Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 796: European Space Agency is stunned by successive blows

Zhao Siyu must give Cao Yang a good report on the actions of the aerospace science and technology side.

After all, future launches of Venus 9 will need to use other people's launch sites, and there will also be a lot of cooperation in other aspects.

Daystar Technology not only has the Starlink project, but also has other projects such as drones, helicopters, and business jets under development.

There is still some room for cooperation with aerospace technology.

"Mr. Cao, I feel that Aerospace Technology may have felt a lot of pressure during this period, so they are eager to participate in our Starlink project."

"They want to let everyone know that aerospace technology supports Daystar, just like NASA supports Space Exploration Technology Corporation and polar bear-related departments support United Rocketry and Aerospace Corporation."

Zhao Siyu had a relatively accurate grasp of his old club's thoughts.

Having stayed in that place for half his life, he could understand why the other party had these thoughts.

So to a certain extent, he is inclined to give aerospace technology a step down, so that everyone will not be a little embarrassed.

"How do they want to work with us?"

Cao Yang was naturally able to understand what Zhao Siyu said.

After all, topics related to Starlink are very popular on the Internet now, both at home and abroad.

In particular, the polar bears and the United States have made some big moves one after another. As long as you go online, you can see some relevant news more or less.

Too much news like this will naturally bring invisible pressure to aerospace technology.

"They are preparing to use our Venus 9 MAX to participate in future missions to provide supplies to the space station, and are also considering handing over part of the satellite launch mission to us."

"At the same time, they also want to form strategic cooperation with us in terms of satellite design on the Starlink satellite system. We will share part of the resources and design the Starlink satellites."

"I think this is a sign of their sincerity, and we can consider further communication."

Zhao Siyu's attitude is relatively clear.

Cao Yang had no objection to this.

Let’s communicate first to see the specific cooperation projects and willingness to cooperate, and then find a suitable time to release it to the outside world.

This will not only further maintain the popularity of Venus Technology, but also calm the pressure on some aerospace technologies.

This should also be a result that relevant departments are happy to see.

"Well, then I will fly to the Imperial Capital next week to have a good chat with them."

"Especially for their space launch center in Qiongzhou, I think we can directly discuss with them a shareholding or selling an area to us."

"This should be very beneficial to the advancement of our Venus 9 MAX and starship projects in the future."

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to Zhao Siyu's proposal.

There is no need for Daystar Technology to build a separate space launch site on its own, as that would be too big a move.

Just make use of other people's aerospace technology.

And while China, Polar Bear, and the United States are all making a fuss over the Starlink system, it is naturally impossible for there to be no movement at all in Europe.

Looking around the world, the countries and regions that can truly participate in the establishment of the Starlink satellite system are China, the United States, Polar Bear and the European Space Agency.

Although other countries such as Tianzhu are also working hard to improve their aerospace capabilities, the gap is still relatively large.

"Joseph, is the technical threshold for recyclable rockets really that high?"

As the director of the European Space Agency, Werner is also very worried now.

The purpose of the establishment of the European Space Agency is to gather the power of European countries to compete with the United States and polar bears in the space field.

After all, when two major powers compete, Europe has recognized itself and knows that it cannot defeat the other side by fighting alone.

Since their formal establishment in 1975, they have produced some results to some extent.

Ariane rocket, "Vega" rocket, Rosetta comet detector, Venus exploration satellite, Columbus orbital equipment and other things are all made by them.

However, overall, their rocket technology still lags far behind polar bears and the United States.

Otherwise, they would not have started developing new Soyuz rockets with Polar Bear in early 2005.

However, before they could produce any decent results, Venus Technology's recyclable rocket Venus 9 successfully took off.

The recyclable version of Falcon 9 of the Space Exploration Technology Company in the United States also conducted its first launch.

Polar Bear's United Rocket and Space Company also officially announced that it will enter the field of recyclable rockets and gave a specific schedule.

As a result, the pressure is on the European Space Agency.

If the European Space Agency is nowhere to be found in the space race of the new era, many Europeans will definitely be disappointed.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the threshold is indeed quite high."

