Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 842: A powerful weapon of a great power, a new breakthrough of Nanshan Engine

"Mr. Cao, I really want to thank you so much this time."

“If it weren’t for the help of companies such as Nanshan Equipment, Nanshan Engine and Nanshan Special Steel, our large self-propelled cutter suction dredger would definitely not have been able to be produced so quickly.”

Xiang Jianghui personally called Cao Yang to express his gratitude.

Just today, Xiang Jianghui already knew that he was going to level up.

This is still the case when LNG carriers have not been mass-produced. If LNG carriers are officially mass-produced later, won't his status within CSSC be even higher?

These results are inseparable from the support of Nanshan Group's affiliated companies.

Of course, Cao Yang also needs a shipyard to cooperate with his company to develop some products.

Otherwise, it would be too much trouble and time-consuming to build a shipyard by yourself.

It is better to bring together a partner in Yangcheng to work together. The Nanshan-based company is responsible for the core parts, and the other parts that are time-consuming and labor-intensive but are not so technically difficult can be left to the other party.

To a certain extent, Wenchong Shipyard is lucky to be able to become a partner of the Nanshan Group.

Xiang Jianghui also knew this well.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Xiang for being so courageous and daring to directly use our first mass-produced large gas turbine."

"In this regard, our Nanshan Engine is considered a new player in the game, and many people have various worries."

Cao Yang's words were not simply to compliment each other.

Nanshan Engine's various gasoline and diesel engine technologies are very advanced and are widely used in the domestic passenger car and truck fields.

But gas turbines, especially large gas turbines, are really far behind the world's leading companies.

Of course, it's not that Cao Yang can't come up with world-leading technology, but there is a process for producing these things.

Gas turbine technology is complex and involves multiple fields such as thermodynamics, materials science, and machinery manufacturing, requiring a wealth of professional knowledge and experience accumulation.

Its manufacturing process involves the processing and assembly of multiple precision parts, requiring high-precision machine tools, measuring equipment and professional technicians.

In addition, the manufacturing of key components such as hot channel components also requires the use of high-tech processes such as single crystal, directional crystallization, and polycrystalline casting.

In addition, its high-temperature components operate above the melting point of metal for a long time and are subjected to extremely high stress and corrosive environments. Many complex issues such as material selection, structural layout, heat conduction and cooling need to be solved during design.

The precision error of core components is extremely high, usually only tens of microns, which places extremely high demands on the manufacturing and assembly process.

First produce a few models with relatively low difficulty levels, and then move on to the world's top large-scale gas turbines. This is the development direction Cheng Tao originally reported to Cao Yang.

For example, Wenchong Shipyard's large-scale self-propelled cutter suction dredger uses an all-electric drive engine and is equipped with three 8000kW main generator sets, which is highly efficient, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly.

In addition, this engine produced by Nanshan Engine also has the characteristics of high discharge pressure, long discharge distance, and excellent wear resistance. The mud pump motor can change the working mode according to changes in transmission distance, thereby achieving the most effective use of installed power.

It can be said that Nanshan Engine’s first gas turbine has excellent performance in all aspects.

In the past, we have been working on traditional gasoline engines and diesel engines, but now we are entering the field of gas turbines. This can be regarded as a new breakthrough for Nanshan engines.

“Produced by Nanshan, it must be a top quality product!”

"Over the years, a very firm understanding has been formed in the industry."

"Nanshan Engine did not disappoint us this time, and the various equipment provided by Nanshan Equipment for our ships have made great contributions."

"Nanshan Special Steel specializes in special steel for our reamers, which directly makes the performance of our ship reach the first place in the world."

"Since its establishment, Wenchong Shipyard has been working hard and catching up. It has never ranked first in the world."

"This time, our large self-propelled cutter suction dredger is now the number one in the world."

When Xiang Jiang Hui said this, he felt a little excited.

Being No. 1 in the world no longer has much impact on companies in the Nanshan system.

After all, they have won too many world firsts.

But for Wenchong Shipyard, the situation is different.

To come up with a product that is the first in the world in history is definitely a great achievement.

The key is that this thing appeared very timely and made great achievements in the southern sea area.

Xiang Jianghui could imagine that at this year's National Science and Technology Progress Award Ceremony, he would definitely have the opportunity to go on stage to receive the award.

This product can definitely be called a "important weapon of a great power" and has made important contributions to China in the southern seas.

The further we look back, the more obvious and huge this contribution becomes.

"Mr. Xiang, one plus one is greater than two. If we work together, we will definitely be able to launch more world-first products in the future."

