Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 755: Venus 9 is ready to be assembled, and chooses the opportunity to fly into space

While the Zhucheng Air Show was in full swing, Polar Bear's Vega Electronics Manufacturing Company was hurriedly arranging personnel to fly to China to participate in this air show.

Although there are related companies from the Polar Bear side participating in this air show, there is definitely no Vega Electronics Manufacturing Company.

In previous years, they have never arranged for personnel to participate in China's air shows.

After all, in their opinion, China's air show is not interesting.

Almost all of those fighter jets "borrowed" their own products.

But this time, Alexander received a call directly from above, asking them to attend the air show immediately. Even the procedures for going abroad were urgently assisted by someone.

"Andre, the Chinese airborne active phased array radar and shipborne active phased array radar were officially displayed at the Zhucheng Air Show."

"It is said that these radars use gallium nitride T/R components, and their performance is beyond everyone's expectations."

"It seems that we need to use the T/R components purchased from Nanshan Semiconductor as soon as possible and process them into active phased array radars belonging to our Vega."

Alexander's mood was quite complicated. Although he knew that his radar technology was lagging behind, it was only lagging behind compared to the United States.

Compared with China, he is still confident.

But reality slapped him in the face.

Even if Vega wants to produce high-performance radars in the future, it will have to rely on T/R components purchased from China.

This is a hard thing to accept.

"This is a bit inconsistent with the Chinese people's usual style of doing things."

"According to the information we heard, Nanshan Semiconductor's development of gallium nitride power components should only be a matter of one or two years. There cannot be too much time for China to develop secretly."

Andre is also quite confused now.

His competitors didn't play according to common sense, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"With the efficiency of the Chinese people, their radar replacement speed should be faster than ours."

"Of course, we don't rule out that they hope to show off their muscles through this air show."

If Alexander looks at this issue from a higher level perspective, he will naturally come to a different conclusion.

"The people above asked us to go to the Zhucheng Air Show. What we can see then is probably what the Electronic Technology Group allows everyone to know."

"It doesn't actually mean much, does it?"

Andre obviously still feels that traveling thousands of miles to attend the Zhucheng Air Show this time will only catch up to the end, and the significance is really not that great.

"Pakistan Railway has already purchased 20 sets of airborne active phased array radars from the Electronic Technology Group. The higher-ups probably want us to buy two sets to study and compare."

"We can even compare it with what we produce ourselves and see where the gap is."

When Alexander said this, Andre became interested.

You can buy two sets of radars and study them yourself, which is definitely a good thing.

According to the selling price of Dianke Group, two sets of radars also cost US$4 million.

This is also a big expense for Vega Company.

Now that someone is willing to provide this funding, that would be the best thing.

Compared with the complex emotions on the polar bear side, the emotions on the American side cannot be described as complex.

Especially as the president of Raytheon, the largest radar company in the United States, Dr. Taylor W. Lawrence directly called Hayes, the head of the radar division, to come over.

"Hayes, the situation has now developed in the worst direction. The Chinese's gallium nitride T/R component active phased array radar is definitely in large-scale production and has begun to be installed on some Chinese aircraft. .”

"Otherwise they wouldn't be able to start selling to outsiders now."

"From what we have heard so far, the performance of this airborne radar is very advanced, even more advanced than the radars we provide for the F22 and F35."

"And their production costs are very low, and the selling price is only US$2 million."

As Lawrence spoke, he directly projected the relevant information on the projector.

There are some actual pictures and model pictures of Dianke Group's airborne radar and shipborne radar reported by relevant media.

For example, a large ship-borne radar is definitely not suitable for displaying the actual object at an air show.

But small shipborne radars are different.

According to Dianke Group's idea, even a small missile boat can be equipped with a small active phased array radar.

By then, China's radar warning level will definitely reach a new level.

"The current situation is so severe. We should apply for more funds to develop similar airborne radars as soon as possible and replace and modify related aircraft models."