"According to our current speculation, if the technology research center wants to develop recyclable rockets, it will take at least five years."

"It's not surprising that if the situation is not ideal, it may take eight or nine years."

"At that time, our competitors' recyclable rockets had already been put into commercial operation on a large scale."

Joseph did not dare to brag easily at this time.

Otherwise, if Werner really assigns the task to him, he will be in trouble.

Since last year, Joseph has been paying attention to the matter of recyclable rockets and Starlink satellite systems. He must have also thought about whether the European Space Agency might come up with something similar.

But the more you know about technology, the more you know these things are difficult to do.

In particular, recyclable rockets require very advanced design of the control system, which also tests software programming and control logic.

This aspect is currently lacking in the European Space Agency.

"If we can't do it on our own, can we join forces with other companies to do it?"

"For example, we will bring in large companies such as Airbus Defense and Space, Eutelsat, SES and Thales Alenia Space to establish a brand new company to be responsible for our own Starlink project."

"I think doing this can greatly reduce development time."

Werner does not want to give up the Starlink project easily.

In his opinion, this project is of great significance.

First, it will help improve the competitiveness of European countries in the global communications market.

Secondly, this competition will accelerate the development of satellite Internet technology, allowing more regions to benefit from convenient and high-speed Internet services.

Finally, in the process of developing autonomous satellite networks, European countries will accumulate valuable experience and technology, laying the foundation for future space exploration and technological innovation.

However, the idea is good, but it is very difficult to implement it.

After all, the European Space Agency is not an organization affiliated to a certain country. They have many member states, and everyone has their own little ideas.

For example, Germany may hope that it can play more of a role in this system and surpass France as the leader.

Other countries also have their own ideas, so they have not achieved many achievements in recent years.

"It's okay to try, but it's very difficult to actually implement it."

"For such a large project costing hundreds of billions of euros, the source of funds will be a big problem."

"Private capital will not easily invest in us when profits are far away."

"But it seems unrealistic to rely on funding from member states."

When Joseph said this, Werner's face turned dark.

It's a pity that what he said was the truth, so even if Werner wanted to lose his temper, he couldn't.

“Are we just going to watch ourselves fall behind?”

Regarding Werner's words, Joseph chose to remain silent.

He had no answer.

Because the truth is a bit cruel.

"If Starlink is truly integrated with the 5G network, or only partially integrated, the impact will be huge in the future."

"Aren't any of our communications companies in a hurry?"

Werner continued.

At this time, Joseph was silent and said: "Now 4G has just begun, and many people think that 4G is already a historic breakthrough and will be enough for many years."

"As for 5G in the future, if it can indeed be much better than 4G, then you can continue to use it."

"If the difference is not that big, then stick with 4G."

“The heads of these communication companies basically don’t have to worry about the major blow that 5G networks will bring to their company’s performance during their tenure.”

Joseph told the truest situation he knew.

This made Werner's mood even worse.

The job of the European Space Agency is not easy to do.

In particular, it requires funding from member states every year to maintain operations. A lot of Werner's work throughout the year is spent wrangling with various member states.

He felt that he couldn't handle this kind of back-breaking work.

No matter what actions the European Space Agency makes, Musko is now staring at the actions of Daystar and Polar Bear United Rocket and Space Company.

In his view, only these two opponents can pose a threat to Space Exploration Technology Company.

"Diles, Polar Bear has reintegrated the domestic aerospace industry, and China's Aerospace Technology Group, which oversees the national aerospace industry, has also made various moves against Daystar."

"Our Falcon 9 must launch the first batch of Starlink satellites as soon as possible this year."

Time waits for no one, and originally Masco didn't want to force the people below to work.

But it won’t work if I don’t force it.

If we wait any longer, China has already launched hundreds of satellites into space.

"We have ready-made rockets. The launch weight of the Falcon 9 without the recyclable function is larger than that of the recyclable version."

"So even if the recyclable version is not successfully developed, it will not affect the launch of the rocket."