"We at Nanshan Engine will also develop more powerful gas turbines to serve Wenchong Shipyard's new products in the future."

Taking this opportunity, Cao Yang chatted with Xiang Jianghui about future cooperation.

Although he already has two leading products in his hands, Xiang Jianghui will definitely not dislike Wenchong Shipyard having too many leading products.

Although China's shipbuilding industry is developing rapidly, its production capacity is already the first in the world.

However, the production technology of some special ships still needs further improvement.

In this regard, there is definitely a lot of room for cooperation between Wenchong Shipyard and Nanshan Group.

After ending the phone call with Xiang Jianghui, Cao Yang called Cheng Tao to the office.

"Mr. Cheng, if we enter into H-class gas turbines now, how many years do you think it will take to develop them?"

Although Cao Yang often leads various technical teams to improve technology, the group has developed to this point and certainly cannot rely on him for everything.

He hopes to leave things to the people below him that can be done by the team below.

Cheng Tao and his team completed most of the work for this model of gas turbine supplied to Wenchong Shipyard.

But if you want to directly upgrade your technology to H level in one go, the situation is completely different.

If distinguished by advanced levels, the combustion chamber temperature of E-level gas turbines can reach 1,200 degrees, F-level can reach 1,400 degrees, and H-level temperatures can reach 1,600 degrees.

Siemens proposed a research and development plan for H-class gas turbines in 2000. After years of R\u0026D, testing and debugging, it finally completed commercial operation of the world's first H-class gas-steam combined cycle unit in 2011.

Now in 2013, Cao Yang asked Nanshan Engine to follow suit in developing H-class gas turbines. One can imagine the difficulty.

"Mr. Cao, China has not even developed an F-class gas turbine so far."

"If we want to develop an H-class gas turbine, it must be a large and heavy-duty gas turbine."

“At present, the only countries in the world that can independently develop heavy-duty gas turbines are the United States, Germany and Japan.”

"The R\u0026D and manufacturing level of heavy-duty gas turbines also largely represents the level of a country's heavy industry."

"In the research and development of heavy-duty gas turbines, we must not only emphasize performance, but also emphasize cost-effectiveness. They must be able to truly bring better benefits to power plants and other users."

"Our experience in this area is very lacking."

Cheng Tao said with a wry smile.

He didn't expect that Cao Yang would set such a high goal for him as soon as he came up, and he almost frightened him out of his wits.

Does he want to build a large, heavy-duty gas turbine?

I definitely want to do it!

But he has no confidence now!

"Whether it's the 8,000KW gas turbine we're currently studying or the large, heavy-duty gas turbine, the structures are actually pretty much the same."

"As long as we master the relevant principles of the three core components of compressor, combustor and turbine, there is still hope to continuously improve the size."

Cao Yang's words made Cheng Tao feel that he didn't know how to refute.

If he hadn't known that Cao Yang was a very technical person, he would have scolded his mother.

The principles are similar, but the design difficulty and processing difficulty of small gas turbines and large gas turbines are completely different.

"Mr. Cao, large gas turbines have very high accuracy requirements due to their large size and complex structure."

"For example, as one of the core components, the crankshaft must meet strict accuracy standards in terms of its diameter, shape, trajectory, and journal position, size, and roundness."

“In comparison, small gas turbines are relatively easy to control accurately due to their small size.”

"At the same time, large gas turbines have more stringent requirements for materials and manufacturing processes. Their high-temperature components need to operate above the melting point of metal for a long time, and at the same time endure extremely high stress and corrosive environments, making the design extremely difficult."

"In order to ensure the high temperature resistance, stability and accuracy of the components, special alloy materials and complex processing techniques are required."

"For small gas turbines, although their working principles are similar, due to their smaller size, the requirements for materials and processes are relatively low."

"Furthermore, large gas turbines involve more components and systems, making system integration and debugging more difficult."

“This requires ensuring coordination and matching between various components and systems to achieve optimal performance and efficiency.”

"Small gas turbines have relatively simple systems, so system integration and debugging are relatively easy."

"If we set up a project to develop an H-class gas turbine now, I estimate it will take 5 to 10 years to produce it."

Cheng Tao gave a relatively pessimistic time data.

At least that's how it seems to Cao Yang.

In 5 to 10 years, gas turbines were developed at that time. By the time they were used in power stations or ships, the day lilies were already cold.

This simply cannot reflect the technological advancement of Nanshan Engine.

"The higher the level of the heavy-duty gas turbine, the higher the thermal efficiency. The single-cycle thermal efficiency of the E-class gas turbine is about 34%, and the combined cycle thermal efficiency is about 53%."

