through." The dog man asked.

"Can't get through? Impossible, I talked to Dad on the phone before I came, and his number hasn't changed, and the number at home hasn't changed either." The Erha of Yan's family took out his phone, and for a moment, "Eh? Weird! Empty number? Is there a problem with the communication in the capital?"

The dog man shook his head, "It's not that there is a problem with the communication in the capital. I guess they didn't come over. Your sister-in-law can't get through to the idler villa."

"What do you mean? It means that only Taoxi Village has come? Isn't this, Taoxi Village equal to spanning, no, isn't it equivalent to connecting two time and space?!"

"No, the barrier of time and space is still there. Only people from Taoxi Village can live in this time and space. Even if Dad and Aunt Meng arrived in Taoxi Village, they may not be able to enter this time and space... I guess, the two time and space may be partially fused? "

The female voice was cold, "It seems that if you want to take them over, you can only continue to study magnetic waves."

"I think so too."


Dog men and women!

The boss flipped the source time and space mirror images upside down, and his eyes burned into vertical pupils in anger.

At the end, the voice was weak, "Time and Space Operator 958, get over here."

The clerk hurriedly said, "Boss, please tell me something!"

The boss glanced at the glamorous face of the clerk, and smiled, "I have a list here, the people on it need to continue to integrate into the source time and space, this time you will operate it. Don't refuse, let me calculate, your energy is just enough."

The brilliance on the clerk's face was instantly extinguished, "..."

Taoxi Village has already been sent there. How many days has he been happy thinking that his mission has been completed perfectly?

My lord is going to drain his energy!

It takes him two hundred years to save at a time!


Yanxi and Heizi stayed in the capital for four days.

During the period, the business matters were re-planned and handed over.

The main handover is sunspots.

Since Fu Yanchi was still alive and well, and Song Yueliang was also in high spirits, Heizi immediately threw back the picks they had left behind like a hot potato.

The money he makes every year is more than enough to support his family.

Now that the Lord is back, the business affairs will naturally be handed over to the Lord to worry about.

Still want to trick him into being a century-old worker? Go dreaming.

During the time spent on business, he went back to accompany his wife and son, teased the old father-in-law, and coaxed the old mother-in-law. Isn't he at ease?

The family has an orchard of more than 100 acres, and selling fruits is enough for the whole family to eat and drink.

"What are you in such a hurry for? As a man, you have no ambitions in your career, and you are still called a man? If you think it takes too much time and energy, I will let you take a few more days off each month—" Fu Yanchi's dog mouth twitched Open, it is a brainwashing statement.

Heizi squinted his eyes, "Fuck you, can I fall into one hole twice?"

Yan Xi, "I've already fallen twice, and if it happens again, it will be the third time."

"Which side are you on?"

"Why don't I just talk casually."

Knowing that once Heizi made up his mind, it might be difficult to persuade him, Fu Yanchi felt sad, "You are only in your thirties now, and you are in your prime. What are you doing at home every day?"

"Drive the tractor."


Heizi patted his buttocks, looking unrestrained.

To be his department manager again, he doesn't have to sit on duty, so he can feel at ease.

There is a secret that Heizi didn't tell.

Before coming to the capital, he had a nightmare.

In the dream, he fulfilled his promise to take over the company, assisted Yanxi, and even took on the responsibility of helping Fu Yanchi and Song Yueliang take care of their relatives.

A load is more than twenty years.

When we got together again, his hair was already white.


Rich and famous, those things are of no use to him?

Fu Yanchi and Song Yueliang's broken company made him exhausted for most of his life.

If he does such a stupid thing again, he will have the surname of Yue Zhang.

Going home on Friday and July, I met two uncles who had postponed their return just to see her.

Opening the door of the house and seeing two familiar faces, Qiqi turned into a groundhog at the door of the house, holding her head and screaming.

It's one thing to talk to the two uncles on the phone, but it's another kind of uncontrollable emotion to see them in person.

That kind of sad and dazed feeling of farewell farewell really came out from the bottom of my heart after meeting someone.

It's exciting.

"If it wasn't for waiting for you, we would have left yesterday. Let me just say, do you miss Uncle?" Yan Xi put her hands on her hips. In her thirties, she still couldn't change her nature in front of her close relatives.

Hun couldn't see the calm and shrewd appearance outside.

Qi Qi jumped on his back, and kissed his uncle's hair, "Think about it, Qi Qi misses you, and the people in Taoxi Village!"

Heizi leaned against the door frame, watching the uncle and nephew chatting nonsense with cold eyes.

"Uncle Heizi, back—" The little girl landed on the ground and rushed towards him with her arms raised.

Heizi covered her with a palm, "How old are you? Do you still want to ride on my neck like when you were a child?"

"I was still young at that time." The little girl smiled playfully, "You are young and ignorant, normal, normal. Uncle Heizi has a lot of adults!"

Little Zaier, for many years, he has refused to call him Brother Heizi, nor has he changed his name to Taohua as Auntie.

You have to call him a junior to annoy him.

Pulling with his long arms, he pulled the little girl who was still holding her hand over to hug her, and patted her on the head.

This is the little boy who turned his fortune around.

He didn't care too much about her.

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