Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 838: American characteristics, let people learn a lot

"This request is very strange."

"Is there a story behind it?"

David was not stupid and quickly realized something was wrong.

"I asked John about it, but I didn't find out the specific situation."

"The other party just said that the relevant departments are very anxious to put the drones into use in front-line departments as soon as possible."

"So no matter what method is used, we will first purchase a batch."

Print felt that John's attitude was a bit strange, but since we had known each other for so many years, he didn't think much about it.

"The procurement of small drones by relevant departments is definitely not a one-time thing."

"The release of various needs also has a process."

Print expressed his opinion very firmly.

"However, weird things happen in the American market. As long as you can make money, I don't think you need to be particularly entangled."

Based on what happened to DJI during this period, Wang Tao has already guessed who will eventually deliver this batch of orders.

"The one-time purchase is so large and you don't want our LOGO. This is obviously not a normal order."

David could only comfort himself in this way at this time.

The value of small UAVs has been proven in actual combat, and it is naturally impossible for relevant American departments not to purchase small UAVs.

There are not many customers in the United States who can order 50,000 drones at once.

No one wants to share such a plump piece of meat with foreign companies.

As the vice president in charge of sales, Zhang Dajian definitely hopes to see the emergence of large orders.

This situation will definitely cause huge concern within DJI.

The proud Americans cannot lower their heads.

And the orders for these 50,000 units are required to be delivered within this year, and there is no need to display the DJI logo.

Print, however, wanted something more.

There is someone behind him too.

"The products of DJI drones in China have now been used by many people in Syria for war."

But it is obviously unrealistic to directly ask them to purchase DJI drone products.

"Mr. Wang, the other party specifically emphasized that our logo does not need to be printed on the parts. I think this matter is a bit strange."

However, a new dealer in the United States suddenly ordered 50,000 drones in one go, which still caused a huge sensation within DJI.

"I think we can push the relevant departments to issue a regulation that requires military drones not to be purchased from foreign companies."

As the head of the largest drone company in the United States, Printer’s ambitions must be great.

David must also agree with this.

For orders like this, there must be someone in the United States who wants to use DJI products to make profits.

Wang Tao is not stupid.

As the country with the largest military expenditure in the world, the United States spends a huge amount on purchasing various equipment.

There is already a giant like Boeing competing with itself in China, and Printer naturally does not want more competitors to enter this market.

"We are now going to research and develop small drones. Even if they cannot keep up with this year's demand, they can still be used in the future."

Normally, any product must pay attention to its brand.

The sales of DJI drones have skyrocketed during this period, which is a result that many people have guessed.

But the other party still did it, so this matter is interesting.

“There is a demand for small drones not only in various locations around the world, but also in many domestic departments.”

DJI’s brand appeal in the consumer drone market is undoubtedly very strong.

Otherwise, why don’t you even want a LOGO?

This makes it clear that you need to change your LOGO for sales.

"However, companies outside the United States are absolutely not allowed to get involved in the market for military drones."

"We have not yet developed a civilian version of a small drone, so there is no need to make it look so ugly."

Therefore, if the other party comes up with a random brand to sell, it cannot be better than what DJI sells.

"Regardless of the performance of the other party, it is definitely not a good thing for us to sell small drones at such a low price."

But this order was very strange, and he must report it to Wang Tao.

"This is also for safety reasons."

"Your proposal is very reasonable. As a civilian drone, we have completely banned DJI. It is estimated that many consumers will be dissatisfied."

"Our relevant departments must have noticed this."

In all the years since its establishment, DJI has never received such a large order.

At this time, if some people do some tricks, things will be much easier to handle.

"Mr. Wang, this batch of orders won't bring us any harm by then, right?"

Zhang Dajian can generally guess some things, so he is a little worried.

"What harm could it do?"

"Our drones are sold in many countries around the world, and anyone can buy them."

“Since the establishment of the company, none of the drones we have developed are aimed at military use.”

"Relevant domestic departments are also aware of this situation."

Wang Tao said so, so Zhang Dajian naturally stopped worrying.

An order for 50,000 units.

He certainly doesn't want these orders to be cancelled.

However, although Zhang Dajian and Wang Tao both said they didn't mind, they would definitely try to find out how to confirm the final destination of these orders.

Many things in this world cannot withstand inquiry.

Especially since DJI drones are manufacturers, who and where their products are delivered to, and where the funds in the account are transferred from, this series of information is easy to obtain.

In addition, DJI has been selling products in the United States for several years, and it also has its own dealers.

After asking around from all sides, the situation will almost be clear.

This result made Wang Tao deeply moved.

"Mr. Cao, the situation is probably what I just said. Some well-connected people in the United States established a drone company on their own, and then quickly obtained purchase orders from relevant departments with very competitive prices and performance. ”

"These orders will be delivered one after another starting next month, and all deliveries will be completed within this year."

Whether it was regarded as a major event in the company or as an interesting thing, Wang Tao felt that it was necessary to tell Cao Yang about this situation.

"That is to say, the other party purchased 50,000 DJI drones without any logo from DJI, then put their own label on them, turning them into small drones developed by local American companies, and finally sold them to Used by relevant departments?”

Cao Yang naturally understood Wang Tao's words, but he also found it very strange.

This kind of thing gives people a lot of experience.

"Yes, this is also an American thing."

"There are various project expenditures surrounding the huge military expenditures, and many of the contents of these expenditures are very strange."

"For example, they once spent more than 320,000 US dollars to buy 391 coffee cups, with an average price of 818 US dollars. When faced with doubts, the Secretary of the Air Force of the United States stood up and said that the high price was mainly a matter of adapting the aircraft system and the contractor."