"The F-class single cycle is about 38%, and the combined cycle is about 57%."

"The higher the efficiency, it means that the same energy will be able to obtain more electricity. This is a very critical indicator for ships and power plants."

"Now that H-class gas turbines from Siemens and General Electric have been put into mass production, we should be able to save a lot of time by combining their product models for development."

Even if the drawings of H-class gas turbines from Siemens and General Electric were made public to everyone, few countries would be able to produce qualified products.

Even in China, the situation is similar.

However, for Nanshan Engine and Nanshan Group, the situation is definitely different.

Whether it is the three core components of compressor, combustor and turbine, or other supporting parts, Nanshan Group has the strength to challenge.

Especially in the field of materials science, the level of Nanshan carbon fiber and Nanshan special steel is also leading in the world.

Cao Yang didn't believe that after he directly gave out the relevant drawing data of Siemens SGT5-8000H super gas turbine, it would take so long for Nanshan Engine to copy it.

"Mr. Cao, Siemens H-class gas turbines have indeed been put into mass production, but General Electric has only announced relevant data and prototypes. The actual mass production will be next year."

"And when we take out its data and take a simple look, we can feel the difficulty."

""Siemens SGT5-8000H super gas turbine weighs 390 tons, which is equivalent to a fully fueled Airbus A380. "

"Its length, width and height are 13.1 meters, 4.9 meters and 4W respectively, which is equivalent to the combined power of 13 Airbus A380 engines, or nearly twice the total power of the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier."

"General Electric's H-class gas turbine has a greater output power, reaching an astonishing 1,300 megawatts, which is equivalent to the power generation capacity of a large nuclear power plant."

"It is very difficult to develop such a large-scale product based on it."

Cheng Tao felt that he still needed to explain the problem clearly.

Otherwise, if Nanshan Engine really plans to develop an H-class gas turbine but is unable to produce the product, he will be under great pressure.

"If we can obtain the main drawing data of the Siemens SGT5-8000H super gas turbine and conduct further design and development on this basis, will it be possible to produce the first prototype in two years?"

The heavy-duty gas turbine is definitely a great weapon of the country, and Cao Yang still hopes to use it as the flagship product of Nanshan Engine in the future.

The production of automobile engines, no matter how excellent they are, is mainly used in the civilian field.

But the situation is different with gas turbines.

It can be used not only in power plants, but also on large ships.

What ships require large, heavy-duty gas turbines?

"Mr. Cao, Siemens does a very good job of keeping secrets confidential. Even if we can obtain some of the drawing data through various methods such as poaching and bribery, it will definitely be incomplete."

"Although this can increase our research and development speed, it is estimated that we will not even be able to complete the final product drawings within two years."

"Not to mention the subsequent trial production of parts."

"Even if we want to produce this kind of heavy-duty gas turbine, we will need to invest in building a lot of specialized production lines."

"For example, large-scale forging presses and large-scale CNC machine tools need to be developed simultaneously with the cooperation of Nanshan Equipment."

"Even under ideal circumstances, I think it will take three or four years to produce a prototype, and officially enter large-scale mass production in five years."

Cheng Tao felt that what he said was already quite radical.

He didn't dare to be too conservative, as Cao Yang would definitely be dissatisfied.

"Whether it's two years or three years, let's start the project first."

"There are actually a lot of technical talents working on gas turbines in China, and some people can also be poached back from the United States, Germany and Japan."

"There are even some experts in steam turbines in the countries where Polar Bear has joined. We can also find ways to invite them over."

“Ultimately, I hope that the large-scale heavy-duty gas turbine belonging to Nanshan Engine will enter mass production in three years!”

At this time, Cao Yang would not let Cheng Tao determine the schedule.

If we don’t put some pressure on the people below, everyone will not be so motivated to work.

Taking this opportunity, it is also a good choice for Nanshan Equipment to completely enter the field of heavy industry.

Feeling Cao Yang's strong attitude, Cheng Tao had no choice but to bite the bullet and agreed.

After learning that Nanshan Engine had started a project to develop heavy-duty gas turbines, Pan Jun immediately came over and actively came to Cao Yang to discuss some future development strategies.

"Mr. Cao, there are too few outstanding companies like Nanshan Group in the country."

"Our warship technology level and aircraft engine production level both need to continue to improve."

"If Nanshan Group can deeply participate in these projects, it will definitely be very beneficial to China's technological breakthroughs in related fields."

Pan Jun now has great confidence in Nanshan Group.

In his view, as long as Nanshan Group starts working on a certain project, it will eventually succeed.

This is true whether it is a heavy-duty gas turbine or an aircraft engine.