"Otherwise, the Chinese air power will increase explosively by then. We want to suppress it easily, but it won't be that easy."

In Hayes' view, the news in China is not necessarily a bad thing for him.

To a certain extent, that might be a good thing.

"Of course I know this truth, and John also called me specifically to discuss this matter."

"However, it is not easy to apply for funds. Nowadays, various projects consume a lot of funds."

"Even the previous closure of the F22 production line was partly due to insufficient funds."

Naturally, Lawrence also wanted to get more money back, so that he wouldn't have to worry about a clever woman struggling to make ends meet.

But when applying for funding, no matter where it is, there are definitely a lot of procedures to go through.

In the end, it is not that easy to get the money.

"Contact the relevant media and exaggerate the threat China poses to us."

"Especially their major breakthroughs in radar technology will put our fighter jets into trouble."

When Hayes said this, Lawrence felt very motivated.

So soon, there was more news about the Zhucheng Air Show on the Internet in the United States.

Then several major arms dealers began to encourage relevant funding to develop more advanced radars, missiles and aircraft.

"John, I heard that your child will go to college next year. We have a very good relationship with Harvard. When the time comes, you can ask the president to write him a letter of recommendation. I believe Harvard will definitely want him."

Boeing Vice President David made an appointment with John, the Pentagon liaison.

These days, not only Raytheon is taking action, companies such as Northrop Grumman, General Atomics and Boeing are not idle.

They are not really particularly worried that China's strength will suddenly surpass that of the United States, which will pose a threat to their security.

But they know very well that now is a good opportunity to ask for money.

"Congress will soon start reviewing next year's military spending. I will communicate and coordinate at that time to see how to adjust some contents."

"Today's international situation is not optimistic, and it is very necessary to maintain continued growth in costs."

John is very smart and naturally knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

However, his son's grades were just passable. It would obviously be difficult for him to get him into Harvard on his own.

But if Boeing is willing to help, the situation will be completely different.

Many people who have come to the United States feel that interpersonal relationships there are relatively simple and they don't need to deal with too many worldly things.

That's just because their social status is too low, and they haven't yet reached the point where they need to be sophisticated.

Or they simply don’t have the opportunity to see how others use their worldly ways.

How could there be any place in this world where there is no humanity?

It's simply impossible!

"Yes, in the past few years, our eyes have been on Central Asia, but now whether it is polar bears, China, or the Middle East, new situations are constantly emerging."

"We need more advanced weapons to ensure that we can maintain an absolute advantage everywhere."

"Boeing, as the main arms contractor, has made a lot of contributions to the United States."

"Next year's related equipment orders will definitely not be less than last year."

John and David have known each other for many years, and they have basic trust in each other.

If it were someone he had just met, John would only deal with him in a business-like manner and behave according to the rules.

"I also have some communication with people from several other companies."

“Everyone feels that under the current situation, it is indeed necessary to increase some expenses.”

"And many of the aircraft I use now also need corresponding radar upgrades."

“For this aspect, you can consider applying for special special funds.”

When David said this, John naturally knew what to do next.

Anyway, as long as what he writes in the report makes sense, he is not afraid to argue with anyone.

To a certain extent, the changes in China have begun to have an increasing impact on the United States.

However, as the initiator, Cao Yang returned to Yangcheng from Zhucheng and continued to work hard for the development and growth of Daystar Technology Group.

"Mr. Cao, our Venus 9 components have been transported to the northwest launch site for assembly. An opportunity can be selected for test launch in the next month."

"At the same time, the design of the Venus 9 MAX has been finalized and can be assembled in the first half of next year."

"Compared to the diameter of Venus 9, which is 3.35 meters, the diameter of Venus MAX has increased to 5 meters."

"Although it is still far away from the 9-meter super large rocket you mentioned, Mr. Cao, it is already second to none in China."

Zhao Siyu is an expert in rocket design.

