Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 569: Big names gather together, the scenery is infinitely beautiful

When an industry is booming, all kinds of activities are lively.

And when it goes downhill, it will soon become deserted and sparse in front of the door.

Now is the most prosperous time for China's automobile industry. Today's automobile industry conference is naturally full of big names, and the scenery is infinitely good.

Basically all the executives from various OEMs came, and executives from some auto parts giants also attended.

Spring City Automobile Group, Xifeng Automobile Group, Changan Automobile Group, Modu Automobile, Didu Automobile, Yangcheng Automobile, Chery, Geely, Great Wall, BYD...

There are also Spring City Volkswagen, Modu Volkswagen, Modu GM, Tedu Hyundai, Tedu Mercedes-Benz, BMW Brilliance, Yangcheng Honda, Spring City Toyota, Yangcheng Toyota, Changan Ford, Xifeng Honda...

To put it bluntly, the organizers had to worry a lot about arranging places for these guests.

After all, everyone is a respectable person, and some people care about face very much.

If an arrangement is not appropriate, some people may have objections to the organizer.

"Honorable guests……"

When a Huaxia TV host came on stage and began to speak, it was announced that this industry event had officially begun.

In a conference like this, it is inevitable that various leaders will speak.

In the first two hours, there was often no useful information.

But when the relevant guests came to the stage to give speeches at each branch venue, the situation was completely different.

Although all the guests who are from OEMs will speak from the perspective of their own company's interests when giving speeches, I have to say that the content of what these people say is quite rich.

However, for many people, this industry conference is more of a communication meeting.

Everyone does not expect to get anything meaningful from the meeting, but they do hope to get to know the people they want to know through this kind of meeting.

This is especially true when it comes to the lunch buffet.

"Mr. Cao, what do you think of Chery Automobile's current multi-brand strategy?"

Yin Chuan seized the opportunity and sat across from Cao Yang.

Although there was some exquisite food on the plate in front of him, he had no interest in tasting it.

For him, getting some valuable information from Cao Yang was obviously more interesting than eating.

"There is no problem with the direction, but it is actually quite difficult to do a good job with the multi-brand strategy."

As his big customer, Cao Yang still knew something about Chery Automobile.

"Implementing a multi-brand strategy can give each brand a distinct brand personality, thereby forming significant brand differences to meet the brand preferences of different consumers and better cater to consumer needs."

"If Chery Automobile wants to become the car company with the highest sales volume in China, it needs millions of sales to support it, and sales at this level often include different levels and types of demand."

"Therefore, it is difficult for a single brand to dominate all the company's products and occupy the market. Chery Automobile designs and produces different products according to different types and nature of needs. The use of different brands can enable the company to better respond to market demand and increase market share. "

"However, the ultimate goal of implementing multi-branding is to use different brands to occupy different market segments and join forces to capture the market of competitors."

"If there is no obvious difference between the new brand and the original brand, it is equivalent to beating yourself up, which is meaningless."

Yin Chuan was quite touched when Cao Yang said this.

Chery Automobile is already implementing a multi-brand strategy, but judging from the current situation, the effect is not very good.

So Yin Chuan is also wondering whether he is going in the wrong direction or whether there is something wrong with the brand positioning.

"Indeed, our company's current Chery brand and Ruilin brand are designed to differentiate the range of models and expand the mid-range market."

"But the current model launch and brand power cannot fully support this."

"So during this period, I feel that Chery Automobile's multi-brand strategy still has some problems."

Yin Chuan is a person who is more willing to reflect on his own behavior.

If Chery Automobile's actions are wrong, it must make improvements as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it may be quickly surpassed by subsequent car companies in next year's sales rankings.

Regardless of this year's ranking, as long as other car companies launch one more popular model, their sales can increase by more than ten or two hundred thousand units a year.

It will be normal for it to overtake Chery Automobile by then.

This is why Yin Chuan is a little anxious.

He has no confidence that Chery Automobile will continue to maintain the number one sales position among its own brands in 2010.

Even he is not very confident whether he can maintain the second position in sales of his own brand.

After all, all the independent brands ranked at the back are not simple, and their strength is not much worse than Chery Automobile.

Now, Chery still has some advantages by relying on its advance layout.

"In fact, the multi-brand strategy does not have to be so urgent. It is okay to lay a solid foundation first and then develop slowly in the future."

"After all, a brand new brand has become more expensive, so it will definitely be difficult for consumers to accept it."