"Then the purchase price of the toilet seat on their C17 transport aircraft is as high as US$10,000. If the toilet on the aircraft carrier is clogged, just a flush and maintenance will cost a sky-high US$400,000."

"In 1941, the United States also passed the Bailey Amendment, requiring items purchased by the Pentagon, such as clothes, boots, shoes, tools, etc., to be American products."

"But some contractors will rebrand their products with products manufactured in other countries in order to increase profits."

"Apparently the same is true for drones this time around."

The information Wang Tao arranged for people to inquire about during this period is obviously quite sufficient.

But the more complete it is, the more people realize that the things with American characteristics are really speechless.

"Those public intellectuals always brag about how good America is and how good it is on the Internet. They really should be allowed to know how they plunder public money."

Cao Yang originally felt that the bugs within Nanshan Automobile Group had gone too far.

Unexpectedly, compared with others now, it is completely dwarfed.

"Mr. Cao, there is something even more exaggerated."

"The battlefield in the Imperial Cemetery is even more exaggerated. The Independent in England once reported that in order to revitalize the cashmere industry in the Imperial Cemetery, the United States flew nine goats there from Rome."

"Just these nine goats cost 6 million US dollars."

"Except for shipping costs, 2.3 million of the money will be allocated to Colorado State University for research, development and training."

"Of course, no one can tell where exactly these sheep ended up."

"There are countless similar things over at the Imperial Cemetery. If people from the United States go there specifically to investigate cases, the plane will crash or there will be a car accident."

"This eating appearance is really ugly."

When Wang Tao learned the news for the first time, he felt that his three views were shattered.

He had a very good impression of the United States before, and many of DJI's products were sold to the United States.

But I didn't expect that I was still too naive.

"When you said that, I really thought of a previous report, which was also from the Imperial Cemetery."

"At that time, the United States spent billions of dollars shipping bottled water from the United States."

"Because during the last war between polar bears and the Imperial Cemetery, someone poisoned the wells. The United States is worried that the other side will repeat the same tactics, which may cause serious casualties."

"Therefore, billions of dollars were spent on domestic bottled water. After these bottled waters were shipped to the Imperial Cemetery, the average cost of each bottle was as high as more than 100 yuan."

"If there wasn't something fishy in this, even ghosts wouldn't believe it."

Cao Yang's current attitude towards the United States is definitely different from that of many Chinese people.

After all, he has witnessed America's increasingly bottomless appearance, and his views are constantly being refreshed.

"Yeah, but this matter doesn't do any harm to us, so we won't care about it."

"For example, this time 50,000 DJI drones were eventually resold to relevant departments. It is said that the price was as high as 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars, but the purchase price from us was US$1,000 per unit. "

"They are reluctant to come to us to purchase the most advanced drones."

Wang Tao complained again from the side.

However, regarding this matter, Cao Yang thought of a possibility and said: "The entry-level version of DJI's drone is already very advanced for many competitors."

"If you sell the most advanced products to relevant departments at once, it is likely to become a one-time business within a certain period of time."

"This is definitely not the scene the other party wants to see."

"So we sell entry-level products first, and then launch an upgraded version in half a year. After that, we continue to update products, and this business can continue."

"Anyway, the United States has sufficient military spending. As long as there are sufficient reasons, these people are definitely capable of obtaining relevant funds to purchase a large number of drones."

When Cao Yang said this, Wang Tao's eyes lit up.

If this kind of business can continue and contribute an additional 50,000 units to DJI every year, it will be really exciting.

"Mr. Cao, it seems that we need to consider further expanding the production line of DJI drones and increasing the automation rate as much as possible so that the production capacity of drones can be increased."

The smile on Wang Tao's face could not be concealed no matter how hard he tried.

He hopes to have good things like this every month.

"You can have a good discussion with Nanshan Equipment about the construction and renovation of the production line."

"It just so happens that Academician Pan is taking the lead in Industry 4.0 during this period, which can make DJI's new production lines the first batch of domestic production lines to enter the Industry 4.0 era."

This kind of order must be given priority to Nanshan Equipment.

If Nanshan's equipment can't handle it, probably no domestic manufacturer can handle it.

Cao Yang is very confident about this.

Wang Tao also believes in Nanshan Equipment.

"Well, the unmanned factory at Nanshan Robot is very famous in the industry. I also want to try to build an unmanned drone production factory."

“When the time comes, it will serve as an important business card for DJI to promote itself, and the effect should be very worth looking forward to.”

Although the current output value of DJI drones is not particularly high, it is less than 10 billion yuan a year.

But the valuation is too high, reaching US$5 billion.

In addition, DJI has been profitable since last year, and the financial pressure has been relieved immediately.

There are a lot of venture capital institutions out there who want to give money to DJI, but Wang Tao doesn’t want it.

For the construction of a high-tech new factory, he will definitely not spend a penny less.

He still has this bit of courage.

"DJI UAV is now a first-class enterprise in China. With this increase in popularity, its influence in the country will definitely increase significantly in the future."

“Having a very advanced production plant that is an industry benchmark is indeed worth looking forward to.”

Cao Yang definitely supports Wang Tao's plan to build a benchmark factory. This has no disadvantages for the Nanshan System, only benefits.

Even if Wang Tao suddenly regrets it, Cao Yang will have to have a good argument with him.

The equipment industry is a country's core industry.

But for the equipment industry to flourish, there must be enough users using your equipment.

Otherwise, it will not develop.

Therefore, even if Cao Yang has reached his current status, he often promotes Nanshan Equipment products to others whenever he has the opportunity.

Anyway, it's just a matter of saying a few more words, and it might be done.

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