Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 776: Enjoy the dividends brought by

"Mr. Cao, if we win awards like this every year, then it is estimated that professors from various scientific research institutes and universities will definitely be more motivated to change jobs and work in our group."

Zhang Jing is also in a very good mood today.

Nanshan Semiconductor can also be regarded as the big winner at today's award ceremony.

In the next few years, it is estimated that Nanshan Semiconductor will not be absent from the annual award list.

This kind of confidence is not something that ordinary companies can have.

"We have won so many awards, so we are probably going to be hated."

Lai Yuanhong couldn't help but said it half-jokingly.

But no one took it seriously.

If you don't develop new technologies because you are afraid of being hated, it is simply impossible.

It is mediocre not to be envied by others.

Naturally, the news that night spent nearly ten minutes reporting on today's award ceremony.

As the biggest winner, Nanshan Group naturally appeared frequently, which made many people feel complicated.

"Mr. Li, Nanshan Group alone has won 8 national science and technology awards in China this year, and 5 of them are of the highest level."

"You can imagine how special Nanshan Group's position is in China."

"Under this circumstance, I think it is necessary for the company to make some adjustments to its response plan for Honor Technology in the future."

"It is difficult to win in a head-to-head competition with Honor Technology."

"The other party is even now suing us for some patent infringements, which is very detrimental to us."

Chaihang now feels deeply the pressure that Nanshan Group has brought to him.

When he was still at Nokia, he didn't pay much attention to this aspect.

But after joining Samsung China, because Samsung has a deep presence in many industries such as semiconductors, mobile phones, and computers, he began to pay attention to more things.

As Samsung China's biggest competitor, the situation related to Honor Technology and Nanshan Semiconductor is naturally the focus of Chaihang's attention.

However, with too many things to pay attention to, Chai Hang's heart became weak.

It will be very difficult for Samsung China to win this battle.

"The support Nanshan Group has received in China is very strong, but no matter how big it is, can it be greater than the support Samsung received in Korea?"

"No matter how great the influence of Nanshan Group is, can it be greater than Samsung's influence in Korea?"

After listening to Chai Hang's words, Li Zailin immediately found two very powerful counterattack points.

This made Chai Hang not know what to say.

After all, as a member of Samsung China, he also had a good understanding of Samsung's situation.

It is the largest enterprise in Korea and a multinational enterprise group, with business involving electronics, finance, machinery, chemistry and other fields.

The subsidiaries of Samsung Group include Samsung Electronics, Samsung C\u0026T, Samsung Life, Samsung Airlines, etc.

Samsung contributes about 30% of Korea's GDP and is Korea's largest conglomerate.

It not only occupies an important position economically, but also has great influence politically, and is regarded as the "second government" by the Koreans.

Samsung's influence in Goryeo is so great that it is known as the "super chaebol". It controls the backbone of Goryeo's economy and monopolizes hundreds of industries in Goryeo.

There is even a saying in Goryeo: Goryeo people can't escape three things in life: death, taxes and three stars.

This situation is naturally not comparable to that of Nanshan Group, and it is also a height that Nanshan Group will never reach.

However, he felt that things could not be compared simply like this.

"Mr. Li, Nanshan Group's influence on China is certainly not comparable to Samsung's influence on Korea."

"So if the companies under the Nanshan Group enter Korea, we are fully confident to give them a head-on attack."

"But in the Chinese market, the situation is different."

"We are now facing increasing pressure. I am afraid that it will be difficult to compete with Nanshan Group in the future and the competition will become more intense."

Chaihang's statement is naturally well-founded.

In addition to TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and other home appliances that Samsung is involved in, Honor Technology has not yet been involved.

For other semiconductors, mobile phones and computers, Nanshan Semiconductor and Honor Technology are involved.

In the future, Samsung China’s business will highly overlap with companies such as Honor Technology.

Then everyone's competition is inevitable.

Faced with this situation, how Samsung will respond is actually worth pondering.

“Let it be fierce, let’s be fully prepared for competition!”

Li Zailin doesn't want to retreat at all now.

In his view, once Samsung China chooses to retreat, it will be forced to retreat step by step, and eventually there will be no retreat.

This is a situation he doesn't want to see.