Nanshan Group itself is currently pursuing a multi-brand strategy, including Xingchen Motors, Jaguar Land Rover, Future Auto, and even more if Nanshan Hongqi is included.

In this case, if you completely deny the multi-brand strategy, you will be beating yourself up.

"When everyone thinks of Chery now, the first thing that comes to mind is Chery QQ, and the price of this car is very low, which invisibly gives everyone the feeling that Chery Automobile is a very low-end brand."

"Although our Tiggo and other SUV models are selling well, compared with the SUV sales of other car companies, the advantage is not obvious."

"That's why I'm anxious to launch a new brand."

Yin Chuan could feel that Cao Yang was communicating with him and was not trying to deal with him, so he was willing to tell him some real thoughts.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to hear more targeted plans.

"Now, whether it is Xingchen Motors or other independent brand car companies, they are actually taking the road of internationalization."

"I think Chery Automobile can also try to increase investment in this area. Maybe it will bring unexpected surprises to everyone."

"Objectively speaking, there is still some gap between our own brand cars and Toyota and Honda, but this gap is already very small and can fully support our expansion of the market."

"After all, there are countless markets in the world where consumers are very price-sensitive."

"The price of one of our cars is tens of thousands of yuan cheaper than that of Toyota and Honda. Isn't it nice?"

Although Chery Automobile has made great achievements in export business in later generations, in 2009, its results in this area were still relatively average.

Anyway, it’s important to lead a sheep, and it’s also important to lead two sheep. Cao Yang simply pulled the Chery car onto the exit cart.

When the time comes, they will work with Great Wall Motors to explore overseas markets, allowing China's independent brands to slowly shift their focus overseas.

This is actually very meaningful for the development of China's automobile industry.

For any international automobile giant, their market does not come from a single place.

Even if the share of a single market is too high, it will lead to many potential risks.

"We have been exporting Fengyun sedans to the Middle East since 2001, and have been expanding overseas markets every year since then. However, so far, the proportion of overseas sales is still relatively low."

"Facing exports, there are different regulations and certification requirements, and we also face many unpredictable competitions."

“It’s really challenging to do this business well.”

"However, we will definitely continue to increase exports in the future so that more people can know about the good products produced in China."

Exporting was the policy set by Yin Chuan back then. Although this policy was not implemented very well, it was in the right direction.

Yin Chuan is now more certain about this.

Before Cao Yang and Yin Chuan finished chatting, Zhu Zhengfeng also sat next to Cao Yang with a plate.

To put it bluntly, at this time, Zhu Zhengfeng's status in the Chinese automobile industry is definitely higher than that of Yin Chuan.

Especially since everyone has different levels, one is a central enterprise and the other is a local enterprise.

This gap is actually very sensitive and concerning to people within the system.

"Mr. Cao, the organizer invited you to give a speech. I heard that you refused?"

Zhu Zhengfeng and Cao Yang are now familiar with each other.

So there was no politeness. After sitting down, he asked the question in his heart.

"There are so many guests here today, it can be said that they are all gathering together. I am mainly here to make soy sauce and learn."

"Of course, taking this opportunity, I am also going to put forward several proposals to the General Assembly to see if everyone thinks it is feasible."

Cao Yang has already discussed with Wang Fu the matter of setting up an electric vehicle association today, so there is no harm in disclosing it appropriately now.

Otherwise, the news would be known to everyone in the afternoon, and it would be easy for people to get lumps by then.

"Topics such as electric vehicles, SUVs, and exports are what attracted the most attention at this year's industry conference. I think Nanshan Group is highly relevant in these topics."

"Many of the people present also really want to know what Mr. Cao's point of view is."

When Zhu Zhengfeng said this, he stopped what he was doing and stared at Cao Yang.

To be honest, he also really wanted to hear Cao Yang's point of view.

This will have a greater impact on yourself.

Unlike his subordinates in the company who always reported good news but not bad news, in the end he felt that Spring City Automobile Group was still prosperous.

In fact, it is full of many hidden dangers.

"It doesn't matter what opinions I have. What matters is what opinions the ministry has."

Cao Yang kicked the ball out with just one word.

Anyway, he doesn't like meeting those so-called expert group members.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that you are planning to propose the establishment of an electric vehicle association, and then push the association to make an authoritative interpretation of the definition of new energy vehicles."

"I can also help with this matter."

