Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 117 Backhand sold SKF

Bearing parts were the first to be included in the anti-monopoly investigation.

This has put a lot of pressure on related companies.

Needless to say, SKF, the team of the Group's legal department are all dealing with this matter.

Followed by NTN.

The influence of this Japanese company in the global bearing company is second only to SKF. Not only does it have a large number of orders from Japanese car companies such as Honda and Nissan, but also GM and Ford are its customers.

Now the entire NTN Group is discussing how to deal with this matter.

"President, there is news from the United States that as long as we are willing to stand up and provide evidence, then we can deal with it lightly."

"I think we can consider asking the American branch to fully cooperate with other branches, or we will be fined 100 million or even 200 million U.S. dollars at that time, and this year's report will not be readable."

Within NTN, a meeting is held every day to discuss anti-monopoly matters.

"After confirming that we have provided evidence, can we get a chance to deal with it lightly?"

As the president of NTN, Saichi Ito needs to consider all aspects.

It is not unacceptable to betray teammates, as long as it is beneficial to oneself.

Anyway, dead friends don't die poor.

Whether it is SKF, Schaeffler, or JTEKT and NSK, which are both of the same company, can all be sold.

"The U.S. judiciary has now investigated dozens of international parts giants in one breath. They are also eager to open up the situation and give other manufacturers a deterrent."

"Whoever stands up to provide evidence at this time will definitely get a chance to deal with it lightly."

"Even we can avoid being fined at all."

Hearing his subordinates give him such a clear message, Zuoichi Ito no longer hesitated, and said directly: "Then arrange it and let the American branch fully cooperate with the investigation."

"At the same time, let the branches in other places sort out and collect anti-monopoly-related evidence, so that the American judiciary can see our sincerity."

Although the anti-monopoly investigation has regional restrictions, if evidence of SKF and other counterparts in other countries can be provided, it will definitely be of reference and reference for the anti-monopoly investigation in the United States.

After all, these companies are global enterprises, and the work style of each branch has certain traces of standardization.

Even the heads of each branch were originally from the same department at the headquarters.

Everyone received the same education and training.

"No problem, I'll arrange it now."

"Just a while ago, I heard that SKF joined forces with us and some machine tool companies to deal with a company in the Chinese market."

"This time, I asked the Huaxia branch to collect evidence, which may be a surprise."

With the meeting at NTN headquarters, branches in various countries immediately took action.

In doing so, I really discovered a lot of things.

"You mean that for the bearing supply of Shanghai General Motors, SKF specifically agreed with us on the share division and quotation strategy?"

Within a few days, Ito Zuoyi flew to Huaxia Magic City to listen to the report of NTN Huaxia Branch.

"President, there is indeed such a thing."

"According to SKF's previous agreement with us, the wheel hub bearings of Modu GM are mainly produced by them, and only one of the models with a small output will be selected for us."

"But in terms of drive shaft bearings, it's the other way around. They will cooperate with us in quoting a relatively high price, making us a drive shaft bearing supplier for Magic City."

"Of course, due to a little accident, most of their hub bearing orders have been cut to a local supplier in Huaxia."

Jiro Yamashita, general manager of NTN Huaxia Branch, was very nervous to report to Zuoichi Ito.

Although he is the general manager of the Huaxia branch, his position in the headquarters is many levels behind Ito Zuoichi.

These days, the status of the American branch is the highest, and the general level in Huaxia is lower.

Like Jiro Yamashita, he didn't even join the NTN board of directors, let alone executive directors, executive directors and the like.

In Dongying Enterprises, the hierarchy between superiors and subordinates is very strict.

In the context of a lifelong employee, the superior PUA will give you a meal, and you can only accept it honestly.

It's something that can't be considered at all if you lose face.

"I don't care about any accidents now. I only care about SKF's joint violation of the anti-monopoly law. Is there any evidence?"

"Does the evidence stand up to the market?"

"Can you provide witnesses?"

As the president of NTN, Saichi Ito has a different focus from Jiro Yamashita.

The most critical thing right now is to resolve the anti-monopoly investigation of NTN by the American judiciary.

Everything else can serve this purpose.

"Very direct documentary evidence is a bit difficult, but there are many indirect evidence."

"As for witnesses, if the headquarters needs it, we can ask the head of the business department to come out as a witness."

"It's just that these are all things that happened in China. I'm afraid it won't have much effect on the anti-monopoly investigation in the United States."

Yamashita Jiro actually didn't want to get involved in this matter.

No matter what it looks like, he has no credit for it.

But if you are not careful, you will be doomed.

What does the matter in the United States have to do with him, the general manager of Huaxia?

Even if the income is not good, he still hopes that the American branch will make some troubles.

Don't think that only Huaxia's companies have factions. The mountains in Dongying's companies are as serious as factions.

Obviously, Jiro Yamashita is not in the same faction as the person in charge of the United States.

"Normally speaking, the evidence from Huaxia's side will naturally not be of much use."

"But if it has something to do with Magic City General, the situation will be different."

"This is a joint venture of General Motors in China. SKF's violation of the anti-monopoly law can be related to General Motors, which can definitely play a very good role in assisting."

Ito Zuoyi felt that his trip to China was not in vain.

With the evidence here, plus the evidence from the United States, NTN should be able to obtain the understanding of the American judiciary.

As for the backhand sale of SKF.

He no longer cares about the bad effects of this approach.

Anyway, everyone is a competitor, wishing the other party could go bankrupt.

The main product of NTN is bearings, and I am not afraid that other giants will have opinions on themselves after SKF is engaged in this way.

However, in this way, SKF will sit on the wax.

Ovid, the president of the Asia-Pacific region, was about to go to bed, when the headquarters came after him with a phone call.

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