So what he has to do is to persuade Cao Yang to set up more new projects so that China can catch up with the world's advanced level in more fields.

"Representative Pan, when you say this, it puts a lot of pressure on me."

"Countless brother companies are probably going to have problems with us."

Cao Yang smiled and made a joke.

Sometimes you cannot be humble, but sometimes you need to be more modest.

"Mr. Cao, Nanshan Engine is the most powerful engine company in China. Its technology in both gasoline and diesel engines is very powerful."

"Now in the field of gas turbines, Nanshan Engine has begun to exert its power, and it is definitely worth looking forward to in the future."

"In that case, let's just build a large aero engine as well."

"At that time, whether it is a new fighter jet or a large transport aircraft, it will be available for use."

"Even the large drones from Daystar Technology can be considered for use."

"If a product like a large transport aircraft could be turned into a drone, the deterrent effect would be amazing."

Pan Jun is now thinking of ways to get Cao Yang to do more projects.

Especially in terms of aero engines, the performance of related domestic companies has never been satisfactory.

Even Pan Jun sometimes wanted to curse.

At this time, his greatest hope is with Nanshan Group.

"We have already started to develop aero engines, but it is hard to say when we will be able to develop the product you mentioned that can be used on large transport aircraft."

Nothing has been done yet, so there is no need to be so full of words.

Now, even if you say that you can develop an advanced aero engine this year, others must be willing to believe it.

In the final analysis, we still have to get the product out as soon as possible.

"Daystar Technology is already working on a large-scale transport helicopter project. There must be no problem in developing an engine for a large transport aircraft, right?"

Pan Jun was still a little unwilling to accept that Cao Yang didn't give him an accurate answer.

"After we complete several major drone and large transport helicopter projects this year, we will focus on aero-engines next year."

Cao Yang chatted with Pan Jun for a long time and finally gave a preliminary plan.

Pan Jun was satisfied with this.

There will be no shortage of materials for the next report to relevant departments.

"President, we have inquired about it. Nanshan Group is only initially involved in the shipbuilding industry. It produces some gas turbines and related components. Its influence in the industry is still relatively small."

As the general manager of Samsung China, Li Zailin must collect relevant information and report to the headquarters for all businesses involved in Samsung Group.

During this period, the "island-building artifact" produced by Wenchong Shipyard was very popular on the Chinese Internet, and a lot of relevant information was uncovered.

For example, the gas turbine of this ship is produced by Nanshan Engine, the main equipment inside is produced by Nanshan Equipment, and the related steel is mainly provided by Nanshan Special Steel.

After this information was exposed, Samsung China immediately reported it as an important project within the company.

Samsung China's life is a bit sad now, and these are closely related to Nanshan Group.

Now that he sees that Samsung Shipbuilding may also face the threat of Nanshan Group, Li Zailin must ask the headquarters to make it clear in advance to avoid taking the blame later.

Even though he is the general manager of Samsung China, his status in the Samsung Group headquarters is not particularly high.

“Is Nanshan Group’s ambition that big?”

Li Zairong asked back in a rather unhappy mood.

Over the years, he has suffered no less from Nanshan Group's losses and has left some psychological shadow.

"They are now the largest industrial enterprises in China. The "Made in China 2023" issued by relevant Chinese departments quoted many concepts and ideas put forward by their group."

"Under this situation, Nanshan Group's status in China has become more and more similar to Samsung Group's status in Korea."

"Given time, Nanshan Group's influence in China will reach a level that many people cannot imagine."

Li Zailin gave his own judgment with certainty.

Li Zairong felt very uncomfortable hearing this.

When can a Chinese company be compared with the Samsung Group?

Samsung Group!

That was the pillar enterprise of Goryeo's economy. It was an enterprise that Goryeo people could not avoid contacting from birth to death.

Now we actually have to face the challenge from Chinese enterprises.

"They are so capable of causing trouble. Countries such as the United States should have very strong opinions on the Nanshan Group, right?"

"The other party's performance on the 'Island Building Artifact' this time has also aroused the fear of many colleagues."

"I think we can just pay attention to their situation for the time being. We don't need to worry too much in the shipbuilding field."

"Instead of worrying about them, it's better to worry about the situation of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation."

Li Zairong thought about it and felt that the main competition facing Samsung Heavy Industries now actually comes from Japanese companies such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, not Chinese companies.

For him to put the threat of Chinese enterprises first, unless Nanshan Group's performance in the shipbuilding field can be as good as Honor Technology's performance in mobile phones.

Otherwise, he still wouldn't pay too much attention to Nanshan Group.

Li Zailin was also very helpless about this.

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