Zhu Zhengfeng took the initiative to mention topics that Cao Yang was interested in.

Obviously, after Wang Fu talked with Cao Yang last night, he started taking action today.

Otherwise, Zhu Zhengfeng would not have known the news so quickly.

In China's automobile industry, you have to come up with some standards and definitions, and it is very difficult to completely bypass Spring City Automobile Group and Xifeng Automobile Group.

Even if you don't invite them, the ministry staff will share the information with them.

So as long as it involves the entire industry, basically no organization will forget these two big guys.

"Nanshan Hongqi is currently focusing on fuel vehicles, but when the next generation of products is launched, we can consider preparing an electric vehicle so that everyone can experience the charm of Hongqi electric vehicles."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhu Zhengfeng immediately became interested and asked: "When is this electric car expected to be put into production? Will just one product be not enough? Should there be one for each type of SUV and sedan?"

In this regard, Cao Yang also gave a very clear answer, saying: "In the early stage, we can only build a sedan, and then launch an electric SUV."

Considering that the official vehicle market is a very important market for Nanshan Hongqi, Cao Yang felt that it would be more appropriate to develop electric cars first.

If this is the case, I can continue to place orders in the official car market, and maybe there will be some unexpected surprises.

Anyway, Nanshan Hongqi is a purely Chinese company. Even if it makes profits from official cars, it will still remain on China's books.

"It's okay. Trumpchi S is selling very well now. I heard that the sales volume last month was almost 2,000 units. If it can be maintained, the sales volume of electric vehicles next year will exceed 20,000 units."

"This shows that there is still a market for electric cars. It seems to be a little different from the current situation of rising sales of SUVs among traditional fuel vehicles."

Zhu Zhengfeng agreed to Cao Yang's plan without much hesitation.

He would intervene regardless of Cao Yang and Yin Chuan's chat. In fact, he came just for the Nanshan Red Flag.

Other topics are just foreshadowing. How to further consider the development of Nanshan Hongqi is what he is most concerned about.

Of course, they were eating in the cafeteria after all, and they were surrounded by peers. The two of them would not talk about anything too specific. They just confirmed that Nanshan Hongqi would also develop an electric car in the future.

Instead, we can have a good discussion about the Electric Vehicle Association and the definition of new energy vehicles and collect everyone’s opinions.

After this thing is introduced in the future, it will have an impact on every car company.

So as long as this topic is officially brought up, every car company can't ignore it even if they want to.

With Zhu Zhengfeng, Cao Yang, Wang Fu and others pushing it together, the organizers naturally responded positively.

At the meeting the next morning, this topic was formally brought up.

Even without much discussion, it was officially determined to establish the Electric Vehicle Association.

There is also a preliminary opinion on the definition of new energy vehicles.

That is, FHEV vehicles are considered energy-saving vehicles, not new energy vehicles. After all, they cannot be charged.

PHEV and BEV are naturally classified into the category of new energy vehicles. After all, they are both rechargeable.

As for extended-range electric vehicles, it is more controversial.

"From a technical point of view, extended-range electric vehicles are essentially still burning fuel, and the technical solutions are relatively backward. I don't think they can be regarded as new energy vehicles."

Wang Fu of BYD Auto first stood up and expressed his opposition.

In his plan, BYD has no plans to produce extended-range electric vehicles.

Even in his opinion, this is not an electric car at all, and the fuel consumption is very high without charging.

Unlike a PHEV model, even if it is not charged all the time, the fuel consumption is much lower than that of a traditional fuel vehicle, which is equivalent to an FHEV model.

"I also think that extended-range electric vehicles cannot be considered electric vehicles, but they are a little different from FHEVs. After all, they can be recharged."

"So I think it can be classified into a separate category, and then various policies will be treated differently."

Wang Ying of Great Wall Motors also rarely agrees with Wang Fu.

Although from a consumer's perspective, extended-range electric vehicles are very suitable for market demand.

As for whether technology is lagging behind or not, sometimes consumers don't care that much.

However, for professionals in various automotive industries, they often feel that the extended-range technical route is a backward route, and many companies do not even consider it.

"The purpose of establishing the Electric Vehicle Association is to promote the development of technology and enable China's electric vehicle technology to become the world's leading presence."

"From this perspective, there is really nothing to encourage about extended-range electric vehicles."

"Of course, this is an electric vehicle after all, so we don't need to add additional restrictions."