"But in terms of communication satellites, we only started research recently and the results are not available so quickly."

"Originally, NASA wanted to ask Boeing to help us develop these satellites, but Boeing seems to have its own ideas and wants to develop the Starlink satellite system alone."

Diels is naturally relatively clear about the domestic situation in the United States.

SpaceX is certainly in the lead right now.

But there are not no opponents in the country, and everyone’s ideas are not exactly the same.

For example, Intel does not join the ranks of investing in space exploration technology companies, and Boeing is not willing to play with them.

These giants are not something that space exploration technology companies can mess with.

"The people at Boeing are all old diehards, and it's normal to look down on us upstarts."

"But since they are unwilling to participate, then we can just dig up experts in this field."

"In addition, NASA will also provide us with some help, and we will definitely be able to achieve breakthroughs faster by then."

Masco has always been a confident person.

Even if he encounters great difficulties now, he still firmly believes that he can succeed.

This is something that many people really cannot do.

"Well, if everything goes well, we don't need to wait until the end of the year. Our first rocket will be able to take off the satellite in the third quarter."

"Then we can maintain the launch frequency at least once a month and send more Starlink satellites to designated locations in space."

When Diers said this, Masco couldn't help but nodded.

The Space Exploration Technology Corporation's satellites really need to enter orbit as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, it will be occupied by others, which will be disgusting.

The United States, Polar Bear, Europe and China are all discussing the Starlink issue, and China naturally does not want to miss this wave of enthusiasm.

So they specially arranged for personnel to conduct an exclusive interview with Zhao Siyu.

In this exclusive interview, Zhao Siyu explained the positioning and role of the Starlink satellite system in detail, and also shared some ideas related to 5G.

Although he also admitted that 5G may not be 100% completed using Starlink in the end, it will definitely be a big trend in the future.

Especially as satellite technology continues to improve, Nanshan Semiconductor is already preparing gallium nitride power amplifiers, switches, filters, etc. for Starlink satellites.

The purpose is to greatly improve the performance of the satellite.

At the same time, Nanshan Carbon Fiber’s T1200 carbon fiber will also be widely used on Starlink satellites.

By then, the new generation of Starlink satellites will be larger, lighter and more powerful.

Even solar panels are combined with gallium nitride related components to achieve significant performance improvements.

These are new technologies that have not been widely used in other countries, and will soon be used on Venus’ Starlink in the future.

This has had a huge impact on the United States and polar bears.

As for the European Space Agency, it is completely confused.

Whether it’s rockets or satellites, the technological gap is a bit big.

Even if you want to catch up, you don’t know how to catch up.

"Musco, the relationship between Space Exploration Technology Company and NASA is not competition or opposition. On the contrary, we are a partnership and mutually beneficial relationship."

"This time I hope you can accept investment from various giants, absorb some of the outstanding talents they provide, and build our Starlink system as soon as possible."

NASA Administrator Griffin personally went to meet with Musko to exchange views on various things that happened during this period.

As early as 2008, NASA began cooperation with Space Exploration Technology Corporation.

That year, SpaceX’s fourth rocket was finally launched successfully.

However, due to the failure of the first three rockets to launch, Musko's personal assets were almost at the end of his rope, and both SpaceX and Tesla almost closed down.

Seeing that Musk was almost unable to pay its employees, NASA lent a helping hand and signed a large order with it to provide 12 resupply services to the International Space Station, with a contract value of up to 1.6 billion US dollars.

At the same time, NASA also directly gave it approximately US$278 million to fund the development of Falcon 9.

Not only does it provide strong financial support, but in terms of scientific research, NASA also provides strong support to space exploration technology companies.

In fact, many of the core technologies of Space Exploration Technology Company come from NASA and its many aerospace flight centers and laboratories.

NASA has transferred years of previous research and development results and confidential technologies to S through patent transfer and other means.

For example, the prototype of the Merlin engine used on Falcon 9 was the engine used by NASA for the manned moon landing.

NASA transferred all the technologies related to the Merlin engine to it, allowing it to be transformed and upgraded on the original basis.