The most critical thing is that Nanshan Semiconductor has posed a huge threat to Samsung.

The headquarters did not allow him to make any retreat.

The headquarters even hopes that Samsung China can take some actions to hinder the development of Nanshan Semiconductor and Honor Technology.

Against this background, it is not surprising at all that Lee Jae-lin gave such an answer.

However, after seeing the news that Nanshan Group has won so many awards, not all companies have the same attitude as Samsung China.

"Ai Moha, the headquarters is ready to fully launch PHEV and BEV models. You can cooperate with Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Auto Parts for related batteries and motors."

"This time, our new energy vehicles must increase in volume. The headquarters hopes that our sales of new energy vehicles will account for more than 10% of China's sales in three years and reach 20% in five years."

At BMW China, Phillips, Aimoha and others were holding an important meeting in the conference room.

Phillips announced a key decision at the headquarters at the beginning.

For a long time, international automobile giants have not attached great importance to China's research and development work.

To them, China is just a market to make money.

It is enough to bring the models developed by the headquarters to China for production and sales, and there is no need to consider any research and development issues.

However, with the rapid rise of China's own brands and fierce market competition, some companies' ideas began to slowly change.

Obviously, BMW is a company that changes relatively quickly.

"If all our batteries and motors are produced by Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Auto Parts, then our relationship with Nanshan Group will be more special in the future."

"Facing competition from Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover in the future, there will be very few actions we can take."

Aimoha raised his concerns.

Although BMW's biggest competitor is Mercedes-Benz, the pressure brought by Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover is also great.

Even in the Chinese market, Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover are the big mountains pressing on BMW.

"Of course I know this, but if we go against Nanshan Automobile Group in China, the result will only be worse."

"Since we have in-depth cooperation with them, Nanshan Automobile Group will not deliberately go against BMW in order to prevent everyone from thinking that his appearance is ugly."

"This is a very important thing for us."

Phillips will make the decision to strengthen cooperation with Nanshan Group, and he has obviously given it full consideration.

Sometimes, cooperation is not because there are no other options, but because there are other reasons.

Just like why do some companies choose to buy tea from tea shops that have few customers all year round?

Is it really because the tea in this tea shop is of better quality?

Not at all!

It's because the owner of this tea shop has a special relationship with certain people, and is even directly a company under the name of certain people.

If you buy tea from this store, you may be able to earn back the money you spend elsewhere.

Everyone gets what they need.

Of course, the nature of BMW's cooperation with Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Auto Parts is different.

"This is true. Although Nanshan Group has been split up, its influence has not declined, but has become stronger."

"Especially the current Venus Technology Group and Honor Technology Group, they are simply the two most dazzling companies in China."

"And Nanshan Energy Group and Nanshan Media Group are also existences that are difficult for various automobile companies to completely avoid."

Aimoha is relatively clear about the current situation.

Knowing Phillips' decision also makes sense.

"Since you understand these things, take action as soon as possible."

"Before other international car brands make big moves, we signed some cooperation agreements with Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Auto Parts to launch our electric vehicles as soon as possible in the future."

Phillips emphasized this point again.

Of course, Aimoha had no objection to this.

He even personally flew to Yangcheng and had a good exchange with Lin Cheng from Nanshan Battery and Dai Hanbiao from Nanshan Auto Parts.

Naturally, neither Lin Cheng nor Dai Hanbiao would refuse BMW's offer of an olive branch.

And BMW's actions seem to be a beginning.

People from Chery, Geely, Changan, Great Wall and other companies have also seen Nanshan Group's performance in the National Science and Technology Award, and naturally know that they need to further build a good relationship with Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Wang, I think the company can further expand the scale of BYD Nanshan Semiconductor Research Institute and make it one of China's top five semiconductor companies."

"At that time, our own BYD Semiconductor will focus on IGBT and other power components, and the joint venture company with Nanshan Semiconductor will focus on other chips, forming a complementary relationship with Nanshan Semiconductor."

"Relevant departments are now very supportive of investment in the semiconductor industry. I think this is a good opportunity."

Liang Chuanqing took the opportunity to have lunch, sat across from the palace, and exchanged some of his ideas with him.

