Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 535 Heavy support, the unexpected partner of Nanshan Carbon Fiber

The sanction of Nanshan Carbon Fiber has become a hot topic among Chinese netizens in a short period of time.

At this time, many people naturally called to comfort Cao Yang.

Very early on, many domestic customers took the initiative to say that this year’s annual price reduction would not be necessary and that they would place additional orders starting next year.

The support is absolutely overwhelming.

Not at all as strong as Party A’s father.

"Mr. Cao, according to the analysis and judgment of the group's brand public relations department, this matter is a double-edged sword for Nanshan Carbon Fiber and Nanshan Group."

"First of all, in terms of market expansion, it will definitely be affected after being sanctioned. Basically, we have to give up on the American market."

"However, we can also see a good aspect, which is that the popularity of Nanshan Carbon Fiber has greatly increased in the country."

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange even took the initiative to contact us and said that if necessary, Nanshan Carbon Fiber can be arranged to go through a special channel to expedite listing and financing."

For the domestic stock market, the first task is financing.

Although in this context, it is often difficult for ordinary people to make profits through stock trading.

But for listed companies, financing is still very helpful to corporate development.

"Forget about the listing, Nanshan Carbon Fiber's profit margin has always been good. Even if it loses part of the overseas market, it will not reach the point of running out of money."

"It's just that some future research and development plans will be affected to a certain extent, but it doesn't matter much."

Regarding Xia Qingqing's report, Cao Yang immediately gave a straightforward reply.

In some companies, the reporting process is often very long, and the day lily is getting cold with the level-by-level reporting.

An enterprise like Nanshan Group must pay attention to efficiency.

The reports and processes that should be reduced must be reduced to the greatest extent.

Only in this way can we be sufficiently competitive.

Otherwise, meetings will be held to discuss small things, and it will be difficult to become a leader in the end.

"That's true, but there are many people on the Internet who support our group and Nanshan Carbon Fiber. This is a good thing for our campus recruitment in the second half of this year."

"In the past, most of the 985 students looked down upon our group, but it has only changed a little in the past two years."

"This year, I think many graduates from top universities will be interested in us."

Xia Qingqing's judgment is obviously very accurate.

Although it is only August, the larger the campus recruitment of large companies, the earlier they sometimes start.

Basically, starting from mid-September, large companies began to enter colleges and universities to hold seminars.

Nanshan Group will naturally start campus recruitment during this time period.

"It's just sanctions against Nanshan Carbon Fiber. We have nothing to worry about."

"But if sanctions are imposed on other brother companies in the future, we need to pay attention."

"The brand public relations department can arrange for some people to work at the American branch to inquire about local news in a timely manner and see what Americans think of our group."

Although Cao Yang knew that Nanshan Group would definitely be sanctioned by the United States in the end.

The sooner this time comes, the better.

Otherwise, many things will be relatively passive.

Nanshan Group is very strong, but it is not strong enough to promote countless industrial chains.

"No problem, I will make arrangements later so that the group can receive the news from the United States as soon as possible."

Just when Xia Qingqing was about to continue talking, Mi Ying suddenly came over and said: "Mr. Cao, the spokesperson of the Lifan Academy just gave a question and answer at the press conference about the U.S. sanctions against us. Now we should immediately It’s almost over, do you want to go online and take a look?”

Mi Ying naturally wanted to tell Cao Yang about such an important and special matter as soon as possible.

In fact, it's a bit late now.

If she had known that today's press conference would be such a relief, Mi Ying would have asked Cao Yang to prepare in advance.

"Is the spokesperson of the Lifan Yuan also talking about this matter?"

Cao Yang asked in surprise.

Nanshan Group has dealt with many ministries and commissions, but the number of times it has dealt with the Lifan Yuan is really only a handful.

Except for overseas branches that have contact with local Lifanyuan expatriates, there is basically no overlap here in China.

I didn't expect that the first big intersection would be like this.


Mi Ying said with certainty, "Well, this is the ongoing press conference. The spokesperson of the Council of Ministers took the initiative to condemn the actions of the United States."

Following Mi Ying's movements, Cao Yang saw a rather special scene.

"In order to maintain its hegemony in military science and technology, the United States continues to generalize the concept of national security, abuses state power, unreasonably suppresses Chinese enterprises, arbitrarily undermines international economic and trade order and world trade rules, and seriously jeopardizes the stability of global industrial and supply chains. This kind of hysterical and unscrupulous behavior The method is completely illogical.”

"China firmly opposes..."

Although Cao Yang knew that this approach of the Lifan Yuan may not necessarily change the outcome of Nanshan Carbon Fiber being sanctioned, the feeling that the company has received concern and support from the national level is still very different.

It seems that my efforts over the past few years have not been in vain.

How could Nanshan Group get such great support if it didn't have a few brushes?

Of course, if the technology is not strong enough, it is impossible to be sanctioned.

"Mr. Cao, the Lifan Yuan has been dispatched. It seems that the repercussions of this matter are greater than we thought."

Xia Qingqing was very keenly aware of the unusual meaning behind this matter.

She was born within the system and is naturally very sensitive to some things.

"The United States has made a bad start, and everyone will naturally worry that the other side will increasingly use similar methods to deal with Chinese companies in the future. This is not good for Chinese companies to enter the international market."

"Overall, America's international influence is still unmatched by anyone."

"There are still many things we need to work hard on."

"However, the more the other party cares, the more we have to come up with some new technologies to let them know that sanctions are useless."

"The more sanctions we impose, the more we must be self-reliant and the more we can break through various bottleneck technologies."

"Now that Nanshan Carbon Fiber has broken through T1100 technology, the next step is to launch composite materials based on T1100 as soon as possible, so that T1100 can really start to be produced and used on a large scale."