And NASA has also arranged for many core members to join the Space Exploration Technology Company.

As for the provision of R\u0026D equipment and experimental sites, it goes without saying.

It can be said that Space Exploration Technology Company is an enterprise supported by NASA.

Now that NASA needs the Space Exploration Technology Company to make some compromises, it is naturally impossible for Musko not to consider it at all.

“As the company has more shareholders, there will be more voices, and the final development speed may not necessarily become faster.”

Although there are many rumors that companies such as Qualcomm and Motorola will invest in space exploration technology companies, there has never been an official announcement about this matter.

Because Musko is still competing with these companies.

You can invest money, but you can't interfere with the company's operations.

This is definitely not in the interests of investors.

NASA, which has always been a little anxious, couldn't help but step in and act as a middleman.

After all, some companies, such as Northrop Grumman, were only willing to cooperate with Musk after NASA played its role.

"Their shareholding ratio does not exceed yours. Even if everyone opposes it, the board of directors can continue to advance the project according to your ideas."

When Griffin said this, Masco didn't know how to refute.

He definitely hopes that Space Exploration Technology Company can develop faster, but he does not want to lose control.

"Look at China Morningstar, they are also constantly attracting new shareholders."

"And China's aerospace technology is constantly supporting Venus Technology. This is a very dangerous thing for you."

"I hope you will consider this issue from the perspective of global competition and the space race."

Griffin is also a well-known figure in the United States, and he is very familiar with Masco.

So naturally I won't be so polite when speaking.

"Internet companies have plans to implement AB shares. Their investors can have shares, but not all shares have voting rights."

"If it's acceptable, get involved."

"If you can't accept it, there's no problem in continuing according to our previous plan."

Masco made certain concessions, which made Griffin feel a little relieved.

Although he couldn't agree immediately for other investors, he at least had an idea.

Soon, the Space Exploration Technology Company formally signed strategic investment agreements with various investors.

A large amount of funds also quickly entered their accounts.

The speed of establishment of the Starlink satellite system can be regarded as entering the fast lane.

This increasingly serious situation made Fang Sisi feel a little worried.

"Ayang, our Venus Technology is now involved in such a space race project, and we will be under great pressure."

Although Fang Sisi is not involved in the daily management of Daystar Technology, she is very concerned about the business of the five major groups.

Hot searches on Weibo have long been dominated by Starlink, space race and other related topics, and it would be difficult for her not to know even if she wanted to.

“It’s not so much a race, but more of a catch-up.”

"We have laid a leading foundation. As long as we continue to develop step by step, they will not be able to catch up."

Cao Yang is very confident in Starlink.

Even if only Venus 9 is used, various subsequent launch missions can be completed.

Daystar 9 MAX is just the icing on the cake.

"But it also involves the 5G standard, which makes it a lot more complicated."

“If there are too many relevant stakeholders involved, it will be very detrimental to the implementation of this project.”

Fang Sisi knew that Daystar’s Starlink system would definitely harm the interests of a number of companies and individuals.

The rise of any industry will more or less certainly have an impact on some of the original companies.

This is inevitable.

The rise of Internet shopping has caused huge harm to physical stores.

The emergence of online ride-hailing has impacted taxis.

Starlink gives wings to 5G, and naturally a large number of related companies will be affected.

Some of them, like Warwick, can be seen, while others are less obvious.

The interests behind it are definitely very complicated.

Fang Sisi is relatively sensitive to this kind of thing.

"When it comes to 5G communications, we will just let the three major operators take the lead. We don't need to worry too much."

"As for what you said about harming the interests of some relevant parties, there is no need to worry."

"In recent years, the rise of our Nanshan system has offended a large number of people."

Cao Yang shrugged, looking indifferent.

He must build the Starlink satellite system.

At the worst possible time, we will develop more military products to improve China's military strength.

So even if some people and companies overseas hate Nanshan Group companies and Cao Yang, they can only stare.

An individual's destiny is sometimes closely related to the strength of the country.

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