At the beginning, Cao Yang referred to the design plan given by Falcon 9, but the diameter of the other side was 3.7 meters.

Domestic rockets are currently mainly transported by trains. Taking into account various restrictions such as railway tracks and tunnels, the size of various rockets is generally 3.35 meters.

Before the sea launch ship is built, naturally it can only be produced according to the diameter of 3.35 meters.

When sea launch can be carried out later, it won't matter.

For example, the Starship of Space Exploration Technology Company directly feels 9 meters.

The Long March 5 also reaches 5 meters, and even the Long March 9 is designed and developed according to the size of 9.5 meters.

The launch weight of the rocket went up several levels at once.

"Have all the various testing tasks been completed?"

Although Cao Yang has been tracking the progress of various research and development projects within Daystar, he definitely cannot understand some of the more specific daily business.

"All parts are assembled after completing single product testing and meeting the design requirements."

"So far, so good."

"After the rocket is officially assembled, some overall related testing and testing work will be carried out."

"Only when all relevant confirmation items are ensured to be correct will the test be officially conducted."

Zhao Siyu is a more cautious person.

In fact, few people engaged in rocket development in China are not cautious.

Because a small mistake may lead to launch failure.

The price is very high.

"For the launch site in Qiongzhou, please communicate with Aerospace Science and Technology. We will also invest some funds and free up an area for us to build an assembly plant."

"At that time, whether it is launching at sea or going to the launch site, we will have more flexible options."

"Once Venus 9 is successfully launched for the first time, the construction of the Starlink system will be started immediately."

"At that time, various launch missions will become more frequent, and we will even need to consider launching launch work at sea and at the launch site at the same time."

Cao Yang knew that in the next ten years, the world would not be so peaceful.

Whether it's the Middle East, Central Asia, or Africa, there are actually a lot of things happening.

Even around China, it is not as quiet as everyone imagined.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary for Venus Technology Group to further accelerate the advancement of related projects so that China has more sufficient strength and confidence.

To a certain extent, this can also give Cao Yang more confidence to gain a foothold in this world.

Otherwise, with such a high net worth, wouldn’t he be just a big fat sheep?

"No problem. Aerospace Science and Technology is very happy to join us."

"At that time, we can even build a launch area specifically for us."

After Zhao Siyu said this, Cao Yang didn't worry about it anymore.

If he couldn't handle it, Cao Yang was going to call Qian Junfeng himself, or communicate directly with the relevant departments.

Daystar has made frequent moves. As a minority shareholder, Geely Automobile is naturally very concerned about some projects.

Li Su even took the opportunity of the new car launch event in Zhucheng to come to Yangcheng and chat with Cao Yang in person.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that the components of Venus 9 have begun to be shipped to the northwest?"

In the past few years, Li Su's two most proud investments were the purchase of Volvo Cars and the investment in some shares of Daystar Technology Company.

The former made Geely Automobile famous and gained both fame and fortune.

The latter has allowed Geely Automobile to enter a higher level of vision, and the pattern has become different from that of other car companies.

"Yes, preparations are already underway for launch."

"This speed is really fast. I heard that six years have passed since the Shenzhou 5 project was established in 2006, but it has not yet entered the official launch stage."

Li Su obviously also has a certain understanding of the rocket industry, and also made some comparative analysis with the Shenzhou series of rockets.

Originally, he thought that it would be a success if Venus' rocket could be officially launched before the year after next.

I didn’t expect Daystar’s actions to be so fast.

"Mr. Li, although Daystar Technology Group was only officially established at the beginning of this year, it was actually planned at the beginning of last year."

"As for the Venus 9 rocket, some preliminary verification and preparation work actually started three or four years ago. It was not completed in just one year this year."

"Besides, Shenzhou 5 is a large cryogenic liquid bundled launch vehicle with a diameter of 5 meters. It is not surprising that the development difficulty is higher than that of our Venus 9."

Although the main reason why Venus 9 was able to come out quickly was Cao Yang’s precise guidance, the superficial research and development work was obviously done well.