BYD has been developing very fast in recent years, especially the rapid development of its foundry business, which has more than doubled its size.

"Expanding investment in semiconductors requires huge amounts of money."

"Would it be worth the loss?"

Today's BYD is not as wealthy as later generations.

In 2023, BYD's account is said to have the highest cash flow of 400 to 500 billion yuan.

This is definitely a very impressive figure.

Of course, cash flow does not indicate profit.

Because BYD's payment policy is very special and can even be said to be very overbearing, it often takes nine months or even longer for suppliers to finally get their payment after delivering their parts.

There are still things like acceptance bills issued by BYD itself popping up in the middle.

Therefore, a large part of these cash flows are actually payments from suppliers.

To a certain extent, BYD's approach is similar to the situation on Xubao.

This contribution to corporate cash flow is huge.

Of course, suppliers must hate this kind of overbearing clause.

But most manufacturers can only choose to accept it. Except for the more powerful manufacturers such as Bosch and Nanshan Auto Parts, they will not accept your corporate acceptance draft.

"The bulk of investment in semiconductor factories is the purchase of various processing equipment. In the past, these equipment basically needed to be imported, so they were very expensive."

"Now the chip industry alliance headed by Nanshan Equipment has solved the problem of chip processing equipment. Not only does it not have to worry about some international manufacturers refusing to sell equipment to us, it has also greatly reduced costs."

"Now you only need a few billion to build a large-scale wafer factory."

"In the future, both BYD Auto and its foundry business department will need to use a large number of chips."

"I think the chip industry will definitely be a sunrise industry in the next ten years."

Liang Chuanqing's judgment is still very reasonable.

Wang Fu also knew this well.

"You should make a plan first, and then have a good discussion with Nanshan Semiconductor to see how they divide the market, tackle various chip projects, and strive to make our car-grade chips 100% domestically produced as soon as possible. change."

When Wang Fu said this, he basically agreed with Liang Chuanqing.

Whether there is a factor in this that Nanshan Group won a bunch of National Science and Technology Awards yesterday, probably only Wang Fu himself knows best.

Compared with the clear attitudes of companies such as Samsung, BMW and BYD, some companies are hesitant.

Among them, SMIC is the most typical representative.

"Mr. Wang, I suggest that the company purchase all equipment for its next new factory from Nanshan Equipment or manufacturers from the Chip Industry Alliance."

"This way we can also have an explanation to our shareholders."

Yang Bingning felt that his attitude needed to be clear, otherwise it would be inconclusive every time, which would be uncomfortable.

"If the new factory uses equipment from Nanshan Equipment, then this factory may not be able to obtain orders from some international giants."

Wang Anguo immediately mentioned a very key influencing factor.

As the world's second largest chip processing foundry, SMIC's main customers are international giants.

If the customer does not give the order, then SMIC's production line will remain idle even if it is built.

This is certainly not the situation Wang Anguo wants to see.

"I don't think there is anything special to worry about, because I heard that some international chip manufacturers have begun to look to Nanshan Equipment to purchase some less sensitive equipment."

"Of course, these companies generally use trading companies as agents instead of purchasing products directly from Nanshan Equipment."

"There are even some companies that specifically buy Nanshan Equipment's products and then resell them in some southern countries, turning them into transactions that are not directly related to Nanshan Equipment."

"This approach can avoid the sanctions imposed by the United States to a certain extent."

Yang Bingning further stated his views.

However, it is obviously a bit difficult to get Wang Anguo to change his mind immediately.

"We will first try to communicate with ASML and other equipment manufacturers, as well as our major customers, and then make a decision after seeing the reactions of all parties."

Wang Anguo thought for a while and gave a rather ambiguous answer.

This made Yang Bingning feel a little disappointed.

If you proceed according to the content of this answer, then there is a high probability that you will not get the reply you hope to see.

However, Wang Anguo is the CEO, so even if he has different opinions, he can only tolerate it now.

The actions of these companies will more or less be transmitted to various companies in the Nanshan Group.

To this end, Cao Yang specifically communicated with everyone about this aspect when he held an internal meeting between Nanshan Automobile Group and Honor Technology Group.

Let’s see how to enjoy the dividends brought by “winning prizes and getting soft”.

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