Cao Yang explained the significance of this matter from a different angle, which immediately aroused the agreement of many people.

Although consumers may be interested in extended-range electric vehicles, it is difficult for the Electric Vehicle Association to oppose them.

However, from the perspective of promoting the technological development of the industry, it is indeed not suitable to encourage extended-range vehicles.

After all, this kind of vehicle feels like it is reversing the course of history.

Of course, although he said this at the meeting, it does not mean that Nanshan Hongqi or Future Auto will not develop extended-range electric vehicles.

If there is no policy support, extended-range electric vehicles can develop, then there is nothing to say.

After all, no matter what the product is, as long as it fully meets the needs of consumers, that is enough.

"What Mr. Cao said makes sense, and I fully support it."

"Pure electric vehicles are the most promising, and PHEVs are also acceptable as a transitional product."

"However, I think the preferential policies should be different for different models, as well as the subsidy amounts."

Zhang Jiaqi naturally attended such an important conference today.

This year's performance of Yangcheng Automobile Group is also very impressive.

Whether it is a joint venture or independent, we have achieved outstanding results.

The financial report of Yangcheng Automobile Group has set a historic record, giving Zhang Jiaqi more confidence to make troubles.

In the midst of everyone's discussion, the definition of new energy vehicles was determined.

And when the news completely spread, some people were unhappy.

"Mr. Chen, according to the definition given by the Electric Vehicle Association, our FHEV models will basically not enjoy any benefits by then."

"It has nothing to do with the licensing discount, it has nothing to do with financial subsidies, and it has nothing to do with the purchase tax discount."

"Compared with pure electric vehicles and PHEV vehicles, the advantages of FHEV vehicles are actually very obvious."

"We can successfully achieve a substantial reduction in fuel consumption without making any major changes to the current supply system."

"And there is no need to charge, so there is no need to worry about impact on the power grid."

"The cruising range of FHEV vehicles can generally reach about 1,000 kilometers, which is also very remarkable."

"This meeting to determine the definition of new energy vehicles was attended by leaders of China's own brand companies. This is very unfair."

As the general manager of Spring City Toyota, Hishimasa Miyazaki is very dissatisfied with the fact that the FHEV model has not enjoyed any benefits.

At this time, he naturally wanted to complain to his partner Chen Wenzhan and see if he could use the power of Spring City Automobile Group to provide some benefits to the FHEV model.

Toyota's FHEV technology is world-leading and has been in mass production for many years.

Next, Toyota is preparing to promote FHEV models on a large scale in the Chinese market.

Now it is discovered that FHEV models do not enjoy any benefits, so naturally they have opinions.

If there were no discounts on other models, then he wouldn't think anything of it.

However, PHEV enjoys all the benefits, which is unfair.

"The FHEV model does not directly use external electric energy, which is why many people think it is not environmentally friendly enough."

"After all, it is essentially a fuel vehicle, unlike a PHEV. As long as it is charged frequently enough, it is an electric vehicle."

Although Chen Wenzhan doesn't want to get any benefits from the FHEV model, he must now properly appease his partner Miyazaki Himasa.

Otherwise, people may think that Spring City Automobile Group, the joint venture partner, is not strong enough.

There is no way to win any benefits for the joint venture company.

This is a result Chen Wenzhan does not want to see.

"Based on the current charging pile construction situation, PHEV models are actually similar to FHEV vehicles. Even if most people buy them back, they will not charge them."

"Especially in cities like Shanghai that require licensing, if PHEVs can be directly licensed, there will definitely be some people who buy PHEVs simply for the sake of getting licenses."

"In the end, not only did it not play the role of energy saving and emission reduction, but it was driven as a fuel vehicle. Every day, there was an extra battery pack weighing several hundred kilograms on the vehicle. This was an even greater waste of energy."

Miyazaki Himasa’s statement is quite forward-looking.

Basically, it explains what may happen in the Magic City in the future.

Even future generations will cancel the preferential treatment of PHEV, and it is indeed because of the reasons mentioned by Miyazaki Himasa.

New energy vehicles are designed to save energy. If PHEV does not play the role of energy saving, it will lose the meaning of encouragement.

However, no matter how much Miyazaki Himasa complained, he could not change the ending.

On the contrary, it is because of the clear definition of energy-saving vehicles that people from all walks of life in China are aware that the development trend of the electric vehicle industry seems to be coming.

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