Especially if you need to conduct a historical display at that time, you can find the information.

"That's true."

Li Su did not argue with Cao Yang on this issue. "This time our Venus 9 successfully launched, which can be regarded as breaking a domestic historical record."

"So far, only the American Space Exploration Company can compare with it."

"At that time, in addition to using it to launch Starlink satellites, can we also consider undertaking some special projects?"

"For example, some foreign satellite launch missions?"

Li Su is also very enthusiastic about the aerospace industry now.

Geely Automobile's development is now on the right track, and the integration of Volvo Cars has gradually become smoother.

So he no longer needs to put too much energy into Geely cars, and can start working on other things.

The aerospace industry is one of the focuses, and some industries in other fields are also beginning to be explored.

In fact, a similar manufacturer is Chery Automobile.

After becoming China's number one independent brand car company, Chery Automobile Group also began to get involved in more fields.

Even industries that are not closely related to automobiles, such as gas turbines and shipbuilding, are starting to prepare for it.

To some extent, everyone is beginning to learn from Nanshan Automobile Group’s practices and engage in diversified operations.

"Of course this is possible, but it will take many years to complete the launch of the Starlink satellites alone."

"In the next few years, Venus' rocket production tasks will also be very tight."

"After all, even if it is a recyclable rocket, the number of times it can be used is not unlimited."

Cao Yang and Li Su communicated with Li Su about Daystar for a long time, and they didn't hang up the phone until Mi Ying came over to remind him that he was going to inspect the factory.

"The Starlink satellite production line has begun small-scale trial production?"

On the way to the factory for inspection, Cao Yang first learned about the basic situation with Mi Ying.

"Yes, according to the current plan, each batch of launches will carry 60 Starlink satellites, and what is being developed now is the first generation of Starlink satellites."

"We are currently preparing to produce the first batch of five satellites and carry out relevant testing and confirmation."

"If there are no problems, we can immediately arrange to produce all the first batch of satellites to be launched."

Mi Ying's preparations have always been very good.

Although she didn't remember some of the satellite's professional data, she knew some basic information.

And Cao Yang just wanted to know some basic information from her mouth.

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the satellite production project, and Zhao Siyu and others were already waiting there.

"Mr. Cao, our satellite structure adopts a unique flat-panel design and is equipped with a solar array, four high-throughput antennas, a Hall thruster, a star sensor and an autonomous collision avoidance system. It supports Ku-band and Ka-band communications. .”

"However, it is not currently equipped with an inter-satellite link payload and needs to be connected through a ground station."

"We plan to equip the satellites launched next year with laser link payloads to verify the on-orbit performance of the inter-satellite laser link."

Zhao Siyu accompanied Cao Yang from the material input process of the production line to the final satellite off-line process.

The entire production line uses a large number of various equipment and robots produced by Nanshan Robot and Nanshan Equipment, and the sales volume is relatively low.

This can be regarded as full consideration of the need for continuous increase in production in the future, and it cannot be like a general satellite factory, where all the work is left to people.

According to Cao Yang's vision, this satellite factory will be able to roll out more than 30 satellites every day, and two days of production can satisfy one launch.

In this way, tens of thousands of Starlink satellites can be launched into space as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if they were produced according to traditional techniques, it is estimated that these satellites would not have been produced by the time Cao Yang died.

Due to the large number of launches, it can better reflect the advantages of the Venus 9 recyclable rocket.

"After our Venus 9 is successfully launched carrying the Starlink satellite, China Channel should arrange for someone to come over and do a series of programs."

"You can prepare some materials in advance. When the time comes, I will also ask Nanshan Film and Television to arrange for people to come over and shoot some documentaries in advance."

When running a business, publicity is very important.

Especially for this kind of high-tech enterprise, in order to make everyone aware of its importance, the publicity work cannot stop.

For this reason, Cao Yang also made many preparations.

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