“The chemical properties of the resin system can work synergistically with T1100G to fully exploit the fiber’s properties and maximize the strength of the carbon fiber strands.”

"While ensuring that the weight of the fiber does not increase, the structural rigidity is greatly increased, allowing it to play its role in aircraft, rockets, racing cars and other fields."

Cao Yang was still very unhappy with this sanction imposed by the United States.

Before, I wanted to hide my capabilities and bide my time as much as possible, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

After Nanshan Carbon Fiber was sanctioned, many things of Nanshan Group must have been exposed to the eyes of interested people.

While Cao Yang was watching the speech of the Li Fan Yuan, Zeng Tingting also came over.

Judging from her expression, it was obvious that she had good news.

"Mr. Cao, UAC, the purchasing director of the United Aviation Manufacturing Group in the north, just contacted me."

"The other party wants to purchase a batch of T700 and T800 carbon fiber and asks us if we can sell it?"

The main use of high-end carbon fiber is aerospace, and all relevant companies are very clear about this.

For a product like an aircraft, if the performance remains unchanged, the lighter the weight, the stronger the endurance. This is a very important thing.

Therefore, whether it is a civilian passenger aircraft or a military aircraft, they are pursuing the expansion of the use of carbon fiber composite materials to further reduce weight.

"United Aviation Manufacturing Corporation?"

Cao Yang is obviously a little unfamiliar with this company.

Zeng Tingting, who was very familiar with her boss, immediately added an explanation and said: "This company is a very large military industrial enterprise formed by the merger of several major aviation manufacturing companies in the north."

“Its companies include Mikoyan, Sukhoi, Ilyushin, Irkut and Tupolev.”

"Among them, Mikoyan is the main aircraft designer and manufacturer in the north, and its representative product is the MiG fighter jet."

"The Sukhoi Aviation Group has produced the famous Soviet fighter jets, as well as other types of bombers, aerobatic aircraft, passenger aircraft, etc."

"Generally speaking, the United Aviation Manufacturing Group Company formed by the merger of these companies has very good strength."

"Their demand for high-end carbon fiber is very strong. If we can close this order, the production lost due to U.S. sanctions will be made up for immediately."

"We even need to further expand production capacity to meet this part of the demand."

Obviously, in Zeng Tingting's view, this is a very good opportunity.

Although the technical level of Nanshan Carbon Fiber is very high, it was probably not well-known in the north before.

The other party does not believe that Nanshan Carbon Fiber can really provide products that meet the needs of military industrial enterprises.

But this time the sanctions imposed by the United States have helped everyone further understand that there is such a powerful carbon fiber manufacturer in the world.

Products that giants like Toray and Hexcel can produce can also be produced by Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

In the past, many companies did not dare to make this conclusion easily.

To some extent, Nanshan Carbon Fiber is a blessing in disguise this time.

"Are they just checking out the price, or are they really sincere in cooperating with us?"

Although Cao Yang is very interested in opening up the market in the north, he is not blindly optimistic.

When doing business with companies in the north, you must make various preparations in advance to avoid being sold out.

"They should be really sincere about buying them. For example, T700 and T800 carbon fiber are not only unavailable in China before, but also unavailable in the north."

"After all, everyone knows that when countries like China buy materials like this, they must be used in the military."

"It's such an important material, so I don't want you to use it too."

Cao Yang had no choice about Zeng Tingting's opinion.

Indeed it is!

"In this way, you can invite the other party to come over for inspection, and some things can be discussed on the spot."

"At the same time, we should also contact the relevant departments to see if these materials can be sold to others."

This kind of material, which can be easily used in aircraft and missiles, is certainly not something that can be sold casually.

Cao Yang still has this awareness.

However, he felt that this should not be a big problem.

After all, China's current relationship with them is still good.

We all have a common enemy, and even if we are only superficially friendly, we can remain friendly for many years.

And while the Nanshan Group was working enthusiastically to expand new markets, some opponents were preparing to cause trouble.

"Mr. Park, this time the U.S. sanctions on Nanshan Carbon Fiber have given us a good revelation."

"Nanshan Group is now making such great efforts to develop Nanshan Semiconductor, which will definitely have a huge impact on the U.S. semiconductor industry."

"Even Nanshan Group's acquisition of Nvidia some time ago can be discussed in detail."

"If the U.S. Department of Commerce can directly deny this acquisition, then a lot of money spent by Nanshan Group will be in vain."

"The best thing is to directly find some evidence or reasons to ask the United States to include Nanshan Semiconductor in the sanctions list."

As the deputy general manager of Samsung Electronics in China and the general manager of the semiconductor factory, Li Zailin naturally does not want Nanshan Group to enter the semiconductor industry.

However, their Magic City factory is currently under construction day and night, which will definitely have a greater impact on the already weak market.

This is a situation that no other semiconductor company wants to see.

However, Nanshan Semiconductor's actions cannot be stopped by just any cat or dog.

"Your idea is very good, but Nanshan Semiconductor doesn't have any viable products yet. Even if we spend a lot of money to lobby people, we may not be able to achieve any good results."

"It is even possible that the Americans directly sold us out in order to compete with us."

Park Geun-hee's worries are not unreasonable.

Americans will do anything to protect their own interests.

At the critical moment, who cares whether he is the younger brother or not?

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

If one day the semiconductor industry is going to collapse, the United States will definitely let related companies in Korea and Japan go bankrupt first, leaving their own companies to survive.

"According to the current pace, Nanshan Semiconductor's factory will be put into production next year at the latest. Then we will have to wait for them."

Li Zailin made an appropriate compromise, so as not to overwhelm the leader and make him unable to step down.

However, after this troublesome seed is planted, it will sprout sooner or later!

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